New dem policy: illegals are free to violate US laws

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It’s bad enough that illegal aliens get in-state tuition and in some cases, free tuition to schools, a privilege my American born children were never offered. It’s bad enough that the TSA allows illegal aliens to fly without proper ID. Now democrats add another insult to Americans- illegals are free not only to break into the country, but to violate US laws at will.

The Communist Bernie Sanders says

It Is Not “Appropriate” To Deport Illegal Immigrants Not Following Law In The US

Our addle-brained Speaker  of the House feels the same way. Mind you, these are illegals who already have violated US law and have deportation orders.

Nancy Pelosi says “what’s the point” of enforcing law?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Monday wondered aloud what purpose “interior enforcement” serves with respect to U.S. immigration law following President Donald Trump’s decision to temporarily delay Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids that were planned to take place over the weekend.

“When I saw that the president was going to have these raids, it was so appalling, it’s outside the circle of civilized human behavior to just be kicking down doors, splitting up families, and the rest of that, in addition to injustices that are happening at the border, we have legislation to go forward to address those needs. But in terms of interior enforce, what is the purpose? What is the point?” Pelosi said.

90% of “asylum seekers” do not show for their hearings.

The acting Homeland Security secretary gave lawmakers a glimpse Tuesday into just how many asylum seekers skip their hearings after being released into the United States — telling a Senate panel that a recent program found 90 percent miss their court dates.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., asked Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan how many asylum seekers coming across the southern border show up for their hearings.

“It depends on demographic, the court, but we see too many cases where people are not showing up,” he said, telling Graham that DHS recently conducted a pilot program with family units.

“Out of those 7,000 cases, 90 received final orders of removal in absentia, 90 percent,” he said.

“90 percent did not show up?” Graham asked.

“Correct, that is a recent sample from families crossing the border,” McAleenan clarified.

That’s because they don’t qualify:

McAleenan told lawmakers they also suffer due to “misaligned” asylum standards, meaning many of those who demonstrate “credible fear” of returning home — the initial bar for claiming asylum — are later judged not to have a valid asylum claim.

Why should we not deport those who have no respect for our laws?

Sen. Tom Cotton asks a great question: If you can’t deport an illegal alien who has a valid and final order for removal that’s adjudicated by an immigration judge, who can you deport?

WALLACE: President Trump has also delayed a round-up that was supposed to begin today of migrant families that have already been given their deportation orders. [Trump] says he’s giving Congress two weeks to work out, to reform the asylum system, otherwise, he’ll impose the round-up. I don’t have to tell you, you have a little bit of a look on your face. The likelihood … you talk about healthy skepticism, Congress isn’t going to reform the asylum system in two weeks, sir. [Emphasis added]

COTTON: So Chris I was just going to say healthy skepticism is warranted when you’re dealing with Democrats on immigration. Let’s just think about the Democrats’ position here Chris. These are people who have claimed asylum in our country, they’ve had their day in court, they’ve had their claims rejected and now they face a valid and final order of removal. If we can’t deport people like that, who can we deport? That’s why the Democrats’ position ultimately comes back to, in essence, open borders. [Emphasis added]

WALLACE: So what do you think of the president’s decision to hold off on the round-up of these people who should be deported? [Emphasis added]

COTTON: Two weeks for a couple of thousand families is not going to make a big difference. And if we could get a … genuine law passed through Congress that would address the asylum reforms that we need to stop the crisis at the border, that would be a good thing.

But, again, I go back to this point: If you can’t deport an illegal alien who has a valid and final order for removal that’s adjudicated by an immigration judge, who can you deport? [Emphasis added]

The constant efforts by democrats to tear asunder the fabric of the nation is appalling. Their insistence on rewarding bad behavior is sickening. Why the f**k do any of us have to obey laws if damned illegal alien criminals are not obliged to obey the law?

With all due respect, f**k you Bernie and f**k you, Nancy.


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With all due respect, f**k you Bernie and f**k you, Nancy.

You left some out. F**K all the rest of those who force open borders, refuse to fund humanitarian efforts, complain about the lack of humanitarian efforts, oppose the wall they supported before and demand everyone but those they select should not “be above the law”.

Every damned last one of them. And the horse they rode in on.

Let’s face it; Democrats want open borders. It is just that simple. They suffer from tunnel vision and can only see the immediate result of importing millions of illegals who all come from basically Socialist nations. With the ease of voter fraud, it is the Democrat’s path to winning elections.

Nine of every ten new residents in Texas are Hispanic. Most are foreign born (i.e. illegals). Democrats understand that as goes Texas, so goes the nation. Turn Texas blue and it will be decades before the White House is occupied by a Republican.

But here is my question; if states like California can declare themselves “sanctuary” states and will not cooperate with ICE and will openly violate federal immigration laws, why cannot states like Missouri, et al, not refuse to adhere to federal laws regarding abortion or same sex marriage? Why can’t states just pass a bill stating they will no longer allow abortions or same sex marriage in their states? Obviously, the federal government doesn’t have the means to enforce those laws.

Any state that refuses to enforce immigration laws, and openly thwarts those laws, should not received federal funding for anything. Not education, not police departments, not environmental grants. Nada, nil, nix. Cut off the money and see how quickly the radical governor of California files a law suit and starts whining how it is the federal governments responsibility to give California money.
Other things that can be done; more work place raids, high taxes on remittances sent out to the country to certain countries south of our border, maximum fines for employers that hire illegals (violating federal law), end all social benefits to illegals, and the Administration should challenge the “anchor baby” rule in federal court.

Frankly, I’m sick of paying for illegals to violate our immigration laws. The number of illegal kids in my school district is imploding and that causes my school taxes to skyrocket. Why am I expected to pay for their education (thanks, USSC).

Candace Owens had a good tweet today. She said when a black person commits a crime it’s three strikes. When an illegal commits a crime, they get set free and are given free stuff. She asked if it was racism. Perhaps some of these demokrats should answer it – publicly.

FIRST of all there are no Democrats in the US. Former Democrats are Communists today. All of them.

Second. The reason for the aggressive Communist facilitation of illiterate uneducated Illegals, Arab Muslims, Africans, and all races except White is not to add to Americas work force and bring diversity to the nation. The communists want open borders and have placed the illegals before poor Americans in order to ferment strife, conflict and civil war. A civil war will give the likely Communist president justification to seize the firearms of the law abiding Americans and force into internment camps those who defy Communist brainwashing.

Third. Only by civil disorder and race based conflict can the Communists declare a national emergency and stop all travel, seize food stores, vehicles, ammunition stockpiles, transportation fuel and medicines from civilians. The US Communists will follow the work of Stalin and other Communist despots in their murderous quest to reorder the US into a Communist state.


Obviously, the federal government doesn’t have the means to enforce those laws.

Because what always follows is lawsuits, injunctions and reversals. Those that aren’t Democrats tend to respect the law and honor the court’s judgments.

What is totally inexcusable is the failure to cut off federal funds. The failure to abide by federal law should result in a revocation of funds, just as has been done when a state fails to meet EPA standards. Furthermore, as was done when states were violating voting rights (when Democrats controlled the south), the FEC should be monitoring and controlling elections in sanctuary cities and states because Democrats are herding illegal immigrants in to vote and every illegal vote disenfranchises a citizen’s vote. Talk about foreign interference in our elections; no one does it better than Democrats.

Trump should be cutting funds to sanctuary states while busing as many illegal immigrants there as is possible. He uses sanctions to good effect in foreign policy; maybe that is what it takes to force liberals to follow domestic laws.

@Jaque: Good points, Jaque.
I’m reminded by you comment of the Cloward-Piven strategy.

Cloward-Piven is a strategy to overload our welfare system so a crisis is created that bankrupts our nation to the point where a socialist/communist agenda seems preferable.

Hillary is a proponent of it, as are many Dems.
Obama attempted the overload our public welfare system by putting up billboards telling people to sign up for Food Stamps, free phones, better housing and, of course ObamaCare.
He kept frittering away taxpayers’ money on things like “cash4clunkers,” the ObamaCare website (that never worked by cost over a $Billion) SolYndra, etc.
Had Hillary followed him into office we’d be broke by now,

It’s still the plan.

All these Democrats need to bbee tried for Treason and Harboring the Enemy all Sanctuary cities should be held financialy liable for all deaths caused by illegal aliens Have Jackass Shot at dawn

saying that trump is to be blamed for the mass shooting in texas is crazy it’s just then like saying the dems are to blame for all the illegals that kill american citizens, and lets blame Bernie cause the person in dayton ohio is someone who believes in socialisum.