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The democrat party is sliding towards oblivion


The democrat party is in deep trouble and is sliding into oblivion and Nancy Pelosi knows it.

Socialist 2020 dem candidates are jerking their party into a sharp left hand turn and off the cliff. Over the last week or so the party platform has been shaped by the socialist front runners and what is it?


Sanders says America is racist from top to bottom

During an extended back-and-forth on race issues at the Democratic presidential debate on Friday, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders went for the finish line. “We have a racist society from top to bottom,” he declared. He said it’s in the healthcare system, criminal justice, the economy, and everywhere else.

I won’t analyze the psychology behind calling an entire country, whose people you want to like you, racist. I don’t think I’d like what I’d find. But in fairness to Sanders, this is largely what the social justice faction of the Democratic Party, the most powerful faction, needs to hear.

If Democrats aren’t talking about oppression, grievance, and victimhood as it relates to race, gender, and sexuality, are they really saying anything at all?

And Tom Steyer?

It’s why at the same debate, businessman Tom Steyer, who looks like Al Bundy, swan-dived into the race subject to say that he supported reparations.

Pete Buttigieg narrowed his focus to South Bend.

“There’s no question that systemic racism has penetrated to every level of our system and my city was not immune.”

In retort, Councilman Henry Davis of South Bend offers this:

Van Jones of CNN says Buttigieg is off the rails

The others weighed in as well:

“We can’t legislate away racism,” said Andrew Yang, because racism runs so deep in the American soul.

Joe Biden, verbatim (poor Joe): “The fact is that we in fact there is systemic racism.”

Elizabeth Warren even declared that “we need race-conscious laws in education, in employment, in entrepreneurship to make this country a country for everyone.”

AOC and her boyfriend offer advice in ‘combating racism as a white person.’

This is a loser. A big loser.

But the racism ploy is a shiny thing to distract you from their real goal- socialism. The current leading dem candidate has big plans to destroy America.

Here Bernie plans to re-educate you about your investments

Bernie plans a wage cap for you

Bernie will take your healthcare away from you and force you to pay for all abortions and provide free health care to illegal aliens– also at your cost

And there is absolutely no room for pro-lifers

Here Sanders reiterates his adoration of socialist leaders

Bernie is asked how he dems can run health care if they can’t run a caucus

Not to  be outdone, Buttigieg wants to decriminalize all drugs, including heroin and meth, and still favors infanticide.

Biden promises to “work like hell” to elect a socialist:

You know it’s bad when liberal icons begin to show fear. Chris Matthews:

“It [socialism] doesn’t frickin’ work”


“I remember the Cold War, I have an attitude towards Castro,” Matthews said. “I believe if Castro and the reds had won the Cold War, there would have been executions in Central Park, and I might have been one of the ones getting executed, and certain other people would be there cheering.”

They know this is all a losing proposition and it is leading the party right off the cliff. Michael Barone wrote that the 2020 dem race is starting to look like a suicide pact:

One possibility, looking forward to the Super Tuesday and other big state primaries in March, is a race between Bernie Sanders and Michael Bloomberg, who wisely skipped Iowa and New Hampshire and has been spending hundreds of millions on big state TV. Is either candidate ideally positioned to beat President Trump?

Maybe no Democrat is. Trump’s RealClearPolitics job approval reached an all-time high of 46% last week, and a new Gallup poll has it at 49%. Moreover, that poll shows more voters with positive feelings toward the Republican Party than the Democratic Party, a contrast with many past results.

In contrast, people see conditions improving in the Trump years. Gallup’s Social Series poll shows people’s satisfaction with the economy at 68%, up 22% from January 2017; satisfaction with security from terrorism up 18% from 2017; with military preparedness up 15%; and with the state of race relations up 14%.

There’s plenty of material here for an updated version of former President Ronald Reagan’s 1984 “Morning in America” ad, which, over gauzy, feel-good video, highlighted one improved statistic after another, with only a brief shot of the president himself.

What do the Democrats have to offer in return? Criticism of the killing of Iran’s terrorist chief. Tales of economic woe at a time of record-low unemployment and what Trump can reasonably call a “blue-collar boom.”

Another left wing icon is very alarmed:

James Carville: We have candidates on the debate stage talking about open borders and decriminalizing illegal immigration. They’re talking about doing away with nuclear energy and fracking. You’ve got Bernie Sanders talking about letting criminals and terrorists vote from jail cells. It doesn’t matter what you think about any of that, or if there are good arguments — talking about that is not how you win a national election. It’s not how you become a majoritarian party. . .

Indeed. Socialism generally leads to authoritarianism and Communism.

This is not what America wants. Persistence in this direction will cause the destruction of the democrat party.


After the debate, ABC’s Jonathan Karl 

“First of all, obviously the candidate that he feared most early on was Joe Biden,” Karl responded. “That is not the case anymore and I don’t think there was anybody based on tonight’s performance that has the Trump campaign quaking in their boots.”


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