A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
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Knows Donald dislikes animals…
The cat is a Liberal Cat and shows true liberalism
comrade greggie-poo, ever thnk of duck taping your brain back together?
@MOS#8541: Possible mistaken assumption-that he HAS one!
The first cartoon is a liberal bias cartoon
Yet more funnies:
agree with you completely
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