Donald Trump has been getting pounded by the left for his comments about Baltimore. Rather than debate the merits of the situation, democrats have instead chose to once more play the worn out race card. They’ve even taken to fronting Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton as their spokesman.
Now as the dust settles a bit reality starts to creep into view
The videos she posted on social media of blight and trash in West Baltimore caught the eye of Fox News and then President Donald Trump, who over the weekend launched a blistering attack against U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings.
— The Baltimore Sun (@baltimoresun) July 30, 2019
Baltimore owes Kimberly Klacik a debt of gratitude. She’s brought national attention to a sh*t show in her back yard and Donald Trump picked it up and ran with it. He knew something they did not.
Instead of being grateful, left wingers went on the attack against Klacik.
Many commenters on Facebook and Twitter assailed Trump for not doing anything about Baltimore. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Cummings’s congressional district received just under $15.7 billion in grants, benefits and other assistance from the federal government in fiscal year 2018, according to federal awards data compiled by While not an insignificant amount, districts like Indiana’s 7th (at $16.5 billion), New Jersey’s 12th (at $17.2 billion) and Pennsylvania’s 4th (at $27.4 billion) all received more money in fiscal year 2018.
That’s considerably more than the $1.8 billion obama gave to Baltimore in his 2009 stimulus package.
Where has the money gone? What did they do with it?
The real racists are those who are calling Trump a racist. They are the problem. Their denials of the true nature of the dilemma will continue to leave people in despair. Donald Trump has tried to do a lot for Baltimore. What Baltimore has done with the monies given it is a mystery that needs to be explained.
Once more this is Trump’s chess to liberal checkers. Trump walked the walk. democrats have done thing but watch.
Calling Trump a racist is nothing more than an excuse and a cover for not serving the people of Baltimore.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
The rabid, frothing media is interviewing Pres Trump this AM.
He’s taking all questions.
It is grand.
The “follow the money” corner that Pres Trump has painted the media into leaves them only 2 options:
Expose Baltimore’s corruption or crickets.
Either way Pres Trump wins.
I could be wrong, but I think that, by their very own definition, THAT is racist.
If anyone ever thinks that Pelosi or Cummings will EVER take a look into corruption possibly committed by anyone within their own party, you’d best think something else. Cummings and his wife are credibly accused of stealing money from non-profits. Every Democrat of every urban area that receives billions of dollars in aid yet remain rat infested dumps need THEIR income taxes examined.
Trump attacks ANYONE that attacks him. It is a message, a warning to others: DON’T attack me. It doesn’t matter what the color of their skin is, it depends on what their POLICIES are. But Democrats, totally out of ideas and programs, seek to hide behind racism to protect themselves.
As I said in another thread, the one thing President Trump has done is brought attention to Baltimore. The last time Baltimore was in the news was during the riots under the Obama administration.
The rats had already infested the city before Trump became president
Those shells of row houses were abandoned before Trump became president.
The trash was piling up long before Trump became president.
President Trump is not calling Cummings corrupt (although he and his wife are) but calling the leadership of Baltimore corrupt. Again, let’s see if Elijah Cummings spend is Congressional vacation trying to clear up the mess that happened under his watch. If he does, it’s a win-win situation. A win for Baltimore’s 7th Congressional district and a win for President Trump.
@Deplorable Me:
What are the Democrat candidates running on? Free stuff; free health care, free college tuition, free cell phones, free health care for illegals, free, free, free. Nothing to clean up major metropolitan cities, nothing to create jobs or bring jobs back from foreign nations. The Democrats have no platform except “#hateTrump.”
One third of Baltimore’s school had NOT ONE student that could read or do math at proficiency. NOT ONE STUDENT. Let that sink in.
@retire05: One of the causes of the problems within the urban areas Democrats control is how they accommodate all the ill effects of luring more people to their control. Ultimately, they draw in those most looking for the handouts and free ride and the resultant glut of poverty drives out those watching their investments in home and property erode.
Democrats: the party of the death spiral.
How stupid is giving these crack whores money? They taxed and spent themselves into depopulation, under what progressive policies was this FEDERAL cash spent? Are they giving rats perms and calling them poodles?
And that why black Dems would rather have their constituents roll in poop and live with rats and sleep with bed bugs.
Having Pres Trump “win” in any way is anathema to them, even if this is the price.
A few individual black voters are waking up, like this guy:
Kingface takes over Washington Park Square: