Welcome back! Let’s get straight to the crazy:
2/2020 – It’s Not Fair, Change the Rules – Why We Have the Electoral College
A clear and succinct defense of the Electoral College
2/19 – Over 30 Students Suspended at Syracuse U. for Occupying Administrative Building
We just don’t get enough happy stories like this these days.
2/21 – When #BelieveAllWomen collides with transgender ‘rights’
I guess we can add a third category to the list of “Groups who Leftists have no problem with when they start raping.” Of course, the first two are Islamists and Clintons.
2/22 – HOW TO KILL BERNIE! (Politically)
Good read, coming from a Lefty. The one I found most interesting was #7 – I remember this same tactic being attempted against the Tea Party. Which begs the question, if Leftist arguments are so solid, how come they don’t have a single issue that they can argue without lying?
2/23 – Electric cars are a hazard on motorways, Government admits
A Leftist agenda not accomplishing what we were told it would! I am shocked! Shocked I say!
2/24 – How CNN Set Me Up For The Near-Riot Parkland Town Hall
Remember, these are the people who consider themselves our moral and intellectual superiors.
2/25 – Leftists attack an inaccurate meme as a way to silence opposition to Bernie’s plans
Ah, use of that classic philosophy that dries Leftists crazy: Math.
2/26 – Why Bernie Sanders As Democrats’ Nominee Would Be Best For The Country
The article makes the valid point that the Democratic party being dragged further left isn’t good, and the reason I’m posting this is summed up with this paragraph:
Like it or not, the socialists are here. The only way to change that is to crush their ideas at the ballot box and thereby convince Democrats it’s in their interest to expel them from mainstream American political discourse. If we let the movement fester, there is no guarantee the next face of the socialist left will be a septuagenarian with a history of celebrating murderous dictators or that they will be making their appeals against the headwinds of economic plenty. Let’s gird for that fight now rather than postponing it for another day when conditions may be less favorable.
Ace surprisingly buried the best part of this story – apparently now Sandernistas are harassing Democratic officials in their homes. And don’t think for a minute that I’m not loving every bit of having these bastards watch the Brown Shirts they coddled and nurtured turn on them.
2/28 – Miracle on Ice Meets Cancel Culture
One almost has to admire the new and creative ways that Leftists find to hate America
ICYMI – I asked the question Why is is this Virginia School District Promoting Religion and Stealing from the Poor to Pay for It?
And be sure to read the last tweet. It’s written by a Lefty and she does a great job of ripping on the remaining candidates.
Have a great weekend, everybody!
Join #FidelsBookClub! pic.twitter.com/7N4goJpXns
— John Sexton (@verumserum) February 24, 2020
Two options here: either they believe you are this stupid, or THEY are this stupid pic.twitter.com/q1xEZDKuum
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) February 21, 2020
As a campaign message, I don't think "people shouldn't have to worry about being shot" is going to resonate that well with the Bernie Broshttps://t.co/HrSeZR9sAI
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) February 25, 2020
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
the democraps are getting worried that crazy, communist berni will win. So, enter the clueless, racist senator brown from oh. with elephant, hooker heels michelle. brown has some issues with women and his ex wife-did a real physical abuse beat up-buried by columbus police and state police. the smiley face in the right corner, you don’t live in oh., and clueless of history.
This week in Bernie, let the dead bury their dead.
This weeks selection goes out to those who insist all the hate comes from the conservative side
@kitt: And here’s one back for Bernie and his Sandernistas!
There is but one reason to consider getting rid of the Electoral College; it doesn’t fully benefit Democrats.
If proper discipline is not implemented, the misbehavior will continue to escalate until there are serious consequences. These spoiled brats will push as far as they can until faced with consequences.
Sometimes the left can’t figure out just who they want to screw over.
How about this: disqualify him because he’s NOT a Democrat (though it’s hard to tell one idiot from another)?
Thank GOD our liberals over here are so much smarter than there and would NEVER let this happen.
The left knows they can never win a debate (or a court case, it seems) unless they can stack all the advantages in their favor… and sometime not even then.
2/25 – Leftists attack an inaccurate meme as a way to silence opposition to Bernie’s plans
2/26 – Why Bernie Sanders As Democrats’ Nominee Would Be Best For The Country
the nose on Pinocchio grew longer with every lie. all the democrap candidates exude a giddy sense of self-righteousness and feigned intellectual superiority. Pope Benedict XVI defined this as the “dictatorship of relativism”. One can recall the work of Willian T Sance ” as a rule, only very learned and clever men deny hat is obviously true. Common men have less brains but more sense. dehumanization is the trade make of both the communists and of the nazi party. the current relevance and parallelism is staggering in the new national socialist party -democrap party
@Deplorable Me:
Likewise, part of why Democrats are such scum bags today really started with Bork. Republicans kept coddling them, and here we are today.
Thank God we have a president who’s not afraid to tell Dems to f*** themselves
@MOS # 8541:
And feigned it is!
This week Steyer and Bloomberg, both billionaires, quit their presidential bids.
ODD, isn’t it?
They spent a combined $3/4 Billion to try to gain traction in the election and FAILED.
BUT in 2016 Russia spent a mere $53,000 on Facebook ads and managed to (supposedly) skew the election away from Hillary!