Welcome back, everyone! As summer approaches the unofficial halfway point I hope that you’re having a great one! Of course, our Lefty pals have plenty to be miserable about because they’re Lefties. Don’t believe me? Take a gander:
7/4 – Democratic Debates: Did Russia Pay These Candidates to Throw the Election to Trump?
Great read, and is this any more far fetched that the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories that The Radical Left has been throwing out since 2016?
7/5 – Biden Losing It – 2015/2016 Russian Meddling “wouldn’t have happened under my watch”…
I think those hair plugs might have penetrated a little bit too deep.
7/5 – Trump Fourth of July Event Cost About as Much as an Obama Hawaii Vacation
Not that any sane person cares about this, but a useful bit of info to share with any of your Lefty pals who are still shrieking over this
7/6 – THIS is what chicken sh*t liberal fascism looks like
ICYMI on Flopping Aces – Dr. John gave a great tweet roundup of Domestic Terrorists being allowed to roam freely in our nation’s capitol
7/6 – The Dean of Social Media
Mike S. Adams gives another update on tyranny at University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
7/7 – Airsoft Gun, Facebook Post, Kid And A School. You Can See Where This Is Going.
Maryland is gonna Maryland. Unfortunately there was no man in the household to defend the boy.
7/8 – Vulgar Anti-Trump American Fans In France Is How You Get Trump
And The Radical Left will never understand that they are 100% responsible for how we got to Trump
7/9 – The American Left’s Army of Dupes
Useful idiots
7/10 – Libertarian Group Demands NASA Remove False ’97 Percent Consensus’ Global Warming Claim
Useful for reference
7/11 – Boris Johnson can make Anglo-American relations great again
To steal a line that Lefties liked to use when talking about Dubya’s foreign policy, it’s time to begin with the generations it will take repair the damage the Obama administration has done to our worldwide reputation
7/12 – Gas reservation policy needed to fix ‘broken’ market, lower energy prices, says IEEFA
Tax cuts for the poor – of course Dems oppose it!
From the archives, a non-political piece. Independence Day marked the 20 year anniversary of a new phrase being introduced to the lexicon – Getting Harrisoned
On a programming note, there will be no TWIRL next weekend, as by the time you see this I’ll be on some much needed R&R (You might have noticed that I cheated on my Friday link be using a story from Australia since I had to wrap this up on Thursday). I had hoped to have a filler post for next weekend, but a combination of the job being busy and having to pack for me and Little Bob while Sister Babe was on a business trip took up my valuable blogging time.
Be good to each other while I’m gone!
Democrats hate America
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) July 6, 2019
Finally something I can get behind:
In Mississippi calling a plant-based burger a “burger” is now punishable with jail time. https://t.co/jSv7zDhnSh
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) July 5, 2019
While we celebrate our nation's birthday, let us also remember the founding idea in which it was conceived: the universal human need to make assholes leave us the fuck alone
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 4, 2019
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
He was referring to all you left wingers out there.
For anyone still sitting on the fence regarding World Ending Climate change, and the Green New Deal, the following quote should slide you right off, . . .
Saikat Chakrabarti, the chief of staff for Ocasio-Cortez claimed, “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”
This has always been about Redistribution.
A “burger” is descriptive of a way to make a sandwich: with a ground patty.
I’ve seen salmon (ground salmon) burgers for sale for years.
Loma Linda has sold “Redi-Burger” a ground grain patty in a can you can cut to desired thickness, since at least the early 1960’s.
Paul McCarney’s late wife, Linda sold veggie burgers years, decades ago.
Why is it now that the beef companies are going after the term, “burger,” like it has to mean cattle meat and nothing else?
Lefty beef growers going snowflake?
Triggered much?
have a great week off Bob, be safe.
a smile before you go
cut to about 4 minutes in
@James Raider: The GND is an updated version of Marx’s manifesto. “Climate change” has been substituted for agricultural practices as the cover story. The ‘D’ behind their names should be substituted with an ‘S’, or more appropriately, a ‘C’.
the chicken shits are skinny arms, zit laden face, gutless group think trash living (68%) in parent basement, OVER 70% unemployed with a drug habit in the billions. It is time for President Trump to declare this body, a mixture of puke and shit as a Domestic Terrorist Origination. Likewise begin enforcing no federal monies of sanctuary city’s like Chi, LA and San Fran who violated federal laws. the new gay mayor of chi is a gutless piece of trash, just like evita -brainless aoc. rocks in a box are much smarter that her.
Romney should have whipped Obama in 2012. The economy was terrible, debt was criminal, we had seen the initial evidence of IRS targeting, Benghazi had been sacked and lied about and Obamacare was a catastrophe. But, due to the left having almost total control of the media and the media more than willing to hide the failures and lie about the opposition, no matter how slam-dunk victory looks (and it indeed should be an overwhelming crushing victory), it is in no way assured. Add to the unlimited supply of liberal propaganda the unfettered ability and willingness to use voter fraud to their benefit and we NEVER have a clear picture of the end result.
In addition, Moochie usually carried her big, fat ass, mommy and her enormous, bloated staff in a separate aircraft. All this for a President that was totally useless, worthless and a complete disaster. Trump spent money celebrating the birth of the nation, providing something all AMERICANS can enjoy. Note, AMERICANS benefited, not just the Obama’s.
Yeah, I commented there that it would be great for some group willing to face off with these “fighters” in a large, vacant lot somewhere and just see how many “anti-fascists” (actually, total fascists) would actually show up.
To the left, there is no such thing as free speech; there is only THEIR speech.
“So, son, what have you learned here?” “I learned that adults can break the law and endanger lives without consequence while kids playing like kids do can be harshly punished for nothing. THAT’S what I learned.”
Did they then go into a diatribe on how Trump should be more mature and not Tweet?
In their defense, these morons have NO IDEA what they are comparing loyal Americans to. They are too stupid to be aware of actual history, have only heard that Nazis were nasty, have heard other people call Americans Nazis but are, again, too stupid to do their own research and understand what they are actually saying. This makes for the very best of useful idiots.
A demand a government agency stop lying. How unique.
Trump is not Obama. He does not surrender to the demands of everyone. Trump stands up for what is the benefit of America and Americans. Obama wanted to be liked and other countries LOVED it when they could take advantage of him… and us.
The left has no concern or concept of the impact of their stupid energy policies on everyone but the wealthy.
Lashana Lynch is filming the latest James Bond movie…..as the latest 007!
The only reason I’d even see this on TV is IF Rami Malik really is playing the baddie.
Otherwise, meh.
No woman can really pull off the un-PC free sex, hard-drinking James (Jane?) Bond!
And a PC Bond movie?
That’s NOT a James Bond movie!
This week in liberal craziness would be missing a bet if we didn’t watch this useful idiot from the Left ignore a fan.
Doesn’t she remember how those 15-yr-old boys beat her ass just a couple of years ago?
And, doesn’t she realize all “women’s” sports are open to being played by males who IDENTIFY as females?
Women’s soccer is going to be a version of 2nd string men’s soccer in just a year or two.
I got back a little while ago and decided to give a quickie vacation special edition this week.
The vacation was excellent, but it’s great to be back! At least, that’s what Doggie Bob has been telling us for the last few hours…