On June 20, Jasean Francis, 17, and Charles Riley, 16, were shot and killed in Chicago for asking how tall a young man was.
Over Father’s Day weekend in Chicago 104 people were shot and 15 died.
That same weekend 13 year old Amaria Jones was killed by a stray bullet while dancing with her mother.
This past weekend 114 people were shot in Chicago, and 14 died.
On Saturday, a 20 month old was shot and killed in Chicago as he sat in his car seat.
To date, 1699 people have been shot in Chicago this year, with 305 deaths.
Did someone say “New York City”?
There have been 112 victims in 83 shootings over a nine-day period ending Saturday, according to police. Most of those shot were expected to survive, but at least six people have died in the past week and others suffered serious or critical injuries.
The NYPD on Sunday released this info detailing the nine-day stretch of shootings.
Friday, 6/19 – 8 shooting incidents with 9 victims.
Saturday, 6/20 -18 shooting incidents with 24 victims.
Sunday, 6/21 – 2 shooting incidents with 5 victims.
Monday, 6/22 – 11 shooting incidents with 17 victims.
Tuesday, 6/23 – 10 shooting incidents with 10 victims.
Wednesday, 6/24 – 3 shooting incidents with 5 victims.
Thursday, 6/25 – 5 shooting incidents with 8 victims.
Friday, 06/26 – 9 incidents with 10 victims.
Saturday, 06/27 – 17 incidents with 24 victims.The NYPD said there have been 503 shooting incidents with 605 victims this year as of Saturday.
Black Lives Matter doesn’t care. This doesn’t do anything for them politically. BLM is misnamed. It should be called “Some Black Lives Matter, the rest don’t.” The organization has allied itself with Antifa, made up largely of spoiled cretinous white children. The general consensus is the BLM cares about one thing and one thing only-
When my Son was Murdered I reached out to every so called Black leader in L.A. to get help with the Murder of my son. Every one of them was in the bed with the illegal aliens. BLM and Black Politicians in L.A. only support Black people who were Murdered by the Police, Period
— Jamiel Shaw Sr. (@real_jamielshaw) June 17, 2020
BLM does far more harm than good
Muhammad Ali’s son was asked about BLM:
In a recent interview, boxing icon Muhammad Ali’s son insisted that his father would have thought the Black Lives Matter movement is filled with “a bunch of devils.”
In the interview published by the New York Post, Muhamad Ali, Jr., said he father would not be a fan of BLM. “My father would have said, ‘They ain’t nothing but devils.’ My father said, ‘all lives matter.’ I don’t think he’d agree (with BLM),” he insisted.
“Don’t bust up shit, don’t trash the place,” he added. “You can peacefully protest.”
Ali also called the BLM movement a “racist” scheme.
“I think it’s racist,” Ali said. “It’s not just black lives matter, white lives matter, Chinese lives matter, all lives matter, everybody’s life matters. God loves everyone – he never singled anyone out. Killing is wrong no matter who it is.
“It’s a racial statement,” Ali added. “It’s pitting black people against everyone else. It starts racial things to happen. I hate that.
Greater New York Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome has promised to “burn down the system” if he doesn’t get what he wants.
A Black Lives Matter co-founder:
If you wonder how Black Lives Matter (BLM) became such a violent and militant group, the answer can be found in one of their co-founders: A Sudanese refugee and proud Marxist by the name of Yusra Khogali is one of the hate-spewing Black Lives Matter elements in Canada. Khogali is also a devout anti-white activist and racist.
She believes white people are “subhuman” and should be “wiped out.” As a matter of fact, she hates white people so passionately, once, she went on Twitter and (in a now-deleted tweet) begged “Allah” to give her the strength not to “kill white people.”
If you need more background, it can be found here, including this blast from the past.
BLM will shut your business down:
On Friday night, a group of Black Lives Matter activists began shouting a political script in a Target store in Washington, D.C.
The verbal assault was led by a male with a bullhorn, who read the script in portions which were were then shouted back by the rest of the group.
They yelled, “All black people, living around this neighborhood, because you prioritize money over people, until you stop calling the police, we will continue to shut your business down.”
Or demand “protection money”
MADISON – Federal prosecutors brought extortion charges Friday against the man whose arrest this week sparked violence and destruction in the capital city.
U.S. Attorney Scott Blader filed the charges against Devonere Johnson, alleging he threatened to bash windows of downtown businesses unless employees gave him money.
Blader also alleges Johnson, 28, threatened to “shut down and destroy” another business unless Johnson and his friends were provided free food and drinks.
In one restaurant, Johnson allegedly brought a boombox indoors and refused to turn it down. When the owner told Johnson he donated money to a group supporting the Black Lives Matter campaign, Johnson asked what he had done “locally.”
Ultimately, Johnson allegedly told the owner “give me money or we’ll break windows,” according to the criminal complaint.
Black Lives Matter is a fraud. It is nothing more than militant political organization bent on rendering the fabric of the nation.
Just like the democrat party.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Its a chant, of course those that dont look any further than the chant will agree. Big corporations will donate.
Hell, I agree with the chant, thats where it ends. Look into the organization holy moley defund BLM. These people are cray cray, the shock troops for fundamentally transforming the USA. The will punish black business owners for participating in capitalism burn them out.
Chicago the Windy City of the Democrat Windbags and Windheads and as always the idiot mayor and City Council will pass even more useless Gun Control Laws since all liberal Democrats are all mouth and no mind
Sounds like the south side of Chicago could use some serious policing. The kind of policing where one person throws a rock and breaks a window. A second person does the same and is arrested. There is not a third…
@Spurwing Plover:
you recall the the mayor of chi., a lesbian and hiv positive got a haircut during quarantine because she “was the face of chi.” in reality she is the butt hole of chi. blm( burglary, larceny and murder) is an international group with financial ties to hamas, plo, and isis. the people that march with them and think they are doing something are the slaves to terrorism. blm was pushed by the radicalized muslin terrorist obama-shit, seriously, do the research.
Trump must really be threatening the New World Order. The left is growing more and more desperate and now are openly pushing their Marxist agenda against the Constitution.
Trump NEEDS to be reelected.
@Deplorable Me:
true, just a matter when the left will snap?? 11/4/2020
Andy Ngo, the yeoman doing excellent work on CAHZ/CHOP/ Raz Simone et al., pulled the farewell Tweet from the steering committee at CHAZ/CHOP before Twitter suspended the account.
See it here, click the box for the entire statement.
The last portion is a plea.
Not for social justice or black lives mattering.
A plea for supporters to vote BIDEN, Inslee and Durkan, DEMOCRATS all.
Black Lives Matter have a very difficult choice to make when black people murder other black people, can’t blame a diferent race.
bl do not matter if a black persons dies, only if it can generate national news. blm is a terrorist group with ties to the plo and hamas, and jihad . one of the board members was a terrorist released several years ago from Gitmo. these alleged demonstrators for a cause are noting but slave material to advance a very small group of people.
CORRUPTION is high in the organization. how much do yo think the boards members are paid???