Welcome back, everyone! One month of 2020 is gone, so here’s our final dose of Lefty insanity before we leave January in the rear view mirror:
January 20 – We the Deplorables
The end of the post nails the difference between freedom vs. Socialism
1/11 – Advocates for refugees disagree with Gov. Greg Abbott (Video)
Or more accurately, grifters benefitting from migrant resettlement contracts object to their gravy train being cut off
1/22 – Gangs In Tampa Grooming, Branding and Selling White Children For Sex
This one hits a bit close to home for me – I still have friends in the Tampa area from when I worked there back in the late 90s who have kids around the age that would be affected here. And how much of a disgrace is it that a story like this has to be picked up by foreign media?
1/24 – Hang Onto Your Plumbing
I normally wouldn’t give a link to a story that does something as obnoxious as making you read to the end and click and external link to get to the point of the story. This one is worth it.
This brings up the million dollar question – why aren’t these Climastrologists reducing their carbon footprint by having these over teleconference?
1/25 – Saturday Night Fights: Steve Cortes Pins Trump-Trashing Rick Wilson on MSNBC
A great summary of the “How you got Trump” argument. And this is the other video where Rick Wilson made a colon of himself on live TV last week!
1/26 – At least some of the elites at #Davos understood that carbon taxes make working class people poorer
Baby steps. It’s not every day that The Radical Left acknowledges that their policies hurt the poor. Of course, if The Radical Left didn’t love the poor, why would they support so many policies guaranteed to keep them in poverty?
1/27 – The Genocide Bowl
When we had our two finalists for the NFL Championship I was waiting for someone to catch this angle. The Lefties haven’t (yet), but Taki Magazine did not let this offense go unnoticed!
1/28 – Drag queens will be featured for the first time in a prime-time Super Bowl advertisement
Add Sabra Hummus to the list of products I won’t be buying anymore. Oh wait, I don’t eat hummus to begin with. Damn, I’m so old I actually remember looking forward to the ads aired during the Super Bowl.
1/29 – Rep Kathy Castor (D) Tells Youtube To Censor Climate Skeptics For Wrongthink
Weird question, but should we start moving to impeach every politician who so blatantly tries to shred the 1st Amendment, given that they all take an oath to defend and uphold it?
1/30 – California Democrats Declare War on Independence
I’m starting to wonder how much more insane California has to get before things bottom out and start getting better. As a Virginian I have to ask since I’m getting a glimpse into our future.
1/31 – Proposed CA Legislation Would Mandate Climate Change Indoctrination in Public Schools
*Exasperated sigh* Dammit, please disregard my comment on the previous link.
In the words of the immortal Tyler Durden, “Where you are now, you can’t even begin to imagine what the bottom will be like”
ICYMI – I offered the constructive suggestion that Federal Employees Should Learn to Code
From the archives, we follow up on the Genocide Bowl post and go back six years to It’s Official – Every NFL Team Mascot is Offensive.
Minor programming note – I have a mini vacation this week, so next weekend’s TWIRL might be an abbreviated one, and if it comes down will get published later than normal.
And be sure to watch the video on this first tweet – includes NSFW language, so have your headphones handy.
Have a great weekend, and go Andy Reid and your Chiefs!
I agree that it’s terrible the reporters can be prosecuted for filming Planned Parenthood https://t.co/iaqk5hmxl0
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) January 26, 2020
Fact-check: not yet. pic.twitter.com/IMZjI6lSZF
— Kyle Mann (@The_Kyle_Mann) January 25, 2020
Don’t mischaracterize Schiff by using his exact words taken from unedited video.
— Razor (@hale_razor) January 25, 2020
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
I had heard about a few of these “problematic” team names but it really hit home after we moved to Utah,
Utah was named after the Ute tribe.
The University of Utah named their teams the Utes.
Some time back a rich alumni died and left lots of endowments to UU.
A few of these made sure Utes were given low tuition &/or free tuition via scholarships.
The University also does other nice things for the Utes (who are dying out, btw).
Still, every year some “woke” person comes along and screams “cultural appropriation!”
You can never do enough for baby birds screaming with their mouths hanging open and you can never do enough for liberals.
Smart course is, unless you’re a parent bird, don’t even try.
I used to post under my real name (sometimes, due to auto-fill, I accidentally do still). It’s not that I am afraid to do that… I just prefer to be “Deplorable” because that is what Hillary has identified as the opposite of what she represents.
It’s always those who profit from additional dependents on government but don’t contribute to the subsidizing necessary for their existence that support unlimited “refugee” flow.
I don’t wish harm on anyone, but the left will never recognize the problems THEY create and enable until is hits them in a personal way. Sadly, that’s true.
Hell, I thought this was going to be a transgender story.
Thus a summation of the personal dedication to their global warming religion the left has. BB… you can’t party in an exotic location on teleconference. BOOOOORE- IIIIIING!
I couldn’t find it.
But, of course… who cares?
I guess I must be morally numb, but the only thing I have been inspired to hate are those who try to manufacture hate. By the way, Hunt moved the Dallas Texans to Kansas City.
Perhaps using gays and drag queens to sell me a product will turn out to be as rap music and pop-up ads. Nothing says “BUY ME!” like irritation. But, I wasn’t in the market for some hummus anyway.
One would think that to anyone wanting someone to represent them Constitutionally would not select someone that promotes violating the Constitution to support their ideology. That goes for those supporting baseless impeachment as well.
THERE’S an example of misery having to be visited upon liberals (making an assumption most of these writers are liberals) before they realize how allowing a socialist government to decide where and how you will work is not such a swell idea. Of course, if they don’t like it… they can always learn to code.
And we wonder why the population just gets dumber and dumber. Now we are actually TEACHING stupidity. Well, it worked for the communists and Nazis… why not?
@Nan G:
And these would be Warren supporters.
@Nan G: Sorry, but as I read your comment I kept thinking of My Cousin Vinny and that classic line, “What’s a Yout?”
@Deplorable Me:
Fixed! As always, thank you for alerting me
@Deplorable Me: #3
They are 1/1024th correct
Back to the Kung Flu, Yes much disinformation and conspiracy theory Grasshopper.
You believe what government tells you Grasshopper, only government will tell you truth. You no need to know how much China money is in silicon valley.
Gramma kitt sat for 2 this week stricken with tummy virus, hello clorox and lysol, 7 up and soda crackers, and handy to grab pails.
Grandpa vanishing into his germ free “lair” in the basement he is a bit of an electronics and radio buff and we have the 4 year old convinced he is devising plans to take over the world, as he wires devices and boards to get his scanners to “talk” with his computers. His evil laugh can use a little more work.
@Brother Bob: Trump inspires fear? Among who, aside from traveling terrorists?