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Tale of the disease tape: Trump vs. obama


Instead of joining together with Donald Trump in a consolidated front democrats continue to politicize the Covid 19 Corona virus outbreak.

New York Times Op-Ed Calls Coronavirus the “Trumpvirus”

Bloomberg Makes Coronavirus into a Campaign Advertisement

Politico: ‘Trump Rallies Base to Treat Coronavirus as a Hoax’

Democrat Presidential Candidates Criticize Trump over Coronavirus

Bloomberg and Biden Falsely Claim Trump Has Cut CDC Funding

NYT Op-ed: ‘Trump Makes Us Ill’

Biden Spreads Debunked Claim CDC’s Anthony Fauci Is Being ‘Muzzled’

There are a couple more at the link.

To be clear I find Sean Hannity to be insufferable at times with his interrupting his guests, steering them to saying what he wants, his repeated litanies about his family and his using 90% of a guest’s time asking a question. But last night he was coherent and made some great points.

As we noted, Donald Trump is being attacked by the left during this outbreak and none of it has any merit.

December 31, 2019 The virus was first reported to the World Health Organization

January 7, 2020: Virus is isolated as SARS CoV-2

January 31, 2020: Trump declares public health emergency. People returning from China place in mandatory quarantine.

February 2, 2020: All non-US citizens who recently visited China barred from entering US. Trump was called xenophobic.

February 11, 2020: WHO names virus COVID 19

As of today the death toll in the US is 9.

MArch 3, 2020: FDA says it may have the capacity to test one million for Corona by the end of the week.

Contrast that with the obama response to the H1N1 virus.

April 2009: H1N1 is detected in the US.

October 26, 2009: Obama declares a national health emergency. By this time 20,000 are infected and 1,000 dead.

I don’t remember the GOP continuously using swine flu as a bludgeon on obama, but I do remember Trump taking prompt action and I do and will remember democrats caring more about the politics than the health of the nation.

If a large number Americans don’t perish of this virus, disappointment will ravage the DNC. It will have been one more crisis gone to waste.

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