democrats are motivated not to resolve this crisis, but to prolong the death and suffering

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As Rahm Emanuel would say- “Never let a pandemic go to waste.”

democrats are reveling in this crisis. They glory in the country’s misery.

There is no concern for the country, only for power and leverage.

It becomes very apparent with their actions, which speak far more loudly than anything they can say.

Mitch McConnell wanted to add $250 billion more to the Relief Bill and democrats blocked it.

“We need more funding and we need it fast,” McConnell said on the Senate floor, according to CNN.

“I want to add more money to the only part of our bipartisan bill that could run out of money.”

democrats do not see misery and seek remedy- they see opportunity

AUSTIN, Texas — The twin economic shock of the coronavirus pandemic and a collapsing oil market has upended the political landscape in Texas — driving Republicans into an unfamiliar defensive crouch and giving restive Democrats an unexpected election-year lift.

As Joel Pollak put it:

The outbreak has exposed democrats for what they are, and do not shrug this off. Should democrats take control of this country, this is your future- a country of little tyrants from top to bottom:

We’ve now witnessed local and state governments issue decrees about what people can and cannot buy in stores, arrest parents playing with their children in public parks, yank people off public buses at random, remove basketball rims along with private property, ticket churchgoers, and in one case try—and fail—to chase down a lone runner on an empty beach. All of this, we’re told, is for our own good.

The Wicked Witch of the Midwest:

In Michigan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has taken it upon herself to declare what items are and are not “essential,” dictating to grocery stores what they can and cannot sell as part of a sweeping order issued Friday.

Among the nonessential, and therefore banned, items are fruit and vegetable plants and seeds. Never mind that growing fruits and vegetables at home right now would help maintain social distancing during the pandemic, the governor has spoken and her word is law. (Lottery tickets, on the other hand, are still permitted.)

democrats feel empowered to run roughshod over the First Amendment

The most egregious example of this outpouring of authoritarianism was an attempt by Louisville, Kentucky, Mayor Greg Fischer to ban drive-in church services on Easter. On Holy Thursday, one day before Christians were to begin their most important religious celebrations of the year, Fischer declared that drive-in Easter services would be illegal.

To remove all doubt about his seriousness, he also threatened arrest and criminal penalties for anyone who dared violate his order, and in an Orwellian twist, invited people to snitch on their fellow citizens. Fischer justified this by saying it was “to save lives.”

People protesting for re-opening North Carolina (#ReopenNC) are being arrested

It’s all your own good- which democrats will determine. A vote for a democrat is a vote for totalitarianism.

Arguably, the worst of this is what democrats plan to do with their time. They plan to exploit the misery:

The health of the economy was President Trump’s best argument for reelection just a month ago, but now, in the chaos generated by the coronavirus pandemic, Democrats see it as a weakness to be exploited.

With unemployment soaring and businesses shuttered, Democrats have a new opportunity to attack Trump for what was once his greatest strength. Even if Trump is able to convince voters in the months ahead that he’s handled the public health response to the pandemic properly, he faces the risk that Democrats could successfully blame him for the ensuing economic misery.

You can see that democrats are motivated not to help resolve this crisis, but rather prolong the death and suffering. The left wing media, especially CNN (the China News Network) is in lockstep with the Chinese

The mainstream media has slowly begun to question the Chinese government’s honesty about the country’s management of coronavirus pandemic, but in a blow to independent and impartial reporting, CNN’s chose to publish Chinese government propaganda about its naval capabilities.

China is 100% to blame for this epidemic. 100%. The lies of the CCP have resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people in the US and worldwide.

Who do democrats want to investigate? Donald Trump. Adam Schiff:

“It is very important, I think, in reviewing the intelligence component to this to realize the intelligence piece is just one piece of the warnings coming to the administration. A lot of those warnings were in the public domain. They came from public health organizations, like WHO or CDC or his own National Security Council, and ignored those warnings.”

Schiff wants Trump’s head. Period.

Never mind that the WHO is an arm of the CCP. Never mind that they spread Chinese disinformation which cost thousands of lives. Just this morning, democrats sided with China and the WHO to ding Trump, who plans to cut off US funding of the WHO:

“While we may agree that the WHO has shortcomings that must be corrected, your attack on the global health organization can easily be seen as a deliberate but transparent effort to deflect responsibility for your own failures onto others,” Maloney and Lynch wrote, adding that Trump’s “attempt to blame the WHO for trusting China reflects an astonishing level of hypocrisy given your own fawning and widely publicized praise of President Xi Jinping and his government for their handling of this crisis.”

Despite the fact that the US contributes ten times more to the WHO than does China, China controls the WHO.

Trump set up a Corona Virus task force on January 31. According to Anthony Fauci, Trump immediately accepted every recommendation it made

democrats know that, but truth is not the goal. A political execution is the goal, country be damned. The health and safety of this country are secondary to the political aspirations of the democrat party. Their actions prove it.

That is absolutely horrible.

I told you they have been driven insane.

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From the very beginning of this crisis, Democrats have tried to promote fear and panic through lying. Their original estimate of 2,000,000 deaths to their hindsight-intensive accusations, their goal is to destroy faith in the administration and stoke visceral fear.

CNN reports that discussing the lies from WHO and CCP are “diversions”. From their perspective, that is a fact; it diverts attention from the left’s attempt to pin all blame and responsibility on Trump; where it came from and the false information that caused it to spread are immaterial. This is exactly what the character of any “investigation” by Schiff would assume. The goal is to prove their political preconception, not find the facts or engage in lessons learned.

Democrats want nothing but increased misery and tragedy for America. That’s their only hope. Hell, they even oppose and denigrate practically the only hope there is for controlling the virus at this time: hydrochloroquine. Why? Because Trump mentioned it and in their warped, twisted, evil minds, they fear he might get credit for anyone recovering due to its administration.

This is a Election Year and these dastardly Dirty Democrats will use any means in their little black books of Dirty Tricks to take back the Whitehouse

There are those that will judge the political arena by Austin. Austin is the Southwest Los Angeles and is, and has been, deep blue. The rest of the state, save the big metropolitan areas, is red, deep, deep red. And Texas remains a rural state.

Of course, the Democrats in Texas will never speak of the voter fraud convictions, especially those who latched on to mail-in ballots from nursing homes and the border colonias. Nothing like having a “helper” fill out your ballot, mailing it in only to have the “helper” vote the way they are being paid to vote. Yeah, that is a reality, not a myth.

Mail-in ballots are ripe for fraud. Anyone who has ever worked an election, or sat on the Counting Board for their Texas county knows that. But the Dems want to win. So what if there is some vote fraud. No big deal.

The Chi-Com flu is the Dems excuse for abolishing our Constitutional rights. No right to peaceable assembly; no right to the 2nd Amendment, no right to worship when and where you choose. But abortion remains a right? Death and taxes, that’s all Democrats subscribe to.

@Deplorable Me, #1:

From the very beginning of this crisis, Democrats have tried to promote fear and panic through lying.

Has it somehow escaped your notice that the governments of nearly all nations in the northern hemisphere are responding to COVID-19 as a serious threat to their populations, economies, and their national security?

They’re not doing so because of anything America’s Democratic Party has said or done. They’re doing so because they’re smart enough to understand the degree of danger that would be involved in letting the virus control the situation.

@Greg: Flattening the curve or the Chicom solution will have but 1 effect extending the time we have to deal with the germ. same death count, longer time the germ rules that we can not live normally. Live ruled by technocrats fake models, now they want tracking just like the Chicoms have. Some may want to live with a collar that have health tags on them.
As far as trumps admin ending the chicoms research on germs they proved they could not be trained properly to handle viruses in all the time we wasted millions of tax payer dollars trying. There was no early warning because we put money into a communist system the communists hid it and would have hid it if we gave away hundreds of millions or not. It did train them to go to remote places and bring new viruses into slipshod research centers, in the middle of high density population areas…good job huh.

@Greg: Yet NO ONE ELSE is politicizing the crisis for their own benefit. Democrats first jumped on the wagon of criticizing Trump for overreacting. Then, when even THOSE idiots could see what was coming (after they had been promoting SPREADING the virus) they did a 180 faster that Jim Rockford in his Firebird and attacked Trump for not doing enough.

Do you NOT think people notice this blatant, lying hypocrisy?

Many people are depending on their government to do the right thing. Spreading LIES about what Trump is doing, telling people Trump is going to get 2 million killed, denigrating any sign of hope or promise spreads FEAR and PANIC. Perhaps Democrats are simply too stupid to understand the consequences of their stupidity but nevertheless, they are responsible. Totally uncaring, unthinking, unAmerican hate.


Has it somehow escaped your notice that the governments of nearly all nations in the northern hemisphere are responding to COVID-19 as a serious threat to their populations, economies, and their national security?

No. But I’m concerned about my own nation, not the governments of other nations. Too bad you’re not concerned about the lying CCP.

They’re not doing so because of anything America’s Democratic Party has said or done.

That is because your beloved Democrats have done, or said, nothing constructive or offered any ideas on how to defeat this Chinese plague. All the Dems know is Orange Man Bad, nothing to make our lives better during this crisis.

And how tone deaf is Malig-Nancy Pelosi that she stands, smiling, in front of her two Sub-Zero freezers showing off her collection of $12.00 a pint designer ice cream? Those two Sub-Zeros cost more than a lot of people earn in a year. How does that fit in with your Communist values?

@retire05: The maid had to show her the way to the kitchen, where the cook showed her where the ice cream was then disturbed by the nanny and those brats she evacuated from NY
Life is so hard when you never miss a paycheck.

@kitt: They open a bottle of taxpayer-funded Makers Mark and she follows the scent.

@Greg: The question, and your irrelevant non-point, doesn’t make sense.

The Dems have routinely used this crisis to spread more fear and uncertainty than need be, for political reasons. The hoax of “Trump didn’t do enough” is just one example.

The Left media isn’t covering the crisis at all. They are only blathering about made up meanings or straight up libel about Trump/Brix/Fauci’s comments.

The media isn’t doing it’s job.

We have Dems caught saying this is a crisis they can use to promote their “vision”…

The Dems are the losers in the stands, trying to actively supplant our warriors in the arena.

I really hope you post after the elections, when your party loses the House. I’ll just say it early: “I told ya so”.

This fearmongering and outright lies is costing your dead party everything.

@Deplorable Me: No she was having a Grandma moment showing the kiddies how to make grasshoppers and mudslides with the fancy ice cream in the vitamix model 36019.

@Nathan Blue:

The media isn’t doing it’s job.

The majority of the media sees its job as defending Democrats and helping guide the nation towards socialism and ruin.

@Deplorable Me: @Deplorable Me: @Deplorable Me:
Don’t forget their critical job of attacking the President…

From The Hill, April 15, 2020 – Trump threatens to adjourn both chambers of Congress

President Trump on Wednesday threatened to use his executive power to force both chambers of Congress to adjourn if the Senate did not confirm his nominees for vacancies across the administration.

The president, during a coronavirus briefing in the Rose Garden, offered a lengthy diatribe against what he described as congressional obstruction and argued confirming his nominees was more urgent than ever amid the pandemic.

“The Senate should either fulfill its duty and vote on my nominees or it should formally adjourn so I can make recess appointments,” Trump said. “We have a tremendous number of people that have to come into government. And now more so than ever before because of the virus and the problem.”

Lawmakers in both chambers are not expected to return to the Capitol until May 4 but both the House and Senate have been conducting pro forma sessions in the meantime. That means the Senate is technically in session and Trump may not make recess appointments.

“The current practice of leaving town while conducting phony pro forma sessions is a dereliction of duty that the American people can not afford during this crisis,” he said. “It is a scam, what they do. It’s a scam. And everybody knows it and it’s been that way for a long time.”

Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution grants Trump the power to “on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper.”

That means that in order for the president to step in and dismiss both, the GOP-controlled Senate would have to adjourn while the Democrat-held House objected. Senate Democrats also have procedural tools to prevent the Senate from adjourning.

The National Constitution Center noted that “no President has ever exercised” the authority.

“Perhaps it’s never been done before, nobody’s even sure if it has,” Trump said. “But we’re going to do it. We need these people here. We need people for this crisis, and we don’t want to play any more political games.”

The man is an effing lunatic.


aggree she is fecal material in human form. a Sub Zero freezer start at $8000 and work their way up . TWO about $20,000


Truckers are working.
Dock hands are working.
Grocery store staff are working.
Linemen who keep your internet and phone service are working.
Lots of government employees from cities, states and the federal government are working.

Why is Malig-Nancy and her Congress critters so damn special that they have gone on vacation until May 4th, if, and that is a big IF, they come back then. Her life, and health, is no more important than the trucker who hauls your food to the grocery store.

@Greg: I told you during an emergency in all 50 states and the territories he has tremendous powers, its been 3 years plus and they refuse to let him fill his vacancies. He isnt asking for judges but for vacancies in the administration. These are powers congress has given the president many upheld by the SCOTUS in previous years.
It isnt as though he is putting men into womens bathrooms boys into the girls locker rooms by fiat. What kind of lunatic would do that?

His intention is to adjourn Congress and then make a sh-t load of recess appointments, demonstrating his Total Authority and Supremacy over Congress while filling seats with people who might never pass muster in a confirmation hearing. Hey, his signature will also be on paper relief checks. He’s the Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rolla! (But hasn’t even nominated anyone to fill a chair with the Federal Election Commission, when they haven’t had the minimum number required by law to conduct official business for months.)

The guy is a wrecking ball. He’s going to leave nothing but rubble. And debt. There’s going to be a lot of that.


Hey, his signature will also be on paper relief checks.

Damn mine came in direct deposit. I would have scanned it.
Rubble and debt is what he walked into so what ?
If the appointments dont pass his muster there will be another opening and more NYT stories big deal.
The delays come from several factors including the extensive paperwork applicants must complete, as well as the increasingly common practice of the opposing party delaying nominations by placing holds on them, or filibustering them, according to the partnership’s research. Games.

@Greg: “Article II, Section 3 both grants and constrains presidential power. This Section invests the President with the discretion to convene Congress on “extraordinary occasions,” a power that has been used to call the chambers to consider nominations, war, and emergency legislation. It further grants the President the authority to adjourn Congress whenever the chambers cannot agree when to adjourn, a power that no President has ever exercised.”

Text of Article Two, Section Three:

“He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.”

He’s got a pen and a phone, Scooter. Maybe if Democrats weren’t such immature crybabies and could act like adults instead of wasting all their time and effort seeing how they can provoke Trump into unprecedented (yet completely legal) actions, you wouldn’t be getting your vagina so worked up.

Hey, his signature will also be on paper relief checks.

No, it won’t. You’ve been lied to. However what SHOULD be on the checks, in bold letters, is the statement, “You’d have gotten this two weeks earlier but Nancy Pelosi thought it would be funny to roll into town after taking the weekend off and destroy the bipartisan deal to provide aid and relief to you, the American citizen.”


Why is Malig-Nancy and her Congress critters so damn special that they have gone on vacation until May 4th

Well, you know, there’s not much going on, nothing to really bother with right now. Perfect time for an extended vacation.

@Greg: LOL. He’s more “Obama” than Obama was. You should be happy. You wanted a decisive leader who knows what they are doing, and you got one.

How’s that “back in your face” maneuver Trump embarrassed the media treating you? Taking clips and running a montage to sculpt the narrative? LOL.

Trump continues to dunk on these idiots, and it’s everything I ever wanted…getting the compromised elements of the media cleaned the routing corruption from the Democrats.

But yeah, keep saying he “botched” something…hahahahaha


The man is an effing lunatic.

Those of us with life experience and education call that leadership.

You’re an effing moron, btw. I’m glad your beliefs are in the minority, and also the minority of power in the government.

So much winning with Trump…incredible.

@Nathan Blue, #22:

Those of us with life experience and education call that leadership.

Uh huh. Reports are flooding in that Treasury is sending out stimulus checks to people who died in calendar year 2018, even when the most recent tax return was properly filed by an executor, fiduciary, or other appropriate third party who properly reported the deceased taxpayer’s death. If they’ve got a filer’s name and direct deposit account number associated with that final return, they’re firing off a $1200 payment.

Before this is done, billions will vanish quicker than the pallets of currency airlifted into Baghdad. Then what will we do? Investigate?


Uh huh. Reports are flooding in that Treasury is sending out stimulus checks to people who died in calendar year 2018

There’s your government efficiency, which you Democrats want to control every aspect of life. Taking people that have died off the rolls is something you Democrats strongly oppose… remember? Besides, why wouldn’t they get a check… they always vote Democrat.

Before this is done, billions will vanish quicker than the pallets of currency airlifted into Baghdad.

Well, at least they won’t be funding terrorism like Obama’s cash dump did.


Before this is done, billions will vanish quicker than the pallets of currency airlifted into Baghdad. Then what will we do? Investigate?

Well, at least we’re investigating FISA/FBI corruption and why the WHO colluded with China to put out information that has now gotten tens of thousands of people killed. That’s a bit more important than parasites like you nitpicking for any little “error” you can embellish to hyperbolic proportions.

Speaking of pallets of cash, your Candidate’s son is still getting those from a company in China…and your Candidate has sexual assault allegations being swept under the rug by the media. What are we going to do? Investigate?


But yeah, we should get right on those “floods of reports” you made up.

@Deplorable Me:

There’s your government efficiency, which you Democrats want to control every aspect of life.

There’s the efficiency of the Trump-operated Executive Branch. Congress only legislates. The Treasury’s logistics of distribution are the responsibility of Treasury and the IRS, guided by Steve My name is on the money, honey Mnuchin. (Donald has had to settle for having his name put on the paper relief checks. Changing “In God We Trust” on our currency to the MAGA slogan would likely get no traction. It might still become a second term project.)

@Greg: No, that’s big government efficiency. It is a characteristic. You ignorant liberals want a huge, all-controlling central government then whine when you want something and you want it now and weeks of red tape has to be waded through.

My whiny, crybaby liberal nephew was belly aching because filing for the PPP relief was going so slow… Trump’s fault, of course. Of course, Democrats added an additional layer of “oversight” to, I suppose, make everything flow more quickly. Now, the money’s almost gone and the Democrats can’t disturb their vacations to simply agree to increase the funds, so he and his mommy and their dance studio are SOL. No doubt, this too is Trump’s fault… because he is too much of a closed-minded, bigoted, prejudiced idiot to see the facts.

@Deplorable Me, #27:

Oversight is all that keeps crooks and scammers from robbing the taxpayers blind. I don’t trust Stevie Mnuchin to be personally in charge of a multi-trillion-dollar corporate cookie jar without close, unrestrained supervision. An Inspector General of the President’s choice does not meet that requirement.

These guys are setting the stage for far more serious largess by not even bothering to cross-check the IRS’s database of deceased taxpayers against their list of intended stimulus check recipients. That seems like a fairly basic and straightforward thing to do. Skipping it doesn’t inspire confidence in the integrity of the process. I recall much concern about previous legislation packages where few people were aware of all that was in it. In this case, with committed, record-breaking trillions coming from nowhere, no one seems to much care.

They’re going to give loans to huge corporate entities first and to small businesses that desperately need help second. They need to get their priorities straight.


Oversight is all that keeps crooks and scammers from robbing the taxpayers blind.

Does it? Too bad we had NONE of it when Obama was handing out billions to his campaign supporters for their “green businesses”, many of which went broke. Of course, his buddies were allowed to leave with their investments intact while the American taxpayers got screwed. That’s oversight, liberal style. However, right now we have businesses in dire need of money and the oversight will have to follow up, not impede. If anyone gets money they don’t deserve, the IRS is fully capable of getting it back. Democrats simply don’t give one shit about people that have to work for a living or the “crumbs” (as Nancy put it so succinctly) they need to survive.

@Deplorable Me, #29:

Does it? Too bad we had NONE of it when Obama was handing out billions to his campaign supporters for their “green businesses”, many of which went broke.

Uh huh. But now, with Larry Kudlow talking about $6 TRILLION in emergency stimulus measures on top of a pre-existing $1 Trillion annual deficit, Trump & Co want minimal red tape and minimal meddlesome oversight. They’ll all get out of town before the full extent of the robbery becomes apparent, no doubt blaming democrats for the institutional wreckage they’re leaving behind them as they flee. I’ve seen the movie before. Truth be told, half of these people would be HAPPY to see the federal government broken, and if they can line their own pockets doing it, so much the better. They have no intention of being the serfs after the dust settles.


Uh huh.

This moron agrees. I’ll take it.

You’re just butthurt they actually got the checks out in a few weeks. It’s impressive, even if there are some errors.

The days where your media could nitpick big nothingburgers and change the course of an election is over.

Get used to it.

@Greg: The bar for a successful stimulus has been established by Obama and that bar is mighty low. I predict this stimulus will greatly surpass in success that trillion dollar toilet flush of Obama’s.

@Nathan Blue, #31:

Has anyone ever explained to Trump supporters that a trillion is one-thousand billions?

So, Kudlow is prophesying six of those, on top of one already built into the much ballyhooed Trump Economic Miracle.

That kind of puts Obama’s multi-billions stimulus bill into a more favorable perspective, I think. Plus we’ve got 60,000 Beautiful Wind Turbines cranking out electrical power and high efficiency LED lightbulbs.


OK, rocketman, what’s your plan to help tens of millions of Americans who have lost their jobs due to your beloved Communist China?

@Greg: Yet you cry about not funding the WHO a proven useless org. Let Clinton loosen her purse strings from her foundation and fund them, and Gates and Soros.
Want more funding for slipshod sloppy bat virus research centers in a commie country too.

@Nathan Blue: Obama is still trying to find his shovel for those shovel ready projects!

@Randy: He loaned it to Hillary (when he had no use for it) and she never gave it back. She wore it out burying all the bodies she leaves in the wake of her corruption.