The Week in Radical Leftism, 06/21/2019

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Welcome back everybody! Schools are getting out, Congresscritters are fleeing to their home states, and Leftist insanity never takes a vacation. Don’t believe me? Look no further!

6/12 – Chilling: Transgender Activist Lays Ground Rules For What ‘She’ Considers Allowable And Unallowable Speech

H/T Kitt – Just like in the Taliban-esque cannoning of our nation’s statues, The Radical Left wants to hold our language hostage to the highest standards of our most mentally feeble

6/12 – ADAMS: Letter To A Hateful Feminist

Mike Adams’ writing is hard to follow since he only posts every 3-4 weeks, but when he does it is strong. I doubt we’ll get the much needed sequel piece to this post, but one can hope.

6/13 – Here’s the EXCUSE the left will use to force actual women to compete against transgender women [VIDEO]

6/14 – Here’s a brave person

Another excellent #WalkAway video from a Trans who had the courage to suggest to some fellow Lefties that maybe President Trump isn’t The Devil?

6/15 – Looks Like Felons Will Serve on Juries in California

The latest unsurprising story out of Northern Venezuela

6/15 – Gay Reparations Are Now A Thing

At the rate we’re going, is it too soon to start demanding reparations for Christians and Conservatives in general?

6/15 – Dear Diary, Nobody likes me. Nobody wants to buy my book about how I hate Trump…

Click the link if you want to read a brutal takedown of that preening jackass that is Jim Acosta. In other word, click the link.

6/16 – This Is What Oberlin Learned After the $44 Million Judgement

Spoiler: Nothing.

6/17 – A Tsunami of Hypocrisy

With all fo the idiocy that The Radical Left is spewing about foreign interference in US elections, let’s just turn to Kurt Schlichter to give our Lefty pals the ridicule  they so richly deserve:

Take this idiocy about the newly discovered TREASONOUS TREACHERY OF TREASON that is taking oppo from grimy foreigners. Trump said (and I paraphrase), “Sure, I guess if some alien offered me dirt on whichever groper, fake Cherokee, Mad magazine mascot or skateboarding furry the Democrats nominate I’d listen,” and the lib elite lifted off into the highest of dudgeons.

“This is his worst treason since his last worst treason!” they thundered. “This is even more treasonous than when The Bad Orange Man called us ‘traitors’ for our treachery after we called him ‘traitor’ for two years!”

6/18 – Why Do Democrats Have a Secret List of Supreme Court Nominees?

Democrats have become self-parody. I never quite understood the stink they raised that outside groups did the research for President Trump’s list of Supreme Court candidates. If it was so horrible why did he make it public and it was used as one of the quieter portions of his platform? I wouldn’t care too much about the Dems’ list, except the fact that they’re keeping it secret makes me wonder what kind of crazed Marxists they want on the court. My bold if somewhat tinfoil-hattish guess: Barack Obama might be on that list. Even though he still enjoys his cultlike status among Leftists, I’m guessing a President Biden/SC Justice Obama prospect would fire up the wrong people in Leftists’ eyes (at least among those not already fired up).

6/19 – Dear Democrats: Please Nominate the Notorious Gaffe Machine Joe Biden

When Biden’s call for “real, physical revolution” can only make the #3 spot on his list of gaffes for this week alone we’ve had an amazing week, even by his standards. As much as I hate to give them a click, here’s how Media Matters tries to defend the indefensible.

6/19 – What AO-C’s ‘Concentration Camp’ Comments Tell Us About the Deconstruction and Breakdown of American Education

This is not just another piece making fun of Gulag Barbie. Dov Fisher does a great job of showing how she’s only a small symptom of a much greater problem.

I have warned for thirty years that, when you build Holocaust museums, you end up teaching ignorant people just enough so that now they can place their issues alongside the martyrs of Dachau and Auschwitz. Thus, Climate Extremists screech that advocates of American energy independence are bringing a Holocaust because the whole world will end in twelve years.

6/20 – The Left does not hate Trump, it hates…

Tough, but fair.

6/20 – War Wounds, Lost Income and the Reparations Debate

An interesting take on this silly debate


Maybe if President Trump started murdering and imprisoning gays his face will be worn by Leftist students too?

From the archives, we look back to that 2012 and What the Recent Contraception Controversy Tells Us About Both Sides. Remember those good old days when Republicans giggled while Democrats screamed at them that thinking that women were capable of managing a $9 a month expense was somehow a “War on Women?” Ah, how Dems miss those happier times!

Have a great weekend!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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When did charlotte clymer aka. trans douche bag, become a First Amendment Lawyer. whoever gave this female impersonator the right to determine the contents of the First Amendment? wonder what brand of douche she uses to clean her brain.
her arguments on speech violate the First Amendment. he will wind up in a garbage from an OD.

6/12 – Chilling: Transgender Activist Lays Ground Rules For What ‘She’ Considers Allowable And Unallowable Speech

I guess banning all other opinions saves one the trouble of arguing theirs is the best. Does this guy think he is who gets to choose what is acceptable?

6/12 – ADAMS: Letter To A Hateful Feminist

Well, someone’s going to be screaming a hole in the sky when they read THAT.

6/13 – Here’s the EXCUSE the left will use to force actual women to compete against transgender women [VIDEO]

So, is this thing performing a service to humanity (if that is the proper word nowadays)? By the way, I looked up the term “cisgender” and nowhere in the definition did the word “normal” appear. That seems a mistake to me.

6/14 – Here’s a brave person

Far too many liberals allow ideologically driven hatred to rule their lives. It remains unclear how or if ever again this will be corrected.

6/15 – Looks Like Felons Will Serve on Juries in California

This only stands to reason. Criminals are inherently liberal; they won’t work for their own benefit, they believe those who own things THEY want don’t deserve to keep them and they believe they have a right to take anything they want.

6/15 – Looks Like Felons Will Serve on Juries in California

So, every defense attorney should ask if the juror has ever been in jail and, if so, reject them as a juror because of bias. There. Fixed it.

6/15 – Gay Reparations Are Now A Thing

“Other countries are taking steps to atone for their shameful past treatment of L.G.B.T. people. The United States should too.” Other nations throw gays off roofs. Should the US do that, too? Hey, I want reparations for every time a liberal makes a false accusation against Trump and my retirement account takes a 10% hit. Can that be a thing, too? Would it be appropriate to fly the “Hetero-Pride” flag the rest of the year?

6/15 – Dear Diary, Nobody likes me. Nobody wants to buy my book about how I hate Trump…

So Acosta thought he needed to give the bookstore a heads-up he was going to make an appearance so they could deal with the ensuing crowds? That’s cute. Trump has said, “Fake news is the enemy of the people.” Acosta considers his self-applied title of “Enemy of the People” as a badge of honor. So, Acosta is labeling himself fake news. I commend his honesty.

6/16 – This Is What Oberlin Learned After the $44 Million Judgement

Someone may pay the penalty, but it probably won’t be those responsible.

6/17 – A Tsunami of Hypocrisy

If there was no such thing as hypocrisy, liberals would not exist. When I played football, every time I jumped offsides in practice, I had to run 5 extra 100 yard dashes at the end of practice (after the normal 10). Imagine how fit these doughy taffy-asses would be if they had to run every time Trump drew them offsides.

6/18 – Why Do Democrats Have a Secret List of Supreme Court Nominees?

Question: what usually follows whenever Democrats tout their enormous capacity for transparency?

6/19 – Dear Democrats: Please Nominate the Notorious Gaffe Machine Joe Biden

” No one’s standard of living would change. Nothing would fundamentally change,” In other words, no matter what Biden says, his rich donors are going to stay rich and get richer. Let the useful idiots worry about “income disparity”.

6/19 – What AO-C’s ‘Concentration Camp’ Comments Tell Us About the Deconstruction and Breakdown of American Education

So, stupid is as stupid does? Sadly, whenever someone actually knows the facts and hears Sandy make such a stupid statement as hers on the 22nd Amendment, they blow it off as a “misstatement”. But, a formulated opinion and position cannot be a “misstatement”. So, the stupidity is infectious.

6/20 – The Left does not hate Trump, it hates…

“The enemy of my country is my friend.” This is the mantra the left has adapted after Hillary’s loss resulted in liberalus-interuptus.

6/20 – War Wounds, Lost Income and the Reparations Debate

If reparations are truly a goal (I think it is more the left promoting another pointless issue with which to demonize anyone that opposes it) then maybe anyone that supports Democrats, the party that supported and defended slavery and went on to promote the institutionalized racism, prejudice and bigotry in southern states, should be on the hook for payments. Only those who can prove direct ancestry from a slave can claim any restitution. The surplus funds would be used to combat illegal immigration.


As has been the case with racism, illegal immigration, collusion and obstruction, all the left requires to explode into outrage is to imagine some infraction and then the race is on. Yet, have we ever seen the left back away from one of their icons has had their tarnish revealed?

CNN’s title “Reliable Sources” does not mean what you might think it does?

Video – Tucker Carlson: US came within minutes of war with Iran

ps. could you add CC to your blogroll please?

So I leave for a couple of days and expect you kids to hold down the fort

Haha never mind
She forgot to disarm her victims. mona labe

@Brother Bob: Im sure you heard of the Gov demanding the State police grab the republican reps and drag them back, (aka kidnapping) so they could impose a carbon tax on the citizens of Oregon.

Carbon Tax increases small business utility bills by 28%

I checked the link when I posted it I guess someone doesnt want people to learn how the Governor of Oregon has gone all tyrant.
Not Antifa they live in moms basement they dont pay utility bills.
They might feel the pinch if mom cant afford Doritos or hot pockets, cause the gas and electric bill go up.

@Brother Bob: Democrats did the same thing in Texas some years back, fleeing to Oklahoma. No Democrats complained about it.