There is a point at which enough is enough. For two years democrats have been pounding Donald Trump with accusations of treason, collusion and conspiracy. Stung as they were by the Mueller Report, some in the democrat party remain undeterred in their continued libel of the President. It has gotten so bad that even that jerk Bill Maher suggested that it now looks like Schiff is stalking Trump.
Maher then pushed back. “But this was our big gun. Now it just looks like you’re stalking him,” he said. “I think in the eyes of the people who don’t follow it that closely, which is most of the country, here’s the thing about Bob Mueller: he’s the last thing in America that left and right agreed on. Left and right basically agreed, this is a guy of honor, this is an honest guy, an honest broker, whatever he says goes…The fact that he was like umm…If you couldn’t impeach before, how are you going to impeach after? Or should you?”
But there is no bigger a**hole than Eric Swalwell. He is the current generation’s Joe McCarthy. In January Swalwell said this:
“Also if this was Donald Trump justice, Donald Trump would already be impeached by now because he makes wild accusations, rushes to judgment, doesn’t rely on any evidence,” (emphasis mine)
Wild accusations? Like asserting that Trump is a Russian asset?
After Barr’s press conference Swalwell had a meltdown:
A furious Swalwell told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that he wants to see Mueller’s final report immediately.
Keep in mind that Mueller delivered the anti-climactic report to Attorney General William Barr late-Friday evening. Even President Trump has not read the report yet.
“We want to full report!” Swalwell fumed. “We want it now and we want it before the president is going to get it or be able to make any edits.”
Even CNN’s Trump-hating opinion host Wolf Blitzer asked why Congress should get the report before POTUS does.
His tantrums continue:
Rep. Eric Swalwell said Friday there “was certainly evidence of collusion” between President Trump and Russia, but that Special Counsel Robert Mueller deemed such evidence insufficient for the “beyond a reasonable doubt” legal standard.
He said Attorney General Barr acted like “the president’s lawyer” and that an attorney general should represent the people, not the president.
Swalwell said Barr should not have been confirmed and should have recused himself from the Mueller probe after previously writing that a sitting president cannot obstruct justice.
When confronted with his own grand and completely wrong accusations he is unfazed (it begins at 1:40):
Swalwell has basically admitted that Donald Trump was spied on
JULIE BANDERAS: Kellyanne Conway has suggested that the Democrats owe President Trump an apology… Will Democrats apologize?
REP. ERIC SWALWELL: I’ll never apologize for loving our country so much that I don’t think any campaign, transition or president should draw as close to the Russians and welcome their support and never tell law enforcement while they were seeking to support them. I’ll always stand on our side, rather than Russia’s, and I just wish the president would too.
BANDERAS: But do you not believe that there should be an apology when it comes to the spying? And I understand the Democrats don’t like that word coming out of William Barr’s mouth, but the bottom line is if there was spying on a presidential campaign, that is a big deal. And apparently, President Obama knew about the spying. You don’t think that merits an apology?
SWALWELL: No, because I read the first 200 pages of volume one in the Mueller report and it laid out a multiplicity of contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians, and I ask if all this happens again in the 2020 campaign, do we believe our intelligence community should do nothing or say we’re just going to allow campaigns to work with foreign adversaries? They had a right to investigate.
The guy can’t let go. He wants to hound Donald Trump despite there being nothing to act upon. No evidence. No collusion. No obstruction.
Then I stared at the picture accompanying that article.
Swalwell looks like a thug. Someone you’d hire to make someone else disappear. Persecute people. Third Reich kind of guy. There was another guy about 60 years ago who tried to sell America on there being a Commie on every corner. Swalwell makes for a worthy successor.
Trey Gowdy said the possibility of a President Eric Swalwell should scare the hell out of everybody.
Former congressman Trey Gowdy blasted 2020 presidential candidate Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., Friday for continuing to claim that President Trump is a Russian asset.
“President Eric Swalwell, that ought to scare the ever-living hell out of you,” Gowdy told “The Story with Martha MacCallum” while reacting to a clip of Swalwell on MSNBC.
Gowdy then highlighted a detail:
“Here’s what we know. The Russians helped Donald Trump,” Swalwell said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber.”
“Sure, but to be clear you are no longer maintaining that he is effectively a ‘Russian asset,'” MSNBC host Ari Melber interjected.
“No, I think he acts on Russia’s behalf and I challenge him to show me otherwise,” Swalwell responded.
Gowdy accused Swalwell of playing politics.
“His last sentence is exactly the difference between a prosecutor and a politician. Prosecutors prove that you did something, politicians make you prove you did not. Did you hear his last sentence? ‘I challenge President Trump to prove that he did not do something.’ That’s what politicians do,” Gowdy said.
Swalwell demands that a negative be proven. Guilty until proven innocent. That’s stuff of the SS, the Stasi and the KGB.
Welcome to the ugly era of Swalwellism. It should scare the hell out of America.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
The worst thing that could happen for the Dems is for the full report to be released.
With it always out there as “redacted” and incomplete, they can continue to use it for propaganda purposes.
I support any efforts Trump made to push-back against this political hoax, and any efforts to call that “obstruction” will be handily dismissed by the majority of the electorate.
Again, if you are a Dem, you have to take a look in the mirror and say “my party’s platform hinges on fabricating scandals about our enemies, and never on our ability to offer the electorate something good.”
As I’ve said, why would I vote Dem this election cycle? What are they offering? All they do is accuse the Reps of doing the things they are publicly doing. It’s sad.
This is the pea brain that wants the nuclear football to use on Americans that would exercise their 2nd amendment rights. Rights not granted by government but our creator as laid out in a document that is completely beyond this Commies comprehension.
McCarthy was right, look at the Democrats, dont smear his memory by comparing him to these freaks.
Guess who hated McCarthy, but he did not have alternative media to get out his message?
Liberals have been complaining about “divisiveness” since Trump won the election. What they fail to mention is that if it weren’t for them being divisive, there would be no divisiveness. Since Trump won, Democrats have opposed anything and everything for the mere sake of opposition.
Democrats do nothing but play games. They create false accusation and try desperately to goad Republicans into some reaction which they can then use for further divisive actions. Currently, they are trying to goad Barr into being subpoenaed to appear before Congress. He agreed to answer questions posed by CONGRESS, but they change the rules in mid stream and decide they will have their gofers ask the questions in between runs to Starbucks. Nothing but a gambit to create another “crisis” to exploit. All as their little lemmings cheer it on and all in lieu of legislating.
The collusion evidence they have only meets the partisan, whiny, crybaby, sore loser Democrat standard.
Like Holder. Or Lynch, both of whom obstructed justice.
Did he ever specify what country that was?
So, is he pushing for investigations of Biden and Bernie? Biden has extensive Chinese and Ukrainian connections and Bernie is so devoted to the old Soviet Union that he wants to turn the US into a Socialist Republic.
Democrats have never been very good at governing. Now they don’t even know how to lose properly.
I remember how then-candidate Trump referred to recounts in places as necessary because of cheating.
We then saw Trump win decisively.
And we later saw evidence of cheating on the Dem side, but it didn’t matter because they lost.
Then Hillary and her supporters began denying the results of the election, sometimes violently.
And the Russian collusion story got legs, lefty legs.
According to this Hillary standard, it is the Dems who have refused to respect the results of this election. They have become a direct threat to our democracy.
The tradition of a peaceful transition of power may have ended.
And all based on lies.
There are a few, Pelosi and Schiff, for instance, who’ve had access to ALL the evidence.
Pelosi has backed of the impeachment talk probably as a result.
Swalwell is still trying to keep false accusations alive so they dog President Trump next year.
They won’t affect his support.
But Swalwell is doing a bang-up job of dividing power off from Pelosi.
He’s only hurting Dems.
Give him some leash.
Him, AOC, Tlalib, and Omar all need some leash.
Umm, actually, he’s not.
Joe McCarthy, with the release of the Venona files, was shown to be more correct than wrong. He was ridiculed by the Democrats and the purveyors of “truth” such as Walter Cronkite. But eventually history catches up with the truth and the huge amount of Communist influence during that time frame has been born out. Anyone who wants to know it all can read Blacklisted By History. Even the claim that McCarthy was an alcoholic was false. That rumor was started by the lead staffer for LBJ (one of the most crooked presidents on record).
Swalwell is simply trying to make a name for himself among a herd of left wingers who are the most radical this nation has ever seen. Remember, the bridge between capitalism and Communism is Socialism and that bridge is only one way.
Me, I prefer Swellwallism.
@retire05: Refusal to do an autopsy.
In an era of cocktail parties and TV Dad comes home and mom hands him a highball before dinner. It was simply anti-social not to have a glass in hand. Being a slosh was viewed very differently, you did not want to be Otis Cambell or Louie Pheeters character.
I wish “conservatives” would take a closer look at Joe Mc Carthy before making wildly inaccuate and offensive comparisons.
Swalwell would nuke anyone who refuses to turn in their guns Kamela Harris would use Executive Orders to ban guns Typical Liberal Democrats these two belong in Prison doing life for Extortion and Abuse of Power
@Nan G:
Despots and totalitarian governments need suspicion, hatred and chaos to flourish. Communism came to power through the chaos of World War I and the disparity between the social classes in Czarist Russia. The Nazis needed the Jews to demonize and blame for all the problems Germany faced. They also blamed the Treaty of Versailles, capitalism and the communists for upheaval and chaos and used those foils to keep the public attention focused on the “threats” while they consolidated total power. These Democrat tactics are no different, with no different motives nor desired end result.
@Deplorable Me: He is totally self unaware. Even when pointed out to him he just forges ahead with HIS “form” of the truth trying to out do Shiff will be a task.
They are in a total panic, Trump’s reelection total at this point to more than $129 million – which is a record amount for a sitting President at this point in the presidential election. Mostly small donors that the Democrats and the Media despise.
Clearly, Trump’s a Russian asset.
He allowed Russia to monitor Iran’s nuclear arsenals.
Allowed Russia to provide oversight to Syria’s chemical weapons that they continued to deploy against civilians after the deal was reached.
Sold them 20% of our nation’s uranium in exchange for a $100M donation to his private foundation.
Promised Jenna Jameson like flexibiliy to reduce our nuclear weapons in exchange for Russian empty promises to do the same 20 years from now.
And then bought a dossier full of Russian disinformation to influence our elections.
The evidence is quite clear who is doing the work of their masters in the Kremlin.
What Dr. John doesn’t know about Sen. Joseph McCarthy could fill a small library.
@Cliche Guevara: You forgot your sarcasm tag = /.
Yup, it was Hillary.
It was Obama.
It was the Dems making nice with the ruskies.
And the Dem oppo research Steele Dossier was paid for by those same Dems while Steele twisted the worst Russian rumors and fairytales.
@Cliche Guevara: Obama also provided Putin with a count of Great Britain’s nuclear warheads.
Ann Coulter’s “Treason” was the first place I saw the real truth about McCarthy.
I look at how Trump has been treated, with Palin before him, and to a lesser degree of personalized attack, Bush, and realize the press did the same thing to McCarthy that they are still doing to ANYONE who might upset the applecart the swamp has going.