democrats desperately want the hatred, rioting and violence to continue. They are motivated to see it go on. They profit from it. To wit
Chuck Schumer Blocks GOP Measure to Condemn Defunding Police
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) blocked a measure sponsored by Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) to condemn Democrat measures to defund police departments across the country.
Cruz and Cotton tried to pass the resolution to condemn measures to defund the police by unanimous consent; however, Schumer denied the Republicans’ move to gain unanimous consent.
Cotton said that Schumer “must want to defund the police.”
Cruz said:
We know that violent crime disproportionally affects low-income communities, and that law enforcement plays a critical role in protecting life and preserving a free and functioning society. We also know that law enforcement has an important responsibility in upholding our criminal justice system. Though our nation has taken many troubled turns on our continuing march toward justice, defunding and abolishing police departments will undoubtedly take us backward in that endeavor.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Sens. Josh Hawley (R-MO), and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) backed the Cruz-Cotton measure.
House Dems Unanimously Block Resolution Condemning Violence and Rioting
House Democrats unanimously blocked a resolution condemning acts of violence and rioting—including the “deliberate targeting of law enforcement officers”—in the wake of George Floyd’s death.
The resolution, which was introduced by Rep. Greg Steube (R., Fla.) late Thursday morning, condemned Floyd’s killing at the hands of police, calling it “inconsistent with the values and conduct expected of law enforcement officers.” The resolution also supported peaceful protesters, but it noted that protests have been “exploited by violent extremists” carrying out “acts of violence, looting, destruction of business and personal property, and additional loss of life.”
Rep. Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) spoke in favor of the resolution, arguing that while Floyd’s death was “wrong as wrong could be,” there is a “big difference between peaceful protest and rioting.” Jordan also spoke against defunding the police, calling it “one of the craziest public policy proposals I have ever seen.”
And this damned moron
Cuomo Remarks About Pulling Down Statues Tells You Everything You Need to Know About Dems
Andrew Cuomo says ripping down statues is a “healthy expression.”
Cuomo actually defended the leftists ripping down statues, he said people were making a “statement” against racism. “It’s a healthy expression of people saying let’s get some priorities here and let’s remember the sin and mistake that this nation made and let’s not celebrate it.”
Healthy expression? To rip down the Founders like Washington? Burn the flag? Vandalize Lincoln and pull down Grant, two of the seminal people responsible for ending slavery? It isn’t about racism or slavery, it’s about anarcho-communism, creating chaos, erasing history and bringing down the American system, call it what it’s really all about and it’s insane of Cuomo to defend it.
This is a sickness born of depravity. Why do they love this?
One, because they think it makes Trump look bad. The thinking here is faulty and it presumes that Americans in general and minorities in particular, are stupid. People want safety. They abhor violence. The rioting that has taken place in Minneapolis, Seattle, Chicago and NYC has harmed minority communities more than any other. democrats know that but they simply do not care. Their political goals supersede the welfare of the American public.
Two, money.
Donations to “Black Lives Matter” don’t go to help black lives. Mostly, it goes to the Biden campaign.
Some smart sleuthing by Raheem Kassam and Natalie Winters at The National Pulse shows the donations made to Black Lives Matter actually go to ActBlue. From there ActBlue takes those contributions and sends them forward to the Joe Biden Campaign.
While the Biden campaign insists it doesn’t support efforts to defund the police, it may happily profit from Black Lives Matter (BLM) efforts, and is complicit in taking money from an organization partnered with those spearheading the dangerous policy that has already taken root in Minneapolis, New York, and Los Angeles.
After reaching the BLM homepage, which features a “Defund The Police” petition front and center, if a user chooses to donate, they’re rerouted to a site hosted by ActBlue and prompted with the message: “We appreciate your support of the movement and our ongoing fight to end state-sanctioned violence, liberate Black people, and end white supremacy forever.”
Joe Biden is the top beneficiary of the ActBlue’s fundraising efforts. (link)
A vote for any democrat, Biden included, is a vote for violence, hatred and anarchy. They have become fully anti-American and support this current fascist clime. Their above actions make that very clear. Seattle’s NIMBY Mayor just decided that CHOP had to go only after it’s inhabitants stormed her house. The rest of the democrat party needs that same lesson.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Americas biggist domestic terrorists besides Antifa and BLM is those who give aid and support to them and its the Democrats who do it
BLM is NOT a charity in the legal sense of the word, so people can’t donate directly to BLM and take a tax deduction for their gift.
ActBlue is a clearing house for such so-called charities that need a way to get monies to their leaders while hiding their leaders identities from their own supporters.
IF you specify you want your donation to go 100% to BLM, ActBlue will pass it on to BLM.
But, if you do not specify that, ActBlue is free to spread the wealth around from your donation to many organizations that are under its umbrella.
And that includes many Dems since ActBlue is left-leaning.
Imagine where you are as a party if you are afraid of alienating violent, anti-American anarchists?
Well, who else do Democrats see? Who else seeks them out for guidance or leadership? In their world, there are no other people but stupid people.
the underlying issue is that if the democrap win, they have no plan to rebuild the cities and destruction of property. there is no real leadership in the democrap party. forgot, stud muffin cuomo. pediophile, creepy -joe it clueless and has to read of prompters, can only imagine what his debate with Barron TRump is going to be like with no prompters. oh! forgot, the dnc already has the questions and teleprompters are being made with the answers.
-remember the muslin terrorists- obamashit’s slogan hope and change-suggest you read marx’s manifesto hope and change. no brainer
With the 4th of July coming up the Democrats will be again demanding end to it all they want Obama ceelebrated