He did it again. Trump gave them enough rope and they hanged themselves.
Led by the selfish bi-, er, witch Nancy Pelosi, there has been non-stop criticism from democrats when Donald Trump began talking of re-opening the country.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi lashed President Donald Trump during a private call with her caucus Monday, saying he was putting Americans in grave danger if he rushes to reopen the economy at the end of this month.
Pelosi sharply criticized Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak, telling Democrats it was “almost sinful” how his administration had failed to live up to promises to make testing available to all Americans and quickly address the mask, gown and glove supply shortage in hospitals across the country.
Intentionally left off the criticism is the fact that Trump has been abiding by the advice of Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx.
Keep that in mind
Yesterday Trump unveiled a plan to re-open the country in three phases, carefully and slowly.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump and members of the White House coronavirus task force are set to hold a briefing Thursday to discuss the three-phase plan for reopening the country. Watch the briefing live right here.
President Trump gave governors a road map Thursday for recovering from the economic pain of the coronavirus pandemic, laying out a phased approach to restoring normal activity in places that have strong testing and are seeing a decrease in COVID-19 cases.
“We are not going to open all at once,” Trump said during his Thursday briefing.
In phase one, for instance, the plan recommends strict social distancing for all people in public. Gatherings larger than 10 people are to be avoided and nonessential travel is discouraged.
In phase two, people are encouraged to maximize social distancing where possible and limit gatherings to no more than 50 people unless precautionary measures are taken. Travel could resume.
Phase three envisions a return to normalcy for most Americans, with a focus on the identification and isolation of any new infections.
More details can be seen at the link.
It is a thoughtful and well considered plan and it is based on the recommendations of Fauci and Birx. It gives Governors the discretion to selectively open whatever parts of the states they feel safe with and that meets the guidelines.
I’ve said over and over that I do not give too much attention to what Trump says and watch for what he does. He often says things just to provoke the left into saying stupid things and then undermine them, as he has done here. Wonder why Trump was saying he had “total authority”? Read on. He was chumming the waters.
The left overreacted, as expected. Biden was even more stupid. Someone is giving him some really bad advice. After the President’s briefing- which was arguably the best one so far- Biden joined the morons on CNN for a town hall meeting in which he said this:
"I wouldn't call it a plan," says Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, responding to Pres. Trump's plan to reopen the American economy. "…He's kind of punted. He's decided that he doesn't have the right to make the call for the country." #CNNTownHall pic.twitter.com/KqwBt9jwQv
— Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) April 17, 2020
It wasn’t a week ago when democrats were screaming that Trump wasn’t a king and didn’t have the authority to open the country.
“The President’s powers are not ‘total,’ ” Susan Low Bloch, a professor of constitutional law at Georgetown Law School, said in an email. “Our government is a government of divided powers. We call it ‘separation of powers’ with ‘checks and balances.’ “
Then out of nowhere Trump, Fauci and Birx present a sensible plan based on Federalism and how does the left respond?
Predictably. The Washington Post:
Trump’s the-buck-stops-with-the-states posture is largely designed to shield himself from blame should there be new outbreaks after states reopen or for other problems, according to several current and former senior administration officials involved in the response who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.
Or, as the morons at Raw Story put it:
Donald Trump bails out: From ‘total authority’ to totally passing the buck
You have to remember, this is a plan conceived and endorsed by Fauci and Birx. Criticism and derision of the plan is criticism and derision of them. As I said, Trump has all along abided by their input.
Suddenly, democrats want a king. They want a dictator. Biden looks like an old fool.
Trump once again has their lunch.
In acting calmly and sensibly, Trump has made them eat their words and it has to taste pretty crappy. Being pissed at Trump for doing the right thing is pretty brain dead. Then again, the best interest of the country is not forefront in the liberal mind.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
It’s like watching a circular firing squad. They are being taken down by their own words…LOL.
I swear Trump can play these fools like a guitar.
I’ve never seen a President actually do their job like Trump has (maybe Reagan, but I was little).
So much winning.
Oh, and the Dems/Media desperately WANT and NEED the country to stay closed. Their platform is snake oil for despair. Better if they have real despair to use. They are very, very happy that the corona virus happened.
All I hear from Malig-Nancy, standing in front of her $30,000 plus Sub-Zero refrigerators and her stock pile of $12.00 a pint designer ice cream is criticism of President Trump. Not one word from her, or the Schmuck Schumer, on what they would do instead of what President Trump is doing. That is, beside holding up relief for the unemployed and small business that are probably going out of business killing those jobs forever.
In Malig-Nancy’s letter to her Democrat (Socialist) followers she says:
“The truth is that Donald Trump dismantled the infrastructure handed to him which was meant to plan for and overcome a pandemic, resulting in unnecessary deaths and economic disaster.
The truth is that in January Donald Trump was warned about this pandemic, ignored those warnings, took insufficient action and caused unnecessary death and disaster.
The truth is that Donald Trump told his most loyal followers that the pandemic was a hoax and that it would magically disappear, thus endangering lives and paving the way for economic disaster.
The truth is that we did not have proper testing available in March despite Trump repeatedly claiming that we did; and even now, we do not have adequate tests, masks, PPE, and necessary equipment, which creates unnecessary death and suffering.
The truth is because of an incompetent reaction to this health crisis, the strong economy handed to Donald Trump is now a disaster, causing the suffering of countless Americans and endangering lives.”
Then she adds this little piece of b/s:
“The truth is a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others.”
What did she just do but blame Trump for her own failures? Has she met with Fauci and/or Brix? Has she talked to small restaurant owners or their employees to find out what they need? Did she centralize help for the unemployed when she loaded up the CARE Act with millions for the National Endowment of the Arts, the National Endowment of the Humanities or the $25 million for the Kennedy Center which promptly laid off all its employees? How about the raise for Congress Critters that she shoved in the bill? Clearly, Malig-Nancy thought the Senate would balk at her pork laden bill giving her a reason to claim that Republicans, not Democrats didn’t care about the American people.
It did not work.
I read the trolls on this site and all they can say is #OrangeManBad yet have no opinion on how to get our nation back to work. Same with the Party they support.
Constructive criticism is often good. Criticism for the sake of playing political gotcha does nothing. But it’s all the Democrats have to offer. That, and a senile, doddering old man who, obviously, is past his mental prime.
@Mary Coles:
And your plan for testing over 300 million people is?
If you are putting all your chips on Fauci, who changes his tune like a chameleon changes colors, you betting on a losing horse.
OMG, is that not funny? Cuomo bloviates, rambling about the kind of uniform he had to wear in his Catholic elementary school and how hard the tie clip was to operate. This is the same man who has facilitated a mass exodus from his state due to radical, far left spending projects that have gone belly up and higher taxes to pay for those failures. In one of his first infomercials, he whined that the $3.5 billion the CARE Act awarded New York state would not plug a $13 billion hole.
That hole was created before the Kung flu his NY state. Why should the rest of American bail New York out?
New York should have shut down traffic on the subway cars and buses, but didn’t. Comrade De Blasio (Warren Wilhelm, Jr.) told people to visit their favorite bars on March 15th. If you want a case in point on total mismanagement, look no further than New York State and New York City.
@retire05: @DrJohn: That comment was from our resident asshat sock puppet Gary Miller since deleted.
You should track the asshat’s IP and see where he/she/it is posting from. Not that I care, but it would be interesting to know if he/she/it is actually generating from a “foreign” IP. You might also want to track AJ/Ward and Comrade Greggie. although I suspect Comrade Greggie is just a paid troll.
@retire05: You can’t deny Biden has all the mental sharpness of all the democrats combined!
Nancy needed that raise, else she would have to buy the 10 buck a pint crap lesser beings couldnt afford either.
The Democrat governors are playing the Obama game during the shut down, making it as miserable on the citizens as they can. Shut down parks and recreational areas, Evers just reopened the golf courses who are his people? If you had a grand to blow on golf clubs you can go outside to play (no where to buy them now), but keep the kids out of the park or face a fine.
******I knew Curt would bust the troll again.
@Eliot Wendell:
troll alert
@Eliot Wendell:
It was called panic. I didn’t mind the call for them, just the sniping. Cuomo is the know it all.
@retire05: Already do…that’s how I can tell its from him.
notice that the democraps have never offered a solution to this situation other than bad mouth the President. narcissistic behavior or NPD has no cure. radicalized muslin terrorist ex pres demonstrated NPD. about 1% if the general population will experience this disorder; however, the democrap politicians and left-wing organizations all suffer this disorder-inflates sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy a great need for self-admiration and self-importance.
the little sensor on the right side of these responses also suffers also from NPD.
Wow….Gary Miller was TRIGGERED by this one…..LOL.
There is a really good reason for that.
Trump put together team of medical, sports and business experts. No matter what he did or said, though, the left would have criticized it with no sign of an alternative idea.
That’s probably how she keeps her subservient worms in line, doing her anti-American bidding. “Good boy. Good girl. You voted for a bogus impeachment and helped keep desperately needed aid from getting to the American people. Here’s a raise, courtesy of the very people you show your hate for every day.”
@Eliot Wendell:
I would rather he shut up for a while. The longer he talks, the more he sounds like Christopher Walken. If Fox can carry his random-thought-generator theater, then CNN and MSNBC can carry Trump’s briefings. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if just ONE of those fawning “journalists” at Cuomo’s briefings would as him if, in hind sight, he thinks buying ventilators instead of solar panels would have been smarter? But, no… that sort of idiocy is reserved for Trump’s briefings.
States and localities are taking the reins and re-opening the country one at a time.
For instance, a major beach in the South is going to open today, 5PM Eastern.
Meanwhile my gov in Utah has ordered his stay home, stay safe policy to run (at least) until May 1st.
One thing the protests showed was that individual leaders are the ones calling the shots not the president.
Pres Trump might say we are going to have flights or trains across the country, but whether we can go for a nice ride in our closed car is up to lesser, more local leaders…..and our own good sense.
Top demokrats, Eric Holder being the latest, have stated that this crisis is a golden opportunity for them to advance their agenda. Apparently the 37,000 plus Americans who died from the virus are collateral damage and/or sacrificial lambs. The dems need for this drag out as long as possible in order to wreck the country’s economy to boost their chances of getting rid of Trump and to keep the attention off of Spygate.
This will backfire. Red states will reopen. Their residents will have their freedoms back. A lot of the businesses in those Red states do business with a lot of businesses in Blue states. If those Blue state businesses are shut down, the demand for their goods and services will eventually have to be met elsewhere. Either new businesses will open in Red states to meet those demands or the Blue state businesses will leave for Red states where than can do business. And if enough Blue state businesses leave the Blue states or go out of business because someone else met the demand, their economies will be wrecked and their residents still won’t have their freedoms back.
@another vet:
They believe, I suppose, that they can reuse Obama’s formula for poor performance; blame it all on someone else and declare high unemployment, low pay and weak growth is “the new normal”. In other words, just admit defeat and tell people to like it.
@Deplorable Me: They definitely set low standards for themselves in order to make themselves “successful” and set much higher standards for everyone else to make them look like failures that way they can persuade the gullible into voting for them. The next time one of these bozos gets up there and says what a great opportunity this is for them to advance their agenda they should immediately be asked how many Americans do they need to die to guarantee their agenda gets advanced.
@another vet:
holder is human feces in a human form. he is a traitor to this country and an enemy of the State. he and the gay terrorist ex pres destroyed the Constitution and civil liberties. he is a big part of the problem along with drunk kerry and leon panetta. these three are real pieces of garbage. nsa/cia files on them destroyed with the gay terrorist ex pres. left office.
…and they ran away weeping, and wringing their hands…
Apparently the Trump base’s appetite for schadenfreude can be satisfied with imaginary kibble.
Follow me for more deep thoughts!
And much less useful.
@Meremortal: greggie is incapable of deep thoughts.
Greg posts in many places and has been around a long time. He was nicknamed ‘Gerg’ at one conservative site.
@Meremortal: But he can be recognized by his ignorant comments and lack of thought.
@Meremortal: He’s a paid troll, for sure.