The Week In Radical Leftism, 7/17/2020

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Welcome back! Another relatively light post, as it’s been another crazy week here in Bobville. Let’s get to it:

6/18 – For Whom The Cancel Culture Tolls (Podcast)

I usually don’t post podcasts, especially ones that are nearly an hour long. This one is about not just protecting you and your family, but also fighting back against the Cancel Culture. You want to listen to every minute of it, and share it, too.

7/10 – Imagine being a Journalist at Teen Vogue and telling Salman Rushdie that he’s wrong and censorship is good, actually.

Alternate headline, imagine an employee of Teen Vogue being called a journalist.

7/11 – BLM Agitator’s Advice Could Turn Road Blockers into Road Kill or Lifers

Good legal advice on how to handle any rioters who try to detain you. To answer the obvious follow up question, no advice on how to clean filthy hippes out of your car’s grill

7/11 – The Redskins Controversy Is All About Demonizing The White Man

Yep, we’ve reached the point where I’m tuning out the stupidity coming from The Philadelphia Eagles while I’m defending the Redskins. Good Lord, 2020 can’t end soon enough. Of course, depending on how the elections go in November, 2021 might make 2020 look like 2019.

7/12 – Trump Admin Denies Minneapolis $500m Riot Damage Bailout Request

And good luck paying for this without the tax revenue of he destroyed businesses & fleeing residents.

7/13 – Immigrant Who Fled Communist Cuba: ‘If You Lose This Place You’ll Have Nowhere Else To Go’

Sister Babe knows that I sometimes think about bad things that might happen, not out of paranoia or sadism, but to think about how I’d handle those situations if they went down (like what I’d do if she died tomorrow or if Antifa mobs started running wild through our neighborhood). Doing some risk assessment and having at least a rough plan makes the unknown less scary, and lately I’m projecting much worse. For example, if our little corner just outside of DC went full Minneapolis, where in the US would we move? Or if we have a Biden/Gulag Barbie ticket win in November (and yes, I know she’s too young), to which country would we go? Without doing any research, abroad I’d see Hungary as my top choice, assuming the American Leftist contagion goes global.

OK that was an unusually long comment, and the reason for it is I’d like to hear your suggestions, both domestic and abroad.

7/14 – Brutal: Rick Wilson Goes In For a Powder-Puff Interview With Steven Colbert’s Leftwing Lunatic Staffers, But Gets Roasted as a Warmongering Liar and Thieving Grifter

If genuinely enjoying a Vichy Conservative getting cluelessly blindsided by the alligators he thought would eat him last is wrong I don’t ever want to be right.

7/15 – Los Angeles Teachers Union Says the Quiet Part out Loud

One positive that might come from 2020 might be the spread of Parents’ Unions. (5 minute Video)
Welcome back! Another relatively light post, as it’s been another crazy week here in Bobville. Let’s get to it:

7/16 – What It’s Like To Be A Black Police Officer On The Front Lines Of Portland’s Nightly BLM Protests

I guess we should stert respecting Leftists’ accusations of racism given their depth of knowledge on the subject.

7/17 – Joe Biden, Climate Alarmist

Remember the good old days when Gropey Joe was the “moderate” alternative to Bernie?

And from the archives, since these articles seem to be popping up everywhere, we go back almost seven years when I pointed out that It’s official – every NFL team amscot is offensive. Yep, it’s turnning out I was ahead of the curve on that one!

ICYMI – I pointed out how The Washington Post chose Pandering over Principles

Have a great weekend!




Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.

Cross posted at Flopping Aces <!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog –>Have a great weekend!




Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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6/18 – For Whom The Cancel Culture Tolls (Podcast)

Why do those on the left always feel the need to silence any opposition? (trick question)

7/10 – Imagine being a Journalist at Teen Vogue and telling Salman Rushdie that he’s wrong and censorship is good, actually.

Again… see above. Lies fear the truth.

7/11 – BLM Agitator’s Advice Could Turn Road Blockers into Road Kill or Lifers

How about “Retreat, hell… we just got here”? In Texas, the Castle Law applies to the vehicle and there is no requirement to retreat. When I learned there was going to be a protest between where I was getting rehab on my shoulder and home, I carried a Maverick shotgun (00 shot), my 1911 and 3 magazines, a knife and a baseball bat. Of course, there was no protest (it moved) and there was no violence. But I am sick of this shit.

7/11 – The Redskins Controversy Is All About Demonizing The White Man

Aside from being sick and tired of watching people, companies and organization bow to liberal intimidation, I don’t care. The NFL is totally dead, rotting and buried to me, as is the NBA.

7/12 – Trump Admin Denies Minneapolis $500m Riot Damage Bailout Request

Let Soros pay the bill. He likes throwing his money around to instigate destruction, let him pay for some of the rebuilding. No, not a dime, especially as long as they support destroying the police and believe the problem is a “systemic” problem. No money while the same “system” is in place.

7/13 – Immigrant Who Fled Communist Cuba: ‘If You Lose This Place You’ll Have Nowhere Else To Go’

Without the US in its present form, there is no other nation to come to the aid of the world in times of disaster and need; hell, most of them simply want to go in and exploit the weakness. I am too old to pick up and move. No, it’s time to take a stand. (no, I’m not going “postal” or anything… I’m just not surrendering)

7/14 – Brutal: Rick Wilson Goes In For a Powder-Puff Interview With Steven Colbert’s Leftwing Lunatic Staffers, But Gets Roasted as a Warmongering Liar and Thieving Grifter

Just more of the lunatic left latching onto anyone claiming to be a “Republican” that will criticize Trump.

7/15 – Los Angeles Teachers Union Says the Quiet Part out Loud

On a positive note, people in California really can’t get any dumber; keeping their kids out of their schools probably increases their IQ’s.

7/16 – What It’s Like To Be A Black Police Officer On The Front Lines Of Portland’s Nightly BLM Protests

Oh, these poor little white snowflakes who think they are endearing themselves to racist blacks by embarrassing themselves.

7/17 – Joe Biden, Climate Alarmist

Does Gropin’ Genius Quid Pro Joe wake up every morning and ask those who are dressing him, “What am I today?” Biden has to be careful what countries he declares are threats to the US; he can never remember which ones he set family members up in business in.

Do you get paid by the line? I see how you tried to pad your post with duplications! Cheater.

Bob your post is filled with Deja Vu, didnt I just read this?
Dont make me post a 1979 Captain and Tennille song, album Make your Move.
I really should punish you with Muskrat love in an endless loop.
When prepping for any possible emergency situation, you begin with, what will kill me first, if lost in the desert dehydration, off the road in the winter hypothermia ect.
Getting an expensive bb gun that looks like an AR Standing in front of your home brandishing it might work, or you might just shoot your eye out kid.
Need to bug out of the USA


The culture shock wont take out Sister Babe as much as Hungary would.
This weeks selection goes out to the CEO of GOYA

@Brother Bob: In the US, not sure it wont be pretty for sure. Europe not politically or mentally stable, Im afraid its already a lost civilization.

Well crap #NewsAlert: Earlier today in #France a cathedrale in the city of #Nantes has been set up on fire! Firefighters said that the fire started at multiple areas inside the cathedrale. Another historic treasure torched in Europe.