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Our left wing, corrupt, liberal propaganda media no longer even makes an attempt to hide its bias. In a way, this is good because it demonstrates how desperate the left is to destroy Trump.

As has been well-documented, Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization with almost no interest in addressing racism, or encouraging racial reconciliation, or even justice reform. Its sole focus is the overthrow of the American Republic for a Marxist alternative.
-obama-shit, a radicalized muslim gay terrorist is fanning the fires in black terrorist movement. recall, it began in 2014 when the asswipe could not get Zimmerman convicted. obama-shit tried his his best to hang Zimmerman, even pandered a fake girlfriend. Zimmerman’s law suite is uncovering interesting illegal actions by the obama-shit wipe house.

I remember getting into the station wagon with the other kids pulling a popup camper, with dad driving. hitting every tourist trap and monument from Wisconsin to Yellow stone Mt Rushmore was one of them. It has always been awesome.
We shouldnt allow some brainwashed F-sticks to never allow future families to see these sites, no battery powered toy car would ever make the road trip we did in a station wagon.
It has nothing to do with MSM crapola these are the things middle class families have enjoyed, those that dont jet around, those that working dads and moms vacation to now in SUVs a crappy replacement to the powerful comfortable family wagon.

Because of their ever-changing current truth, Liberals/Democrats find they are painting themselves into an ever-shrinking corner.
If one of them fails to keep up with these elusive tenets they find themselves on the outs.
Juxtaposing their opposite views, from only hours, days or weeks apart, will make for terrific ads for why America must never elect one of them.
How can you trust them to stand by what they say today when they have not stood by what they said yesterday?

For an hilarious example of the fracturing of the Left go here:
A so-called “woke” white woman is reamed by a lawyer, is also a liberal, Puerto Rican man who went to segregated public schools, lived in foster homes, and was homeless.

I guess Rich has never read the NYT!?!@#?$

They documented 76 years ago the American Patriots were nothing other than “White supremacists”!
My uncle banned it from his house for that reason 75 years ago.

Read what they said abut “Tarawa”, “Iwo Jima”….My relatives were White Supremacists! 76 years ago! So said NYT

Lol. Making a speech about how the Left is waging a divisive culture war is headlined as Trump doing it?


As always, accuse the Right of doing what the Left is doing.

I once drove from Georgia to Utah in an MG Midget (I’m 6’2), stopping at Mount Rushmore.
It was worth the discomfort.

Good old Tammy Duckworth. Up to her old games with her anti-American rhetoric. You can’t criticize her because she’s a disabled Veteran you know. She has played that card very well in Illinois when running for the various political offices she has run for. It’s really all she knows other than her left wing ideology. She damn sure doesn’t care about Vets as she always came down on the side of the VA. She backs a totalitarian system of government like the one we fought to get rid of in Iraq as well as the dismantling and tearing down of historical statues just like ISIS did. Her and I must have served in two different Armies for two different countries. It probably flew over her head that if it wasn’t for George Washington, she never would have been in the U.S. military to begin with.

@another vet: Like other Democrats, Duckbutter has revealed herself as someone that would do anything for power; even lie about this country.

@Deplorable Me: A buddy of mine who served with her in the Guard said she was real down on warrant officers and would bash them all the time. It turned out it was warrant officers who saved her ass when she got shot down. She is nothing more than a token Veteran in a party that despises the country and its Veterans. She babbles out their anti-American propaganda as if her status somehow justifies it. Criticize her and you’re attacking Veterans when in fact her beliefs are in contrast to most Vets. I never voted for her, either as my Congresswoman or as my Senator.

Everyone of the Presidents represented on Mt. Rushmore were patriotic Americans. They were ten times more American than the bozos who want it torn down. Two risked death and helped found the country and then kept it together during its early, vulnerable years when it easily could have fallen apart. One kept it together and confronted slavery head on both at the cost of his own life. The other fought for it and then guided it to becoming a world power after his predecessor was assassinated.

@another vet: I don’t discount her service one bit. However, that does not give her a license to tell lies that insults and damages this nation. The left doesn’t seem to think being a wounded vet gives Crenshaw a pass, nor did they have much respect for Gen. Flynn’s veteran status.

The left HATES veterans unless they can spout anti-American rhetoric on cue.

@Deplorable Me:

I don’t discount her service one bit. However, that does not give her a license to tell lies that insults and damages this nation.

Exactly. She’s the one who makes it about her service as she is the only who brings it up. Disagree with her or criticize her and all of a sudden it becomes about her service. She may be a figurehead so to speak for her fellow leftists she is trying to appease, but in the end if they get their way they’ll discard her once she is no longer useful to their cause..