Winter is here, liberals

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First things first. The Barr hearings are not really about Bill Barr. They are about something much, much larger. For some democrats, it was a chance to score “I want to be President” points. For the remaining others, it was a opportunity to smear Barr and impugn his integrity. But it’s all a plan. There is a goal. There is also a great fear. That fear ignited into a firestorm when Barr declared that the Trump campaign was spied upon.

In the Senate hearing, democrats embarrassed themselves with their derision of AG Barr. It was shameful. It was disgraceful.

Crazie Mazie Hirono assailed Barr and she got ripped by Lindsey Graham.

The freaking idiot Blumenthal said history will judge Barr harshly. Barr handed him his head

Booker was his usual stupid self.

Barr agreed to appear before the House committee but after he agreed Nadler changed the game and decided he would bring outside lawyers in to put Barr on trial. Staff members have never in history been allowed to ask questions so Barr blew then off.

Barr was MORE than transparent with the Mueller report. There were far fewer redactions than anticipated and Mueller did not disagree with Barr’s statement of the conclusions.

Ted Cruz made the democrats look like the idiots they are.

Afterward, Nancy Pelosi called Barr a liar. That’s a very serious accusation and if she doesn’t act on it, SHE should resign. Pelosi ducked the impeachment issue at her news conference:

At a press conference on Thursday, Pelosi justified her long standing reluctance to begin the impeachment process, calling it “the easy way out” for Republicans who are “complicit in the special-interest agenda,” because they know the effort would “end at the Senate’s edge.”

The media was giddy about her accusations of Barr lying.

Kasie Hunt asked if Barr should go to jail.

MSNBC’s Yasmin Vossoughian asked for the best way that they should go after Barr.

“You’re bringing up a really good point here. Because one of the, I think, directives here, and the big question here is, do we pursue the Attorney General until he provides testimony for the House? Or, do we pursue the unredacted Mueller report along with testimony from Bob Mueller? Is that where we put our energy?”

CNN deceptively altered a video to make Barr look bad.

The frenzy is real. The fear is palpable.

With well-choreographed leaks and hyped headlines, the Democrats and their allies in the media want to create a feud between special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and Attorney General William P. Barr. The goal: Suggest that the attorney general acted inappropriately and obscured the real conclusions of the special counsel’s report. But after hours of stagecraft and stump speeches in the form of questions from both sides of the aisle, two real questions remain: Is there any daylight between the attorney general and the special counsel? And is the basis for the hearing, as Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told reporters, now “over”?

Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) offered a different view, tweeting, “What I just saw from the Attorney General is unacceptable. Barr must resign now.” Does anyone think her tweet wasn’t written before the hearing even began? Anyway, based on their interventions, the Democrats saw Wednesday’s encounter with Barr as their chance to poke holes in the Justice Department’s conclusions about the Mueller report. For his part, Barr kept his cool and tried to stay out of the political fray, mostly answering questions with a simple yes or no. When there was an actual legal question, he expanded on his reasoning. He was by far the most adult character in the room. Make no mistake: What happened on Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee was not a hearing; it was two separate show trials in the same room. The drama setting the stage for today’s hearing was the leak of Mueller’s March 27 letter to Barr. That letter’s most critical line suggested Barr’s conclusions on the report “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of [the special counsel’s] work and conclusions,” and went on to urge that Barr release more information. Well, two weeks later, Barr did just that by releasing the full report, minus redactions. No one could reasonably expect Barr’s original four-page letter to capture the full essence of a two-year investigation that cost tens of millions of dollars and dominated news cycles since mid-2017.

democrats know they have one arrow left in the quiver- destroy Barr. Impugn his integrity. Sideline him. Demand his resignation so they can obstruct the truth once again. They were able to push Sessions and Nunes aside with bullsh*t accusations and stymie them for a while to throw them off the case.

That crap is over.

No collusion, no obstruction.  Period.

Yes, Trump was spied on.

There was a conspiracy, but it was the DNC plotting against Trump with the Ukraine.

Now it comes- the FISA abuse, the abuse of the FBI at the top levels, the Obama DOJ and if we get really lucky, Obama himself.  Democrats are threatening to hold Barr in contempt and throw him in jail. Some of the same a**holes threatening Barr now (Nadler) voted against holding Eric Holder in contempt despite him refusing to hand over documents.

Even at CNN, legal analysts are saying Barr should tell them to “pound sand.”

An analyst for CNN is tearing into congressional Democrats for “overreaching” after Attorney General William Barr decided to ditch Thursday’s hearing before the House Judiciary Committee following Wednesday’s Senate hearing.

CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin noted that Barr’s refusal to go to Thursday’s hearing was a lesson of “the powerlessness of the House Democrats,” adding that it demonstrates if the Trump administration tells the Democratic-led House “to go pound sand, they’re going to have to go pound sand.”

This time, there’s no way the dirtbag democrats can stop it or control it and the louder the left wing media gets, the closer to the truth we are.

Winter is here, liberals.


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The media is now admitting there was spying, after attempting to 25th amendment Trump over his completely accurate accusations. I wait with anticipation for their spastic commentary over his announced call to Vladd. I would have loved to be a bug in the phone for that call, I bet it was a hoot.
Despite all the flopping around none of the Congress or press is in Sibera using the Mueller report for kindling to keep warm.
There is still the issue of bribing federal officers….
More and more being revealed Honeypot spies, Ukraine connections, does appear that they pulled out all the stops trying to undo Trump.
Italy is having an investigation to see if their IC was caught up in spygate.

Kamela Harris should be arrested for crimes against the American People

@Spurwing Plover:

Kamela Harris should be arrested for crimes against the American People

What crimes?

@Michael: It’s not clear to me heels up Harris committed a crime.


Libel for one

Libel against the American people? That’s not even a thing. And you don’t get arrested for libel.

Try again.


It’s not clear to me heels up Harris committed a crime.

I beg your pardon?



I beg your pardon?

What are you talking about?

@Michael: Why would you say Barr lied?


@Michael: Why do you think libel is a good thing for America?


@Michael: Huh?

@Michael: Source?

@Michael: Are you done with the 7th grade tactics of debate yet? You look like a child.

Huh? Is that a crime? Who said that?


CNN deceptively altered a video to make Barr look bad.

Yeah, it’s always certain proof someone lied when you have to edit video to make it appear they lied.

I wonder, how is Barr accused of obscuring the conclusions of the Mueller report when, in the absence of any proof of guilt, the Democrats say Mueller MADE no conclusions?


What crimes?

That matters? I thought you leftists had abandoned that criteria long ago.

@Nathan Blue:

A few things:

“Source?” is retire05’s shtick.

“I beg your pardon” is the polite way in our society to ask for clarification. I didn’t understand what that commenter meant, and, since the comment was directed to me, I wanted to able to respond. How on Earth are you having a problem with simple politeness?

@Deplorable Me:

What crimes?

That matters? I thought you leftists had abandoned that criteria long ago.

For shits and giggles, let’s pretend we haven’t. What crimes are we talking about here?


For shits and giggles, let’s pretend we haven’t. What crimes are we talking about here?

YOU pretend you haven’t. But, you have. So, why does the existence of an actual crime matter? Investigating and ruining people for political purposes has become a liberal art form; why can’t it be utilized AGAINST you?

Kamala has a prosecutorial bent that probably worked for her against terminally stupid defendents in CA, but don’t fool people like Barr.
She repeatedly asked long, convoluted questions then poses only a “yes,” or a “no,” as the possible answers.
Those are traps.
Her questions are shades of gray so a yes or no would be a “lie.”
That’s not “criminal,” per se, but it is also not a way to get at truth.
It is only a way to win “points.”
Great in front of a jury, but who watches these hearings cover-to-cover?
She’s one part of the Dem monster of diversion.
Dems need to divert attn from what is coming from Barr next: the DNC/Hillary/Obama side of the investigation.
Unless diverters, like Kamala, are actually part of the DNC/Hillary/Obama crimes I am mystified why they waste their reputations diverting attn for them.
They could get caught up in the crime by being accessories of it after-the-fact.
Seems dumb.

@Deplorable Me:

YOU pretend you haven’t. But, you have.

I’m pretty sure that this is the first thread ever in which I’ve discussed Harris, so you must have me confused with someone else.

@Nan G:

the DNC/Hillary/Obama side of the investigation

I doubt that this will be the cathartic experience you guys are hoping it will be.

Kamala has called for the removal of Barr as AG.
That would be an obstruction of justice.
Of course she’s only lamely calling for it, not picking up arms or ordering the Senate’s enforcers to follow her orders, so, it’s just Kamala snowflaking about how offended she is.

@Nan G: Hirono and Booker did the same thing, asking hypothetical questions about what they INTERPRETED Barr saying or doing and then expecting him to answer “yes or no”. They are simply posturing and trying to create the narrative that Barr won’t answer questions. He is very careful to answer THE question and not speculate as to their implied meaning. He ain’t stupid… THEY are. But, then again, they serve their stupid constituency, so the bar is set awfully low.

I’m pretty sure that this is the first thread ever in which I’ve discussed Harris, so you must have me confused with someone else.

Democrats are now quite comfortable with hearing their representatives promise to take harsh actions but never do anything. They rode promises of impeachment to a majority in the House (lost seats in the Senate) and then promptly turned around and declared “Trump ain’t worth it” and “well, the Senate would defeat it anyway”, as if they didn’t know that going in. And THAT was before all their mountainous, provable, readily available on hand evidence of Trump’s collusion melted away like late winter snow. As Michael shows, they are quite comfortable with constant, endless lying.


I’m pretty sure that this is the first thread ever in which I’ve discussed Harris, so you must have me confused with someone else.

Again you feign stupidity. You are feigning, aren’t you?

@Nan G:

Of course she’s only lamely calling for it, not picking up arms or ordering the Senate’s enforcers to follow her orders

Since when is that the way things are done here? She’s a senator, not a post-apocalyptic warlord.

What timeline are you living in?

@Nan G:

Kamala has called for the removal of Barr as AG.
That would be an obstruction of justice.

“Know thy enemy”- straight from Sun Tzu. PT and Barr both know that these people are their own worst enemies. They base their opinions on emotion and have the temperament of a four year old. And just like a four year old, when they don’t get their way they have temper tantrums and make lots of unfocused noise thinking people will listen to them and back down. Look at the box they have trapped themselves in.

Collusion. They called Trump a traitor and accused him of treason for collusion. Remember how they were beating the war drums with Russia? There have now been three separate investigations clearing him of that. But Team Hillary and the DNC colluded with not only the Russians, but the Ukrainians as well. The evidence is overwhelming (Steele Dossier) and there is more coming out. By their own standards they are guilty of treason and they are traitors.

Obstruction. They claim PT obstructed justice when he criticized a politically motivated investigation into a noncriminal act that never happened and for allegedly telling a lawyer in private to have the chief counsel removed for a conflict of interest (which he did) which is forbidden according to the SC Law. Compare that to the demokrats who are openly criticizing the head of a department who is investigating criminal acts that actually happened and then publicly calling for his removal while their comrades are being criminally investigated. By the demokrats’ own standards, they are guilty of obstruction.

Public sentiment is turning against them as well and PT hasn’t even declassified anything yet.

@another vet:

Collusion. They called Trump a traitor and accused him of treason for collusion. Remember how they were beating the war drums with Russia?

They seem to have completely forgotten how certain they were of that. They are not smart enough to begin to look a the REST of the coup a little bit more critically; they just keep believing the shit they want to believe.

They claim PT obstructed justice when he criticized a politically motivated investigation into a noncriminal act that never happened and for allegedly telling a lawyer in private to have the chief counsel removed for a conflict of interest (which he did) which is forbidden according to the SC Law.

In the end, it benefited Trump far more to allow the “investigation” to conclude since the FACTS established totally proves that this was nothing but a political witch hunt. I was totally pissed about an apparently ENDLESS investigation based on what looked, to any intelligent observer, to be a witch hunt (but, then again, I actually love this country); I can only imagine how Trump felt about it, being accused of baseless crime while his accomplishments were being ignored.

@Deplorable Me:

Again you feign stupidity. You are feigning, aren’t you?

No, I’m stupid, so please take pity on me and explain to me what you mean.

@Deplorable Me: PT plays chess, not checkers. He has definitely read Sun Tzu’s The Art of War and puts the tactics to use. He probably has had a game plan since day 1 and is letting it all play out on his terms. In essence, the coupsters are fighting on his terms on the battlefield he has shaped. His opponents are very predictable which makes it even easier for him.

@another vet, #29:

PT plays chess, not checkers.

Right. This would explain why he’s playing bumper-cars between John Bolton and Vladimir Putin regarding Russian interference in Venezuela. Creating the appearance of total confusion is part of his cunning strategy.


No, I’m stupid, so please take pity on me and explain to me what you mean.

Yeah, we’ve run that drill numerous times. Forget it; you are simply a hypocrite and you don’t have to courage to argue how you aren’t.

@Deplorable Me: Wow, Greg’s vast military leadership experience peeling potatoes behind the wire in Viet Nam now enables him to determine what Trump is doing in Venezuela. Maybe he should be Biden’s Vice Presidential candidate?