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Adam Schiff, democrat master of disinformation

Adam Schiff is a master of disinformation. He would have made Josef Goebbels proud. For the last few years, Schiff has been the purveyor of the some of the worst assertions and accusations imaginable. He has accused Trump of being a Russian agent, of actively colluding with Russia, of bribery, extortion, campaign finance violations. He claimed to have more evidence of Russian collusion hiding “in plain sight.”

There is just one problem. None of it is true.

Devin Nunes wrote Schiff a letter in which he documented all of the times Schiff was wrong. Schiff claimed:

Nunes then stuffed these down Schiff’s throat:

The IG report has exposed all these declarations as false. Despite your denial of any problems with the FISA warrant, the 16 found:

And these Schiff accusations went down his throat as well:

Despite this, Schiff cannot bring himself to admit how wrong he was, not with Chris Wallace

And not with George Stephanopoulos

But this is the biggest Schiff lie of all:

“I’m certainly willing to admit that the inspector general found serious abuses of FISA that I was unaware of.”

Unaware of? Schiff had all of the information that Devin Nunes had. Every single bit of it. Instead of acknowledging it and repairing the situation, Schiff went on a crusade to destroy Nunes and deny this was the truth.

Adam Schiff is a liar of galactic proportions. He has done the country major harm and truly ought to be held accountable for it. Fortunately, his constituents are getting fed up with him:

You have to wonder- why did Schiff and Comey lie as they did? Did they really believe they could snuff the life out of the truth? Did they believe they could kill the truth, bury it and keep it buried forever?

Would it not have been smarter to take the early hit and come clean instead of seeing their reputations destroyed and be seen as corrupt and dishonest from now on?

Maybe it’s a democrat thing. I don’t know. Even Nixon knew when to stop.

It’s time for democrats to abandon schiff.

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