Remember the distant past of four days ago when The Radical Left was howling about masks, social distancing, and how opening the country back up would lead to mass graves? Yes, I know, that seems like ancient history. Sister Babe keeps a weekend subscription to The Washington Post, which I’ve found to be a great source for insight into what The Radical Left is thinking. The Sunday edition had four stories covering the weekend riots, so I looked through them and one thing was noticably missing. Go ahead, take a guess what it was.
But you already know. Save for one passing mention to social distancing seeming to be long forgotten, there was no mention about how these “mostly peaceful protesters” were spreading The Kung Flu Virus and the Boogie Wuhan Flu. No condemnations. No warning about how these irresponsible gatherings could push back the reopening. We even saw the Mayor of Minneapolis not arresting these people for failing to social distance, but was handing out masks to them. The same people who were publicly cheering on a massive death toll in states that chose to not treat their citizens like subjects don’t have a thing to say about the disease being spread now.
We’ve know this for a while now – The lockdowns were never about public health. We realized we’d been scammed when “flattening the curve” morphed into “whatever goal is now just over the horizon.” The Post also included in its Metro section a puff piece trying to defend Virginia’s Governor Coonman after he was seen without a mask up close with beach goers just days before mandating them statewide (I’m not linking – I read it so you don’t have to. I wouldn’t waste your time with the kind of genius that includes phrases like “New York’s Andrew M. Cuomo (D) is the master commicator”). Now the lie is incontovertible. I don’t know what happens next, but I can say one thing with certainty – people who trust Democrats in office and the media will learn absolutely nothing.
$100 to the first journalist who asks Biden or any of the Democrats if some of the rioters are very fine people. @Cernovich @ScottAdamsSays
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) May 31, 2020
If you are fully on board with mass street protests and riots right now, including in locations still considered pandemic "hot spots," and at which no "social distancing" is remotely possible, then obviously your "STAY HOME" rhetoric for the past several months was entirely phony
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) May 30, 2020
We really need more Karens' in the street pointing out the lack of social distancing efforts amid the rioters and looters.
They are doing good with their mask compliance though.
— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) May 30, 2020
I'm still gobsmacked
Yesterday – Riots are the only way these people have left to be heard. Silent protest like Kaepernick isn't working.
Today – It was Nazis and Russians.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) May 30, 2020
After months of the first amendment being suspended by fiat, it's finally a crisis when it affects journalists
— Razor (@hale_razor) May 30, 2020
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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Brother Bob, you’re right. It was never about the Kung Flu. It was always about control. Hair dressers, barbers and ministers are jailed for trying to earn a living or ministering to their flocks. But violent protesters, all wearing masks to keep from getting the Kung Flu (right?) have the right to assemble in close contact by the thousands?
Here is the sad part of the whole riot scene; many people who had sympathy for the issues related to black Americans are now rethinking those sympathies. Yes, Americans have the right to “assemble” but with that right comes responsibilities and when you don’t police your own, don’t expect others to have empathy for your cause.
In D.C., St. John’s Church, built in 1816, has just been set on fire.
Its all about controling our lives the Dirty Democrats they just don’t like being out of power face it the Nations real enemy is the Democratic Party and with the M.S. Media on the side of the Dirty Democrats we wont see read or hear a end to this all. The Democrats should all be arrested and charged with Treason
I used to walk past and talk about that church & its history back in my Tour Guide days. I see that they’ve vandalized the WWII and Lincoln memorials too.
@Spurwing Plover: They need to be investigated. Let’s see what Barr does – I’m not optimistic but there’s always hope
Riots in separate locations thousands of miles apart on the same day and no one in media thinks to question it? Someone is bankrolling it. AG Barr should be following the money and bringing the weight of FIZA court down on them. For those who can’t figure it out, that’s a joke.
@71Grad: Kurt Schlicter nails it in this thread.