Welcome to Cuomo’s and DeBlasio’s New York

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brooklyn shooting


Thanks to Andrew Cuomo and Warren Wilhelm DeBlasio, violence and shootings are skyrocketing in New York City:

Police are troubled by a startling spike in murders and shootings during the first five months of 2020. According to the May crime statistics report, homicides were up 79.1%, and shootings also spiked by 64%.

Officials blame most of the increase on gang related violence that has plagued all boroughs this year – even during the height of the COVID-19 crisis. There were 100 shootings, compared with 61 last year — and 34 homicides in May, compared with only 19 the years before.

The blame for this really lies at the feet of Comrade DeBlasio and his no-bail crime enhancement program

In an interview on “Mornings on 1,” Shea did not use the words “bail reform,” but he strongly suggested a series of criminal justice reforms, such as the elimination of cash bail for certain offenses, are playing a role in the uptick in violence. No studies yet have determined the exact cause for the increase.

“People do not want to talk about this, but I will not be shy and talk about it. There is literally almost no one in jail,” said Shea. “When you ask the Police Department now to somehow wave a magic wand and fix when you are putting dangerous people back on the street, you’re seeing what’s happening. And the shame is again, this is not a surprise.”

It has to make DeBlasio proud

Shootings are surging this week in New York City, with 28 incidents and 38 victims reported since Monday — the day the NYPD disbanded its plainclothes anti-crime unit, The Post learned on Friday.

By comparison, the same week last year there were only 12 shootings for the entire week.


Yet this glosses over just how bad things are in NYC. Below is the real state of affairs

Andrew Cuomo recently threatened to quarantine people coming to New York from Florida

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday he is “considering” imposing a quarantine on travelers coming to New York from Florida, where coronavirus cases are spiking.

“I have experts who have advised me to do that. I’m considering it now,” Cuomo said during his second-to-last daily coronavirus press briefing in Manhattan when asked by a reporter about whether he will issue a two-week quarantine on people coming to the Empire State from the Sunshine State.

I am not sure he has to worry about that. Firstly, Cuomo has quite a record when it comes to killing off old people.

Seema Verma, the administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), told Breitbart News exclusively that New York’s Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other Democrat governors originally issued guidance that contradicted federal guidelines for nursing homes battling the coronavirus pandemic.

And if Cuomo doesn’t get you, DeBlasio’s protected criminals might. Be safe. Stay in Florida or anywhere else.

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They keep electing these progressive brain dead politicians, AOC poster child of know nothings and dollar store lipstick easily won her primary.
You cant help anyone who wont help themselves.

Cuomo and De-Blasio wrecking the Big Apple and they keep on electing this scoundrels whats needed is for both of them to be tried as accomplences in a ll these crimes

nyc is becoming a shithole like seattle, la., chi. the exitus from nyc has accelerated but had been going on for years. stud muffin cuomo and numb nuts deblasio are redoing dumb and dumber 2. do not forget that numb nuts de blasio’s wife is an active member of blm and antif**k up. one has to wonder how much money of nyc has been pandered to these two terrorist operations.

Perhaps what NYC needs are a bunch of Paul Kerseys.


nyc is becoming a shithole like seattle

Speaking of Seattle, here is one guy who has more cojones than the entire state of Washington combined.


And i’ll bet fewer people will be watching the Broadway production NEW YORK NEW YORK

As someone once said, elections have consequences. Welcome to the growing liberal utopia.