First off, language warning. I avoid profanity in my posts as a rule, as it tends to take the focus off of your idea ans shine it on the words you’re using. This is one of the rare times it is necessary, and I’ll warn as it approaches. That said, let’s get to it.
I know, with everything else going on, sports ranks fairly low on priorities. But the sports section in Sunday’s Washington Compost caught my eye – Jerry Brewer’s “Loeffer chose pandering over principle in WNBA fight”. Yes, Sister Babe still keeps our subscription, and getting insight into the the minds of The Radical Left can be useful. So flipping through the paper gives the usual anti-Trump and anti-American vitriol, no surprises. Of course, the Sports section is even more interesting given that now about the only things those “journalists” have to write about ends up intersecting with politics.
That headline caught my eye and I decided to read, and in terms of exposing Leftist lunacy it did not disappoint. To quickly summarize, Republican Senator Kelly Loeffer in Georgia is a part Owner of the Atlanta Dream in the WNBA. For those of you unfamiliar, the WNBA is the NBA-propped money losing womens’ league. The play is not at the same level as the NBA for obvious reasons, but if the NBA is willing to subsidize them, more power to them. Like any typical WaPo writer, Brewer has plenty of filler (mainly spewing vitriol at Loeffer) before making us read to nearly halfway into the article to get to his point:
In a letter to WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert, Loeffler expressed her displeasure and made sure to sensationalize the players’ objectives.
“The lives of each and every African American matter, and there’s no debating the fact that there is no place for racism in our country,” she said in the letter, which the Atlanta Journal-Constitution first reported. “However, I adamantly oppose the Black Lives Matter political movement, which has advocated for the defunding of police, called for the removal of Jesus from churches and the disruption of the nuclear family structure, harbored anti-Semitic views, and promoted violence and destruction across the country. I believe it is totally misaligned with the values and goals of the WNBA and the Atlanta Dream, where we support tolerance and inclusion.”
Translation: Black lives mattering freaks me out.
What? So instead of responding to any of Loeffer’s claims you simply dismiss them with a lazy straw man argument? OK, I’ll help and go point by point for you:
which has advocated for the defunding of police
Fact check: True. This comes straight from the BLM web site
called for the removal of Jesus from churches
Fact check: True. Shaun King, aka “Talcum X”, called for exactly this
disruption of the nuclear family structure
Fact check: True. Again, this comes directly from the BLM web site
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
Next up:
harbored anti-Semitic views
Fact check: True. Forget the crud from D-Jax, this is nothing new.
and promoted violence and destruction across the country
Seriously? There are many examples, so how about the one calling for the murder of police officers? Let’s move on.
Black Lives Matter is not a political movement. It is a human rights movement, one that cannot be met with a “Yeah, but …” reaction, especially when the garbage after “but” is a bunch of fearmongering drivel. Yes, police reform is an adjacent issue. No, people are not coming after Jesus as if he were a Confederate statue. No, they do not seek to tear apart families. No, the ignorant and shameful anti-Semitic rhetoric of DeSean Jackson and Stephen Jackson do not represent a consensus view.
Not a political movement? They’re own founder calls herself a Marxist! The rest of the points have already been refuted, but I included them to show how some idiot with a search engine could refute Brewer’s talking points with about one minute of reasearch for each point. And yet, it gets even more intellectually dishonest and offensive. The next few paragraphs aren’t in the same sequence as from the post, but here’s their point (language warning immediately following the quoted text):
Again, the players want to take the concept of black lives matter to its most literal and human form. They want you never to forget a few of the black women who have died because either police failed to serve and protect or vigilantes went on a hate spree.If you consider that controversial or enraging, you might want to make sure a white hood isn’t stashed away in your closet.
I call what Loeffler tried to do the D.O.G. method. When you feel threatened by a group of people you don’t understand — or don’t want to understand — you dehumanize, otherize and generalize.
Go fuck yourself. DOG meothod? You do realize that you are doing EXACTLY what you are accusing Loeffer of? And “make sure a white hood isn’t stashed away in your closet” is the typical Leftspeak argument of making disgusting accusations when the facts aren’t on their side. So fuck yourself. Fuck yourself hard and off the deep end.
There’s a lot more weapons grade stupidity in this post, but there’s really no need to go on – the rest of the article goes exactly as you’d expect. To channel Jim Geraghty, “Way to go, Washington Post. Way to go.”
Really bad news is it looks like all those sports writers will have nothing but politics to write about for quite a while— Sean Spicier (@sean_spicier) March 12, 2020
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
I’m no fan of Republican Senator Kelly Loeffer.
But in that letter all she did was express the truth.
In Islam you can be put to death for telling the truth IF that truth disparages Mohammad or Islam.
The Left borrows heavily from Islam.
She is being cancelled.
Not that the Left would EVER like a REPUBLICAN.
Charles Barkley said. “Sports used to be a place where fans could go and get away from reality. Now it’s going to be fascinating watching what happens with the fans. Fans are at a disadvantage, they’re going through the pandemic. They don’t want to see a bunch of rich people talking about this stuff all the time.”
I missed the diversion of sports.
So, when boxing came back, weeks ago, I started watching every bout.
Some players are sequestered in Las Vegas and fight “in a bubble,” where nobody has the virus.
Some players fight in Mexico under similar circumstances.
Those bouts have been entertaining.
But this last week, CBS Sports came live from Mississippi.
It was VERY blm.
Pretty much unwatchable.
So, I taped it and watched it without the sound.
The Washington Compost we all know by now how the M.S. Media hide the truth with Fake News 99/44& 100% of the news we see and read is Fake News weather it be the NYT or CNN
@Nan G: The sad part is that I’m finding that I just don’t give a damn that sports are going woke. As of now I’m not planning on watching any NFL if they’re just going to lecture us every week. I’ll be ready to watch again when they stop, which hopefully won’t take more than a season or two of losing fans to figure it out
as I recall, kelly loeffler was not the real pick for the replacement- she has a hhistory of deep state ties.
-first of all, who gave these belligerent lying marxist (blm) asshole the right to destroy statues, private, state and federal property?? in islam you submit or you are beheaded. jihad has been active since the middle of the 5th century. BUTCHERS, RAPISTS,SODOMIZERS, CONTINUED TODAY SLAVE TRADING, INTERNATIONAL THEFT AND DESTRUCTION OF CITIES AND STATES.. these animals destroy and nver rebuild. in the iraq war, they destroyed the city of Missoula-looted all ancient artifacts of value and sold them on the international market to raise funds, raped, destroyed monuments 3000 years old and enslaved young women and young men-you will not read that in the post.
-Rayman Ibrahim seminal work Sword and Scimitar, need to read
– belligerent lying marxist have killed professional sports. sporting tickets are expensive and the average worker and middle class is going to be offended when the assholes play the belligerent lying marxist anthem than the American Anthem. by the way, who determined that this shithole anthem be played first??
-five years and the professional sports will be dead. forgot, these wonderful, poor black players with $350 million dollar contracts will hit the wall.
-games sell food, beverages and clothing-now all gone. tv companies that make sports jerseys will kiss the belligerent lying marxist ass to put propaganda on shirts.sales will fall.
And the M.S. Media digs its grave even more deeper then ever get anymore deeper and they will reach hell