In a vainglorious virtue signalling effort to pretend to cleanse one’s self of racial original sin people are reduced to truly pathetic actions. They demonstrate their sincerity by kneeling and prostration. It is a sad spectacle. Above we see Nancy Pelosi and other democrats acknowledging their new masters in BLM and Antifa.
Keep in mind that they have never taken a knee for a fallen serviceman, fireman or policeman.
This lunacy has taken hold within the feeble minds of the democrat constituency. Here is a scene repeating Jesus washing the feet of his disciples:
Here is a scene in which the crowd- Webster Mass police chief included- prostrates itself
In an incredibly powerful moment, Police Chief Michael Shaw, urged by chanting, joins the crowd laying face down on the pavement @telegramdotcom
— Ashley Green (@agreenphotog) June 6, 2020
And in England
An English police force has suggested that officers ‘take the knee’ during Black Lives Matter protests in order to avoid unwanted attention from the leftist activists, a move which Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage described as “insanity mixed with cowardice”.
Kneeling in recognition of your masters is nothing new. The Nazis invited Jews to kneel
ISIS asked people kneel- just before they executed them.
If you think kneeling is an act of solidarity, think again. You know that Lincoln statue in Boston that the DNC Communist party now wants removed? Here it is
One of the principal newly minted objections to it?
The black man is kneeling before the white man.
All this kneeling is appeasement. It is pandering at its worst. About appeasement, Churchill said
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last.
I do not respect anyone who kneels before Black Lives Matter or Antifa. I do, however, deeply respect this man- O’Neal Saddler
“I was supposed to be out of town this weekend with my wife,” Saddler was seen telling a female protester after she apparently asked him to kneel. “I took off today, this weekend, but I’m out here just to make sure y’all are safe. Don’t go there with respect, okay? I have much respect, but I only kneel for one person, and that’s God.”
I have not the first idea what his politics are but he has my great respect.
I loath the democrats above.
As for Lincoln and kneeling, this short excerpt comes from Jay Winik’s book April 1865: The Month That Saved America
The next day, April 4 [1965], brought an equally stunning sight. While General Grant was off in hot pursuit of Lee’s army, President Abraham Lincoln, in a high silk hat and long black coat, landed at Rocketts in the early afternoon and, accompanied by a naval guard of ten sailors, six in front, four in the rear, set foot on Richmond’s vaunted soil and began the nearly two-mile walk up the hill to Capitol Square. But even four long years of continuing war had not prepared the lanky president for the unprecedented reception he was to receive along a simple one-mile stretch. Out came a sound: “Glory to God!” It was a black man working by the dock. Then again: “Glory to God! Glory! Glory!”
Leaving their squalid houses and their tar-paper shacks, an impenetrable cordon of newly freed blacks followed Lincoln down the rubble-strewn streets, starting with a handful and swelling into a thousand. “Bless the Lord!” they shouted. “The great Messiah! I knowed him as soon as I seed him. He’s in my heart four long years. Come to free his children from bondage. Glory hallelujah.” And Lincoln replied, “You are free. Free as air.” “I know I am free,” answered one old woman, “for I have seen Father Abraham and felt him.”
One of Lincoln’s aides asked the mass to step aside and allow the president to proceed, but to no avail. “After being so many years in the desert without water,” a man said happily, “it is mighty pleasant to be looking at las’ on our spring of life.” Weeping for joy, they strained to touch his hand; dizzy with exultation, they brushed his clothing to see that he was real; fearing that it was only a dream, they wiped their tears to make sure they were in fact looking out upon his face. Moved, Lincoln ignored his bodyguards and waded deeper into the thickening flock.
One black man, overcome by emotion, dropped to his knees, prompting the president to conduct a curbside colloquium on the meaning of emancipation. “Don’t kneel to me,” said the president. “That is not right. You must kneel to God only, and thank Him for the liberty you will enjoy hereafter.”

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
The CEO of Chick-Fil-A just kneeled before some black person and shined their shoes.
He recommended more people do the same.
Wouldn’t he be less of a hypocrite if he fired all his non-black staff and replaced them all with black workers?
This is just virtue signalling, not substantive.
I think it’s wonderful that every racist that feels guilty for being a racist acknowledges being a racist by kneeling. Of course, most of them continue being racist, but at least we can take note of who the actual racists are.
@Nan G:
this is the lead for the ceo “Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy suggested during a church service that one way for white people to atone for racism in the United States is to shine the shoes of black people, to express their “shame.” the idiot bar fly pelosi and the rest were unaware that the african tribal scarfs were related to slave traders.
never liked Chick-fil-A now there is a final reason never to buy it. blm as you are aware is being supported by the PLO and Hamas. it is just a matter of time when the keepers of burglary larceny and murder blm and antif**k up’s put them on their knees and put a bullet in their heads.
this effort to implement marxist and socialist guidance in this country is going to end very badly for blm and antif**k up’s.
maybe its time to cut off all welfare and food stamps to all recipients for the next 6 months. let blm support them
@MOS#8541: nan generally if you are between 18-50 you are only allowed 3 months of food stamps in any 3 year period
50% of all ebt (Food stamps) go to children Under 18
Another 10% go to seniors
Another 25% go the disabled
1-2 % goes to active military
Cutting ALL food stamps for 6 months, is that something you really want to do ?
my former neighbor is a doc. he has terminated many patients for selling food stamps for cigarettes, liquor and beer(cash) and yes the biggie is cash for drugs. so you really believe that 50% goes to children under 18, no John their parents or who ever gets them.
blackmarket food stamps is a very big business in America.
Because your neighbor who is a doc and plays food stamp detector and stalker on the side says so?
Got it!
@John: Generally, John, no.
Not to divide between me and Mos, but many people are unemployed right now, so getting food is a real issue with them.
The SNAP program is to SUPPLEMENT one’s food budget.
I am old enough to remember “government cheese.”
Do you remember that?
Back in the 1960’s poor people didn’t get food stamps, they got food.
And the recipes to make all that food last the two weeks until their next food came.
I had an aunty who got it.
She got meats, flour, butter (we couldn’t afford butter, used oleo) eggs, sometimes powdered eggs, condensed milk, cheese, chocolate, coffee, canned veggies, bread, crackers, even salt and much more.
Her recipes included lasagne (with spinach in it), spaghetti and meatballs, chicken a la king, chicken and dumplings, omelets, etc.
I actually learned out to cook using her gov’t food when I visited her.
Nowadays people get EBT cards instead of food.
Once in a blue moon they have to show an ID that matches the card, usually not.
They buy absolute junk: chips, pudding cups, baloney, hot dogs, cookies, etc.
But, you know what?
Their children thrive or suffer based on how their parents take care to feed them.
Too bad the logistics of delivering food is a nightmare.
But, before Covid 19 was USED to ruin our economy, President Trump was getting millions off SNAP.
If this turns into a V shaped recovery millions will soon be off gov’t assistance again.
@Ronald J. Ward:
it is obvious that you have never held a state medical licence or even a licence to work. multiple state medical boards require physicians to report state and federal fraud. you sang along with the hollywoodies to the socialist “Imagine” by commarad lennon?
@Nan G: Whites in America have paid in blood, money, and time to help blacks. Some whites have used that to engineer a culture of dependency, while simultaneously using blacks as a weapon against other whites, being that they come from the political side that once enslaved and segregated blacks.
They are called Democrats.
@MOS #8541: AJ has never done anything but peddle racism and socialism.
@Deplorable Me:
just like you.
I kneel to no physical being.
Reverse racism is not new.
A black soldier & I both violated an army regulation regarding taking leave & a one day pass sequentially at Ft. Bliss in 1960.
Ignorance of the regulation was not a valid excuse.
The demoted me but not him because he claimed they were being racist.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
@Meremortal, #12:
Does Trump stand on a chair when his followers kiss his posterior?
Nah, it’s Jerry Nadler that has to stand on a chair when Malig-Nancy Pelosi kisses his ass.
@Greg: Like you did with Obama, and then you turned him around and munched his snatch?
Thanks for the reminder. There’s also the fact that Trump has lowered the tone of public discourse to that of a enthusiastically vulgar 12-year-old—the level at which many in his target audience apparently feel very comfortable with.
I think the reason so many Trump supporters detested Obama and his family is not just that they’re black, but that they’re black and have have the education, class, and social graces that they completely lack. They like Trump for the same reason they like lowbrow reality television: both lower the standards by which people measure themselves, allowing them to feel superior without making any actual effort. The blessings of America’s common folk have always been common sense, authenticity, and completely genuine, natural-born kindness—qualities totally absent in the words and deeds of this President and his appalling administration.
In truth, I have never seen such a bunch of posterior-kissers in my entire life as I have seen among Trump’s true believers, who have totally surrendered their powers of independent thought, and among those who actually know what he is but have sold their souls for a profitable ride on his coattails. It might seem good to those on the ride, but the whole damn traveling clown show is leaving a trail of ruin behind it. Four more years of Trump’s crap, and there will be no America left to salvage.
Well, first, unlike the left, we never targeted or “hated” his family. Usually that is off limits. Only liberals attack the wife or children of their opponents. Second, you are exactly right; we hated his lousy policies, the socialism, the anti-American nature of his being. We also hated his fascist tendencies such as weaponizing the IRS, EPA, DOJ, FBI and IC to attack political opponents.
We like Trump because he supports America and Americans, not socialism and illegal immigrants.
Remember, if you want to get down and dirty, we can go nuclear on you. FAST.
Was Michelle Obama not part of his family? Because I recall there was no end to the disparaging, crypto-racist remarks directed against her intelligence and her appearance. She generally wasn’t even referred to by her proper first name—another taunt favored by less-than-bright 12-year-olds, who imagine themselves to be clever.
You have no idea of the restraint that has been thus far showed as a matter of decorum, or of what articulate critics could do to Trump with words, were such restraint abandoned. This restraint has largely been out of self respect. One doesn’t throw excrement without taking on its smell, or knowingly tell lies without becoming known as a liar.
Her remark that she was never proud of this country until it screwed up and nominated her worthless husband for President made her a legitimate target for criticism. Then she tried to starve school children to death with inedible school lunches. All this when she wasn’t squandering taxpayer money by the barrel-full on vacations and her “staff”.
Melania is attacked for shoes, a jacket, her accent. She is attacked because the left hates Trump, so they hate her. She is an immigrant success story and the left hates her. Then they attack their children; not for any polices but for merely being Trumps.
Such decorum, calling all those who support the best things for this country as Trump’s ass kissers.
Spare me your weak bullshit.