Welcome back everybody – let’s get to it!
4/23 – The Crazy Train Just Keeps Picking Up Speed
Not to be deterred by his Democrat counterparts for insanity, as a bonus DeBolshevik decides to be even more tone deaf toward his constituents than Gulag Barbie
4/25 – Gillette Is Feeling The Financial Burn Thanks To Their “Toxic Masculinity” Ad
Cue up Nelson Muntz – “HAH Ha!”
4/26 – Detained for “Wrong-Think”: Canadian Border Guards Seize Books from Monika Schaefer
American Leftists look on in envy
4/26 – Keynote speaker at Harvard diversity conference says Christians should be ‘locked up’
As offensive as what he’s writing is, if you strip out his angry and condescending tone and just look at what he’s saying objectively he raises a fair philosophical point. My issue is why doesn’t he apply the same standard to Islam? Or people who believe in Socialism? Or even better, he should call for psychoanalysis of the insane person who spouts the beliefs found on this site
4/27 – The Left’s War on Memory
But pissing on graves is pretty much what the left wants us to do these days – and I perceive it not so much as an attack on flawed historical figures (there’s no other sort, after all), but as an attack on history. On memory, when you get down to it. I’ve no particular concern about the fate of a statue of some long-dead Confederate, but I am intensely concerned that we retain our national memory.
4/27 – AZ Democrat: I Want My Generation to Kill Golf, ‘Self-Interested Parts of the Agriculture’ Industry
“I tell ya, golf courses and cemeteries are the biggest wastes of prime real estate” – Al Czervik
4/27 – Nick Bosa and the NFL’s Double Standards
The Nation’s Sports Scold has an issue with a Conservative football player being drafted by the 49ers. What these Leftists nimrods never figure out is that if you perform and aren’t too obnoxious fans won’t care about your politics. Last I checked Conservative Philadelphia Eagles fans haven’t run Malcolm Jenkins out of town for his National Anthem protests, while heavily Leftist New England doesn’t seem to mind Tom Brady’s MAGA hat.
The funny part was when I clicked through one of the links in the story to find evidence that Bosa is a “White Nationalist” – part of their evidence was his being critical of Beyonce’s Super Bowl performance glorifying a terrorist organization that assassinated government employees.
Ah, it’s so heartwarming watching young starlets grow up to look like aging lesbian Gender Studies professors, and becoming every bit as angry
In defense of the folks who organized the White House Correspondents’ dinner on Saturday, their main speaker, historian Ron Chernow, was just as unfunny and just as big a sphincter muscle as “comedian” Michelle Wolf was last year.
4/30 – FBI Investigating Antifa Plot to Buy Guns from Mexican Cartel for ‘Armed Rebellion’ at the Border
Nice to see the FBI engaging in something other than trying to engineer coups. Is there a reason these domestic terrorists aren’t being labeled and taken down as such?
5/1 – Conservatives seize on Alabama state Dem’s abortion comments
What was the comment that warranted a “Conservatives seize/pounce”? (pounce was the original headline)
“Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later”
So yes, of course the original quote that caused the pouncing doesn’t warrant a headline – why would it?
5/2 – High school may erase mural of George Washington: ‘traumatizes students’
Oh FFS people, 1984 was written as a warning, not a friggin’ blueprint!
One has to admire how The Radical Left doesn’t even bother to pretend to tell the truth anymore.
ICYMI – I took Sister Babe to hear our former president along with some failed politician speak in My Evening With Bill and Hillary
From the archives, we go to one of my early posts from ten years ago, where showing his usual class, a declaration from Jimmy Carter: US ‘likely behind’ Chavez coup
Have a great weekend!
CNN anchors Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon are “stunned” Democrats are ok with terrorists, murderers, rapists, and pedophiles voting: “these people are way out there” pic.twitter.com/tEn0zXsYH9
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 24, 2019
New normal. https://t.co/FWd452bmnE
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) April 25, 2019
Lol my man @edkrayewski pic.twitter.com/OCrjCUGYj3
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) April 28, 2019
Notice how the headline reads “Army Vet” not ISIS soldier… https://t.co/8hA4AU7xQo
— Eric Spracklen🦆🐈 (@EricSpracklen) April 29, 2019
Amazing. Just the other day my 6 year old asked me, "Daddy, shouldn't the reversal of Obama's Quantitative Easing policy by the Trump administration have resulted in slower GDP growth?"
Kids just say the darndest things!— Ultra Magas Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) April 30, 2019
Looks like anemic GDP growth wasn’t the new normal, but just the Obama normal.
— Razor (@hale_razor) April 26, 2019
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
See authors page
Oh, the things people elect.
I don’t know when business will realize that “volume” does not always refer to “quantity”.
They probably got an invitation to the book burning, though.
He is merely explaining the liberal version of diversity.
The effort of rewriting history gets harder and hard for the left as they are now having to rewrite history from as recently as a few months (Russian collusion “evidence”). But, the struggle continues.
Yes, we can’t be allowing people to have any self-interests. This weakens the Kollective.
Just part of the left’s ongoing campaign to destroy anything pleasant.
Hey, she doesn’t want to be just another pretty face; she wants to be appreciated for her mind. Which is sad.
A sphincter controls the emission of onerous wastes. How does that apply to a member of the liberal media?
Hey, give ANTIFA a break; apparently, just clocking people in the back of the head with bicycle locks doesn’t seem to be suppressing anti-liberal thought quickly enough.
Democrats may want to investigate if there are some in their ranks that are TRYING to get abortion banned.
Because it reminds them of their dental hygiene negligence?
The link goes to your “Bill and Hillary” story.
Rip Chewie
@Deplorable Me:
Fixed. Thank you.
@Deplorable Me:
Took me a minute – LMAO!
@kitt: Sad news indeed. RIP to the world’s favorite wingman