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The Media Is Complicit in Pelosi’s Attempted Extortion

Yes, I know that Dr. John just covered this topic, but this post is here to flesh it out a bit more and to take it a step further. The headline here may seem over the top, but it’s not. We start with a quote from James Enos “You’re a Dipstick” Clyburn

“This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

If you’re reading this you already know that Nancy Pelosi held up protecting Americans from the Chinese Coronavirus for insanely partisan purposes.  Click the link – what you probably didn’t know is that the story I linked is from three weeks ago. But more recently, the House & Senate were ready to vote on bipartisan support for Americans hurt by the epidemic, but again, San Fran Nan felt that the Amerian people hadn’t suffered quite enough yet.

To quickly sum up the current situation: Americans don’t like bailouts. Most of us still remember 2008, and we weren’t too crazy about companies getting bailed out for behaving irresponsibly. Granted, this would not have happened without encouragement by our government, but the banks themeselves had responsibility for this too. That said, the small businesses, as well as medium to large businesses being crippled by this disease’s spread did nothing wrong. And if they go under, well, America will probably look like the end point of The Green New Deal, but that’s a point for another day. The bottom line is that American businesses need relief to keep themeselves afloat and their workers paid.

Democrats have made the argument that in the GOP’s version the bill would have been nothing more than a slush fund for the Trump administration. Fair argument on its surface, until you look at what the Dems tried to shove in to force this bill onto the American people:

– A student loan bailout

– Publication of corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics for all corporate boards

– Federally mandated corporate board diversity

– 1/3 of Corporate Boards selected by employees

-A bail out on all current debt at the Postal Service

-Required early voting

-Required same day voter registration

-Provisions on official time for federal union collective bargaining. Note that this only applies to Feds.

-Full offset of airline emissions by 2025

-Publication and reporting of greenhouse gas statistics for individual flights

-Retirement plans for community newspaper employees

-Federal $15 minimum wage

-Permanent paid leave

-Study on climate change mitigation efforts

How exactly does any of this help your small business owner, emplyee, or anyone working for a large company who got laid off? None of this addresses the oversight they claim to want. “But Bob”, you may be saying, “Aside from giving a more complete listing of Pelosi’s wish list and a high level take on bailouts, how is this anything more than little more than a copy and paste of Doctor John’s writeup to pretend you provided new content?” Fair question, and great observation, astute reader! The simple answer is that this was supposed to be a short two part series, with the first part being mostly what you just read. And having had my hands full with basically becoming a home school teacher for Little Bob over the last two days, I forgot to check back on Flopping Aces’s home page for new articles. I also didn’t feel like just dumping what I had already written, so thanks you for your patience – here is what would have been part two:

Since apparently the rotten apple didn’t fall from the tree, let’s also look at Pelosi’s daughter, who in showing typical Democrat compassion, when learning that Sen. Rand Paul had contracted the Kung Flu, praised his neighbor whose physical assault last year send Paul to the hospital. How could anyone say such an idiotic thing? This also goes back to Pelosi not learning her lesson after her petty, childish premeditated stunt to tear apart President Trump’ SOTUS speech spectacularly blew up in her face. Deciding she hadn’t embarassed herself enough, Pelosi decided to double down on that bit of stupid and tried to demand that the political ad she basically wrote herself be taken down for being “doctored”.

This is a phenomena I never wrote a post on, but commeneted on in a few forums at the time. You no doubt remember Kathy Griffin’s brilliant publicity stunt of holding up what was supposed to be our president’s bloody, decapitated head. This of course, basically ended her already talentless career. This was too much even for the far left propaganda outlet known as CNN, and she was fired from her part time gig there. What is it that ties all of these incidents together? It’s the lack of a fair, objective media. The Pelosis and Griffin live in these sheltered bubbles where they have been unchallanged in their radical views for so long that it never even entered any of their thought processes that there was something wrong with what they were saying. It also shows how out of touch elitist Leftitsts have become. I’m also aware that anecdotes don’t equate research, but be sure to read through the thread in the first embedded tweet below. It gives a good picture as to how antics like these appear in the eyes on non-urban coastal lifelong Democrats.

The New York Times did Pelosi no favors by first surprisingly accurately reporting that Democrats had blocked the relief bill, to watering down the headline to the fourth version that claimed… wait for it… it was Cocaine Mitch’s fault. These are the same people who decided that a phrase that they had used for months suddenly became racist when those words were uttered by their latest Emmanuel Goldstein. Having a press that will hold Democrats accountable only after the most egregious offenses does nothing more than enable their bad behavior. The purpose of the press is supposed to be to report and inform the public, not push an extremist agenda designed to slowly but surely destroy this country. This diseased symboisis between the Democratic Party and the Mainstream Media is showing how far up the rot has gone. And when America gets clear of this virus, which we will, it will be time to take a hard look at what our society truly needs. And more importantly, what it doesn’t need, or want. Maybe the Pelosis, Griffins, and “journalists” of the world can all learn to code.

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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