This is Nancy

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This is Nancy

Nancy is the Speaker of the House

Nancy is incredibly wealthy

Nancy has a $7.5 million home

Nancy steered a billion government dollars into a project her husband invested in.

Nancy and her husband have made a zillion dollars via insider trading while she was in Congress

Nancy has a husband is said to be worth at least $120 million

Nancy has a lot of conflicts of interest

Nancy has a son with dubious Ukranian connections

Nancy has two Sub Zero refrigerators worth at least $10,000 each

Nancy like $13 per pint gourmet ice cream

Nancy likes chocolate.

Nancy has lots of chocolate.

Nancy can afford lots of chocolate

Nancy knows there are 22 million people out of work

Nancy sees the outbreak as a chance to restructure the country according to her vision.

Nancy knows small businesses are suffering

Nancy is blocking the Paycheck Protection Program while she is enjoying her gourmet ice cream.

Nancy doesn’t care.

Nancy says “Let them eat chocolate”

Nancy is an a**hole.

Don’t be like Nancy.

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Nancy is an a**hole.

That is an insult to a**holes, even those still attacked to the end of the colon.

Nancy and her gang are intentionally keeping desperately needed loans from struggling small businesses. $250 billion could have already been flowing to the businesses. But, as they have done so many times, the Democrats MUST have THEIR way. They must use aid to get our economy moving again to hold the US hostage to their own desires.

If states and hospitals need more money, that can be resolved; I doubt anyone would oppose it. But the PPP money could already be helping small businesses, the lifeblood of the economy. THAT is what Democrats oppose.

I think her sweater was knitted from the softest belly hair of late term aborted baby cashmere goats.
I would love a Refridgerator just like Nancy’s along with Wolf double wall ovens an a 42 inch wolf gas stove, just cause Nancy owns SubZero will not make me dislike that manufacturer as it is actually made in the USA. Dont hate Nancys refridgerator.
Yes Nancy is a Lying C* no one shoud be like Nancy.

But Trump is a “failed” business man for making Billions by actually working for it.

I keep hearing about how “we need to look at term limits”, but then you realize the ones who actually sign that into law are the ones losing their ice-cream machines.

How do we get around that? I guess get lawmakers elected who actually believe in term limits.

Nancy is irrelevant for now and wants it that way.


Fran Wasserman Nah Nah Nah nah hey hey hey goood bye.

The best thing about nancy is….she’s on borrowed time.

@Roger Reichel:

The best thing about nancy is….she’s on borrowed time.

Politically? Not a chance. She’s pretty much untouchable in her solid blue CA district.

As Speaker? That’s unlikely too. Did you not hear about the 2018 election results? A sound Democratic thumping in 2020 could damage her but by all indicators, that isn’t likely to happen.

You mean she’s old and will soon die? The party of Trump has indeed become more immoral and evil by the hour, regardless if that’s what you were referring to.

@Ronald J. Ward: Dems will lose the house in November. It’s all but assured.

Politically she’s a lame duck, even her district in California has become disenchanted with Pelosi.

Her antics in abject failures over the last few years pretty much a sure that her time is over.

Her age is a problem perhaps regarding mental acuity and mortality, but but no one rivals the murderous desires of Democrats and their cultists, openly attacking Republicans or publicly promoting the assassination of the president of the United States.

The Democratic party has become a party of hatred, and thankfully the rational majority of the populace is reigning them in and taking them apart.

@Ronald J. Ward: Nancy’s obstruction of aid to working people will only play well in areas saturated with liberals because they don’t have any idea about what work is, how it provides income and were wealth comes from and she already HAS those degenerate zones in her corner. Where she loses is among WORKING people that are being ruined by following the rules of social distancing and which by just an approving nod could have been helped last week.

Liberals have no earthly idea how people that DON’T hate this country think and THAT is their downfall.

I once had a great Aunt like Nancy.
Lived on vodka whiskey and sweets.
Never gained weight.
Of course she looked like the prune Nancy would look like at her age because she didn’t do constant plastic surgery and Botox injections.
Point is, their insides get pickled and no amount of modern meds can fix it.
Brittle blood vessels break and then you bleed out internally.
Nancy really is on borrowed time.

@Nan G: STOLEN time. She’s a liberal.

OMG Nancys ice cream shop had to go out of business.
Dear Three Twins Community,

It is with sadness that I announce that Three Twins Ice Cream is ceasing operations as of Friday April 17, 2020.

When I started Three Twins as a single ice cream shop in 2005…

— Three Twins (@ThreeTwins) April 17, 2020

A victim of the Kung Flu.
Pelosi told Food & Wine, citing Three Twins’ Bittersweet Chocolate and Double Rainbow’s Ultra Chocolate as two of her favorites. “The flavors keep getting darker and darker, which I love.” She even has a preferred vessel: “Sugar cones are my thing.”
Will this bring clarity to the old bag?

@Ronald J. Ward: spoken like a true Democratic hypocrite. Do you people EVER realise your brains are NOT interconnected!
Seriously! You do understand you have your OWN BRAIN that is very capable of having individual thoughts. Try it sometime instead of spouting the EXACT SAME TALKING POINTS as all the other demwhitts!!
AS far as trump is evil and immoral. All you democrats SCREAM that as if it’s the gospel truth. Yet when asked to give a real example to support your claim all we hear are crickets.
Yet none of you see the true evil in Obama. Y’all cluster together SCREAMING “OBAMA WAS THE BEST PRESIDENT EVER!”. Seriously Obama was the worst thing that ever happened to America and I CAN give you examples: obabacare, billions in cash flown to Iran, selling out our country to China and Islamist extremes, bailing out wall street and killing the middle class. I could go on. Don’t have the time or space.


Seriously! You do understand you have your OWN BRAIN that is very capable of having individual thoughts.

Um…. that’s @Ronald J. Ward: you are talking about. He’s an echo chamber for liberal lies.