A sad epilogue to a fabled career

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John McCain lived a full life and had a storied career. It’s a shame he will be remembered for being part of a conspiracy to try to destroy a Republican candidate and ultimately President of the United States with Russian disinformation.

It was no secret that the two men disliked each other intensely. The animus is said to have begun in 1999 when Trump questioned McCain being a hero solely for being captured. I think that was harsh and unfair but that’s Trump. McCain did repay the kindness and then some.

McCain blocked repeal of Obamacare.

McCain became far more critical of Trump than he ever was of Obama

“Flattery secures his friendship, criticism his enmity,” McCain reportedly wrote, according to excerpts reviewed by the media. “It is hard to know what to expect from President Trump, what’s a pose, what’s legitimate.”

McCain also darkly hinted

“I’m being very nice. I’m being very, very nice. But at some point I fight back, and it won’t be pretty,”

It wasn’t.

The New Yorker published an article that asked:

How Far Will John McCain Go Against President Trump?


We know now just how far. McCain would actively participate in the Russian collusion conspiracy. After the FBI dropped Christopher Steele, John McCain was the courier delivering Steele’s Russian disinformation to James Comey

Late Senator John McCain provided disgraced former FBI chief James Comey with five separate reports from Christopher Steele that the FBI didn’t previously possess related to unsubstantiated allegations of collusion between Russia and President Trump’s 2016 campaign, the Justice Department’s recent Inspector General report revealed.

There have long been questions about why it was necessary for McCain to pass Steele’s anti-Trump dossier to Comey on December 9, 2016, several weeks after the November 2016 presidential election. By then, Steele had already met numerous times with FBI agents to provide them with his controversial reports. Steele, however, was terminated as an FBI source in the fall of 2016 because he spoke to the news media.

The IG report discloses that McCain gave five new Steele reports to Comey that the FBI did not previously possess, showing that McCain served as a conduit for Steele’s information to reach the FBI even after the British ex-spy was formally cut off as an FBI source.

It is not clear whether McCain knew at the time that Steele had previously been terminated as an FBI source.

The IG report also verifies that a McCain aid obtained the Steele reports directly from Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, meaning that when McCain transferred the anti-Trump charges to Comey he had to have known that the material originated with a firm that specializes in controversial opposition tactics.

From the IG Report:

Several weeks later, on December 9, 2016, Senator John McCain provided Comney with a collection of 16 Steele election reports, 5 of which Steele had not given the FBI. McCain had obtained these reports from a staff member at the McCain Institute. The McCain Institute staff member had met with Steele and later acquired the reports from Simpson.

That McCain staff member was David Kramer, who would be the person to leak the dossier to Buzzfeed.

The dossier is in tatters. Virtually all of it has been debunked, which makes McCain’s later words worse:

In his book published last year, McCain maintained he had an “obligation” to pass the dossier charges against Trump to Comey and he would even do it again. “Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell,” McCain exclaimed.

If only McCain could have shown that same fire and motivation in his campaign against Barack Obama in 2008 instead of simply knuckling under and surrendering. He might have saved this country from Obama. He didn’t, but he did his best to stop Trump using Russian disinformation. Sadly, this is how McCain will be remembered



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@Greg: Provide proof of “signs of dementia”, admit you are wrong, or admit to being a liar.

Signs are there. Making things up, agitation, inappropriate comments, difficulty processing written material, difficulty synthesizing information into a larger cohesive understanding, impulsiveness, angry outbursts… It’s been reported that the White House staff spends a lot of time trying to work around him and rein him in. They can only get away with it for so long before being fired. Giuliani is Trump’s own workaround. He’ll apparently go along with anything, and works entirely outside of normal channels—unless you’re talking about those more akin to organized crime. Giuliani is an enabler.

@Greg:You’ve described every Democrat. Those are signs of human behavior and most don’t even apply to Trump. So, which is it? You wrong or a liar?

@Greg: What a pile of manure I have seen my mother in law go through dementia, chatted with the fellow patients after she could no longer stay in her home. You havent a clue. Reagan had dementia no one outside the white house had a clue. Trump shows no signs, but Biden on the other hand does.

@retire05: The test of a great scam is that the followers are just too dumb to recognize they were scammed. You only need to listen to greggie to see how good the scam the left has created for the last 11 years.

@Deplorable Me: Did you notice that every statement is hearsay? Those who believe hearsay are suffering from dementia.


I don’t expect any cures from a man showing early signs of dementia.

Uh huh. Perhaps you need to watch the recent viral video of Pelosi struggling to put thoughts and words together… regarding impeachment.

Dementia…or just her mind revolting at the sheer absurdity of it all?

Probably a bit of both.

@Randy: That’s what people who base their entire lives on lies have to do.


The test of a great scam is that the followers are just too dumb to recognize they were scammed.

Marx knew this. He also knew that greed, the greed of those who possessed less than the wealthy, would help implement Communism. Comrade Greggie exemplifies that greed as he wants to be able to share in what he did not help to create.

Remember the Obama supporters who talked about how Obama was going to give them a free cell phone and put gas in their cars? Free stuff given to Obama supporters all paid for by those who actually worked for what they have. Take a look at the current clown car of Democrat presidential candidates; all promising free stuff by legal theft of others.

But unlike other nations, the U.S. has a system by which anyone can earn enough for a comfortable life. Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell have both laid out the three things one can do to make it in America; graduate high school, don’t do drugs or abuse alcohol and don’t have children out of wedlock. Those three simple things allows anyone to make a good living in the U.S. Want to be a millionaire? Build a better mouse trap.

But Comrade Greggie has bought into the lies perpetrated by Marx and the Frankfurt Marxists. Perhaps he learned that from General Giap.

@retire05: I doubt that he learned anything from General Giap. Giap was a scholar, greggie is a dunce.

Right-wing craziness hasn’t really changed in decades. All that changes are the objects of the fixations. Though I do have to admit that trashing decorated war veterans at the urging of a draft dodger who’s sucking up to Russian and North Korean dictators is a new development.

@Greg: My Christmas tree is decorated and I am sure it didn’t do anything important! Obama was decorated with a Nobel Peace Prize while he didn’t do a thing., just like my Christmas Tree! So we should hold my Christmas Tree in reverence?

@Greg: Hmm…. how about trashing a decorated war veteran at the behest of Hillary, like you all have done to General Flynn? How about trashing Naval Academy graduate and patriot Carter Page at the behest of Hillary? How about throwing a national tantrum simply because you lost an election where you promoted the worst candidate imaginable? How about, at Hillary’s command, putting the entire nation through a destructive nightmare based on the lies Hillary bought for you and nothing BUT lies?

Cmon, Greg. Stop with the weak, silly bullshit.

@Nathan Blue:

Uh huh. Perhaps you need to watch the recent viral video of Pelosi struggling to put thoughts and words together… regarding impeachment.

For what reason? To find just another example of you selling more conspiracy theories, fake news and repeated lies?

Perhaps you are unaware the video was doctored and slowed down to get that outcome?

@Ronald J. Ward: Yeah, be sure not to let anything invade your ignorance.

@Deploaable Me: #65
Don’t pick on RJ’s Girl like that.

@ greg # 35

I wonder about this a lot. He has certainly rallied the ignorant and the stupid, but I don’t believe for a moment that ignorance and stupidity are the common denominator, since most of his followers really aren’t. As near as I can figure, Trump is a one-size-fits-all answer to some deep-seated psychological need in people who believe the cards in the deck have been stacked against them, or who feel threatened by a cascade of changes in the world that they don’t understand and don’t feel prepared to cope with. He offers protection from and a means of retaliation against a laundry list of people, groups, ideas, and institutions that they’ve come to blame. His own nature and skills equip him perfectly to exploit all of that.

It’s called DTS. Reading your post shows the Hate that flows through you. The hate for your country. The Hate for those who Support OUR PRESIDENT.


There’s that old familiar Propaganda 101 Rule #2 tune so many Trump supporters have allowed themselves to be drafted into the indoctrination: “accuse your opponents of which you are guilty of”.

As I’ve argued, Trump supporters just all seem to have a need to hate. They hate Muslims or Mexicans or immigrants or Democrats or you can write in your own.

Stuart Stevens wrote an interesting piece in today’s Washington Post (and yes, I know that even suggesting WP to this crowd would be like asking a vampire to stare directly at a crucifix but it is simply 1 person’s opinion) which sums up the hatred argument.

By Stuart Stevens
Jan. 1, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. CST
Stuart Stevens is a writer and GOP political consultant who is working with a political action committee that backs Bill Weld for president.

Here’s a question: Does anybody have any idea what the Republican Party stands for in 2020?

One way to find out: As you are out and about marking the new year, it is likely you will come across a Republican to whom you can pose the question, preferably after a drink or two, as that tends to work as truth serum: “Look, I was just wondering: What’s the Republican Party all about these days? What does it, well, stand for?”

I’m betting the answer is going to involve a noun, a verb and either “socialism” or “Democrats.” Republicans now partly define their party simply as an alternative to that other party, as in, “I’m a Republican because I’m not a Democrat.”

In a long-forgotten era — say, four years ago — such a question would have elicited a very different answer. Though there was disagreement over specific issues, most Republicans would have said the party stood for some basic principles: fiscal sanity, free trade, strong on Russia, and that character and personal responsibility count. Today it’s not that the Republican Party has forgotten these issues and values; instead, it actively opposes all of them.

Republicans are now officially the character doesn’t count party, the personal responsibility just proves you have failed to blame the other guy party, the deficit doesn’t matter party, the Russia is our ally party, and the I’m-right-and-you-are-human-scum party. Yes, it’s President Trump’s party now, but it stands only for what he has just tweeted.

A party without a governing theory, a higher purpose or a clear moral direction is nothing more than a cartel, a syndicate that exists only to advance itself. There is no organized, coherent purpose other than the acquisition and maintenance of power.

This is a sad fall. In Ronald Reagan’s America, being born an American was to win’s life lottery; in Donald Trump’s America, it makes you a victim, a patsy, a chump.

Trump didn’t hijack the GOP and bend it to his will. He did something far easier: He looked at the party, saw its fault lines and then offered himself as a pure distillation of accumulated white grievance and anger. He bet that Republican voters didn’t really care about free trade or mutual security, or about the environment or Europe, much less deficits. He rebranded kindness and compassion as “PC” and elevated division and bigotry as the admirable goals of just being politically incorrect. Trump didn’t make Americans more racist; he just normalized the resentments that were simmering in many households. In short, he let a lot of long-suppressed demons out of the box.

This paranoid element in the party has existed for decades, since the Joe McCarthy era, when some Republicans who saw dark forces threatening the country argued that only radical action by “true” Americans — white, Christian, conservative — could safeguard the nation. Barry Goldwater revived the theme in 1964, and George Wallace won five states with it as a third-party candidate in 1968. I worked in every Republican presidential campaign from 1996 through 2012 and assumed that those guys had long been vanquished and that optimism and inclusion had prevailed. I was wrong.

This impeachment moment and all that has led to it should signal a day of reckoning. A party that has as its sole purpose the protection and promotion of its leader, whatever he thinks, is not on a sustainable path. Can anyone force a change? I’m not optimistic. Trump won with 46.1 percent of the vote in 2016, while Mitt Romney lost with 47.2 percent in 2012; no wonder Republicans have convinced themselves that the path to victory and power lies with angry division. Having ignored the warning signs for years myself, I know the seductive lure of believing what you prefer while ignoring the obvious truth.

Which is this: We are a long way — more than a half-century — from 1968, much less 1952. The United States is now a diverse, chaotic collection of 330 million people, a country of immigrants and multiculturalism that is growing less white every day. It is not some gauzy Shangri-La of suburban bliss that never existed.

I’d like to say that I believe the party I spent so many years fighting for could rise to the challenge of this moment. But there have been too many lies for too long.

Long post short on content.

@Ronald J. Ward: The long depressing sad thing you felt compelled to post is why he and his candidate will lose.
Go Badgers!

@kitt: I wonder, did his cat just die and he is under duress? I do not remember any person who have experienced their economic prospects improving considerably under Trump worried very much. They are quite quiet as they smile about their retirement funds. The hate is all on the left. RW has nothing else to do but to find a disgruntled person writing about his extreme thoughts based upon no facts.

I love how the Left wants to define the Republicans into a corner:

@Ronald J. Ward: basic principles: fiscal sanity, free trade, strong on Russia, and that character and personal responsibility count.

What was “fiscal sanity?” but managing the decline?
As long as Republicans didn’t squawk Dems kept growing & growing the budget.
Any slowing of the growth was screamed about as “cuts.”
Screw that so-called “fiscal sanity.”
What was “free trade?”
As long as other countries got the best deals and we got deeper & deeper in debt to them Dems were (inexplicably) happy.
President Trump came along and used good sense as well as hard work to get better deals and Dems are going crazy.
“Strong on Russia?”
Are you crazy?
Hillary gave away American uranium rights to Russia.
Bill got rich (payoffs) giving incoherent speeches in Russia.
Obama overpaid Russia to hitch rides to the space station so he could decimate our space program.
“Character & personal responsibility?”
Dems can get away with homosexuality, blackface, dressing up as KKK, lying, cheating (even on taxes) and more with no worries.
But Dems want to hold Republicans to nearly god-like standards!
No one human can live up to their standards , for us!
Screw Dems and the hos they rode in on.

@Deplorable Me: @kitt:

Stuart Stevens has been around for a long time. He is what some would call an “establishment” Republican, i.e. a Bill Kristol mini-me. His last shot at a presidential gig was running Mitt Romney’s campaign. That should tell you all you need to know about Mr. Stevens who was anti-Trump from the day Trump announced his candidacy.

I would recommend he get out of Vermont and talk to Republicans in fly-over country. He obviously has been stuck in the Beltway for far too long as he has really lost touch with everyday conservatives. So for his last attempt at relevancy, he goes after those who support President Trump. He has become as irrelevant as has Bill Kristol, another anti-Trumper, who no one pays any attention to any more. How [some of] the mighty have fallen.

Of course AJ/Ward would jump on this article, doing what he complains others don’t do, give a link and credit to the publication. Lefties jump on anything said by the “establishment elite” that has been relegated to the dust bin of political influence.


RW has nothing else to do but to find a disgruntled person writing about his extreme thoughts based upon no facts.

Stevens, as Romney’s main campaign man, was once a major player inside the Beltway. Now, he’s a nobody. No one is ringing his phone to ask him to help with their campaign, at least no one who would even stand a chance of making it to the primaries. Perhaps the lousy campaign for Romney he ran is the reason.

But like the rest of the GOP Establishment, Stevens had decided to tell all those who support Trump what low life, low IQ clueless cretins they are. Yeah, that should do it and make any Republican who wants to run for office start ringing his phone, NOT.

@retire05: Thanks I love it when Debbie downers try to define or put Americans into their little labeled box. Perhaps Join the party, we are enjoying our prosperity, but prepare for harder times. Wisconsin shows success means little to the Democrats Evers squeaker win as an example.
Everyone with cable TV please post the Rosebowl score friggin ESPN.
Last score I heard 10-7 Badgers in the 2nd


That should tell you all you need to know about Mr. Stevens who was anti-Trump from the day Trump announced his candidacy.

Most were.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Most were.

Yep, all the GOP Establishment, who had been fatting up their bank accounts for years pretending to be conservatives, were against Trump. Odd how you lefties hated those clowns during the Bush and Obama days but now they’re the cat’s meow in your book. But then, left wingers lost their moral compass decades ago.

@Greg: 37

It was the laying out of the proposition: If you want my country’s military support and favor, you need to do me a personal favor. Talk to Rudy.

Just for the record, Greggie, your exact quote is NO WHERE in the transcript of the phone call. NO WHERE.


why has he ordered everyone who has first-hand knowledge of the situation and could clarify that to refuse to testify?

if it’s so open and shut little greggie, why didn’t the House go to court and ask for the subpoena’s to be complied with? Procedure is to subpoena, if they don’t want to comply, House goes to court and asks compliance, court either says ok or no. House didn’t follow the rules of the game. Sounds like they don’t understand the system any better than you do.

@retire05: 50 your quote to greggie:

Almost all of your blatherings are simply projection on your part accusing the Right of doing what the Left is guilty of. It would be nice to see you admit you were wrong, and your left wing sources were wrong, just once.

I know it might not make any sense, but after listening (reading) greggies posts over the year, I just don’t really think he even understands the difference. There can be no other explanation for his complete and total ignorance. He actually must be taking lessons to learn some of this stuff, though I really don’t know anyone dumb enough to be his teacher.

@Greg: 61

decorated war veterans at the urging of a draft dodger

Note you said ‘decorated war veterans vs war heros. and just for the record that fits McStain, veteran, and turncoat and song bird. Draft dodger. I can only name 2 ‘actual draft dodgers’ Muhammed Ali and William J Clinton.. But I will concede that President Carter did pardon all Federal Felony Draft Dodgers, which included Slick Willie but not Donald Trump. Trump actually got a medical exemption and was never ‘drafted’ Slick was officially drafted and officially dodged. So when you’re admiring draft dodgers, don’t leave out your hero.

@Ronald J. Ward: 67 Ronald, did you get that container of crying hankies? That was a real tear jerker, Let us know when you finish your crying jag.


@Ronald J. Ward: 67 Ronald, did you get that container of crying hankies? That was a real tear jerker, Let us know when you finish your crying jag.

It was bet. When I copied and pasted that response to Skyshark91’s comment of “Don’t pick on RJ’s Girl like that”, I made a bet that Skyshark91 would be gone or not heard from while the usual gaggle of resident trolls would be stirred to nonsensical gibberish and elementary jabs.

Another bet going now is will this comment revive Skyshark91. Of course, simply letting that cat out of the bag changes the odds.

I’m now good for a shot of Makers Mark on the rocks. See if you guys can take it away or make it a double.

@ rj
Who did you bet? greg? sorry, been busy. I actually do have a busy job and only posted here a few times. More enjoyable listening to liberals complain and try to sell their BS. At least you one bet. LEG
“In Orbe Terrum Non Visi”

