Joe Biden has announced that he is running for President. It’s a long, long, long expected announcement. I thought it would be fun to put down some markers reminding people of his past. We all know by now that he has a fetish for women’s hair and for groping women, including young girls. However, there are a number of other dark moments in the Biden history. He’s no Ordinary Joe. Let’s have a look.
Biden is a plagiarist
Biden is a liar. Watch for three lies within tens seconds in this video
He has more than his share of er, boners
He is reported to enjoy exposing himself to female Secret Service agents
VICE PRESIDENT JOE Biden enjoys swimming without a bathing suit, a new book claims.
Biden, who’s flirting with a run for president in 2016, gives Secret Service agents an eyeful both at his Delaware home and at the vice president’s official residence in Washington, D.C., according to “The First Family Detail” by Ronald Kessler.
The book relies on named and unnamed sources to describe life guarding prominent politicians including Biden, former President Ronald Reagan, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama.
“Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.
“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.
“Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe,” an unnamed agent told Kessler. “But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”
And there are some truly serious issues
Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and senior editor-at-large at Breitbart News, recalled how Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s second son, received millions of dollars from Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings while his father directed $1.8 billion in aid money to Ukraine as vice president during the Obama administration.
Schweizer joined Tuesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.
Schweizer said, “I think a deeper problem that [Joe Biden] faces is — as has been reported on Breitbart and reported at the Hill, today — which I think is far deeper is the fact that his family, particularly his son, cashed in while he was vice president of the United States.”
John Solomon reported on Hunter Biden’s receiving millions of dollars from Burisma Holdings after being installed on the company’s board during his father’s vice presidential tenure:
U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts – usually more than $166,000 a month – from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.”
The general prosecutor’s official file for the Burisma probe – shared with me by senior Ukrainian officials – shows prosecutors identified Hunter Biden, business partner Devon Archer and their firm, Rosemont Seneca, as potential recipients of money.
Shokin told me in written answers to questions that, before he was fired as general prosecutor, he had made “specific plans” for the investigation that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”
Joe Biden’s son Hunter flew to China on an official visit by his father in 2013 and ended up inking a deal for his hedge fund with the Bank of China within days of the visit.
Hunter Biden accompanied his father aboard Air Force Two on a visit to China, where the vice president met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
For the younger Biden, there was also deal-making on the agenda, according to ‘Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,’ by Peter Schweizer, the Breitbart editor at large who rocked the 2016 with disclosures about Bill and Hillary Clinton.
The book was excerpted in the New York Post.
Hunter Biden started a private equity fund along with Chris Heinz, the stepson of Sen. John Kerry.
Kerry, the former secretary of state, was a longtime Senate colleague of Biden’s. Heinz is the son of the late Sen. John Heinz, who was the previous husband of Teresa Heinz Kerry.
The book describes a meeting in December 2013 between Hunter Biden, managing partner Devon Archer, and top Chinese government leaders.
A partnering firm, the Thornton group, described the meeting on its web site as involving the biggest fund lenders in China.
I didn’t forget, Joe.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Its all about that 3 letter word JOBS
Obama /Biden getting SOBs fired world wide.
Fired is such an ulgy word, like spying, they think of it as Downsizing.
We shouldn’t forget Biden’s record in elected office, either.
Biden’s economic policy voting record has been sponsoring or voting for multiple rounds of financial deregulation, trade deals that savaged the American manufacturing base, and bankruptcy “reform” that made it much harder to discharge consumer debt (and nearly impossible to get rid of student debt).
Real “man of the people,” NOT!
On race relations, real important for a Dem of white color candidate, Biden has been on the wrong side of history:
He tried to stop school integration.
Besides being rough on Anita Hill (who may have been lying) Biden also refused to call witnesses who might have been able to support her testimony.
So much for believing the woman.
Felons voting?
It’s because of Biden we have so many felons!
Biden co-wrote the Comprehensive Control Act of 1984, which expanded civil asset forfeiture (where the police can take your property without charging you with a crime), sponsored the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act, which created the racist sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine, add in his drug war bill of 1988, and the 2003 RAVE Act and Biden IS the face of the Drug War.
Yet Biden’s “I’m running” video refers to pre-2016 as an idyllic time!
Any modern poc, male or female, carries less baggage than Biden!
@Nan G: Mom went to last nights rally, the last President she saw in person was Eisenhower, they took her in the VIP entrance I guess being 90 and in line over 4 hours gets you perks. She said she had a great time and left with a hoarse voice.
So tell me more about Joe Biden’s inappropriate behavior.
I’m shocked. Tell me more.
Just kidding, of course. Nobody respects women more than Donald Trump.
From the original article by Dr John:
Too bad all you want to do is go over old ground.
I think what Biden has done to the manufacturing base (be a manager of the decline by causing the decline) is nearly criminal.
And how many people are/were behind bars because of all Biden’s “war on drugs” legislation?
He even went so far as to make crack cocaine more jailable than powder just to target blacks!
And his civil rights’ record.
He fought integration of schools.
Today’s PC, snowflaky, intersexuals should take one look at Biden and run.
Today’s liberals-of-color should, too.
Today’s drug-using lefties should want “anyone-but-Biden” out of the pack.
How many women has Biden had to settle with out of court? So far as is known, the number is zero. The article below lays out all of the names and details the complaints:
All the Women Who Have Spoken Out Against Joe Biden
There’s a point where things cross over into the ridiculous. In my opinion, this is all getting very close. What does it tell us if this sort of behavior is conflated with that which is truly serious? Do you really want no distinctions to be made?
This is one of the reasons I deplore Donald Trump. He is methodically destroying rational distinctions that apply to all standards of conduct to create an environment that’s more comfortable for himself. Truth has been strangled to create a world where self-serving lies can told without serious consequence for the teller.
Are you trying to define ” plagiarism?”
Because Biden is the plagiarist.
Who lies VS who does hyperbola?
Biden lies.
(Look at the videos Dr John has up.)
Trump hyperbolizes AND WE LOVE IT.
Why do we love it?
Because he trolls the Left thru hyperbola so well.
I mean they had the gall (lack of a sense of humor) so much that they tried to make the courts hold that campaign statements ought to be the standard for law rather than the writing of the law, itself!
They lost.
I have great concerns for the future of our nation because a political environment has been created where a-holes prevail, and nobody can out-a-hole Donald Trump. If someone could, we would have an even worse problem.
It might be getting to the point where the process of selecting a leader automatically eliminates the sort of leader we actually need from consideration.
2005, Greg. 2005.
No, you have serious concerns for the future of the Democrat party because Trump’s successes jeopardizes the possibility of a Democrat ever being elected President again. Obama was an asshole; an arrogant asshole that never had a job, never employed people, never WORKED and never accomplished ANYTHING but TALK. Obama is arrogant without cause. He is arrogant because he believes his own propaganda. Trump, however, is arrogant because he has SUCCEEDED. He has TRIUMPHED. He has provided tens of thousands of people with livelihoods.
Obama was picked because the media chose to support him, suppress scandals, refused to ask difficult questions and openly promote him. Hillary was SUPPOSED to win in order to completely bury all his corruption and perpetuate his (Soros’) scheme to permanently cripple the United States of America. But the American people had other ideas.
Wasn’t Plugs banned for life at some chain restaurant?
One with game consoles.
Inquiring minds want to know!
That’s why the thinking electorate warned you and your party of what precedence would be set by electing an Entertainer President (Obama).
Couple Obama’s mean-spirited remarks to any of his critics with Clinton’s serial sexual behavior, and you get zero sympathy when Dems like you suddenly take umbrage with Trump’s behavior. Your Party made it acceptable behavior.
Trump behaves like a typical Democrat. You can’t push for the dissolution of sexual mores and the implementation of high-school level posturing on SNL and then then suddenly be shocked by the real thing: A hugely successful business magnate that makes your presidents look like the posers they are.
Biden id relying ob unions for support, he will get the public unions, but they made trade deals that shipped manufacturing out of the country. If private sector unions support Joe its the best argument for Right to Work that can be made.
@kitt: You make a good point about union endorsements of Joe Biden.
1st thing, a union endorsed him.
But it was NOT a union of manufacturing workers.
It was a public workers union, gov’t employees.
They go on strike to get more taxpayer money, not more of the CEO or top owners’ money!
@Nan G: Their jobs cant be farmed out to the 3rd world, as certain members congress invest in those overseas companies.
joe is a pig, POS, douche bag, pedophile, whore dog-love porn stars more that tiger. the firefighters union support him to rebuild the American middle class?? So what has Trump been doing for the last two years?? he and traitor mcain are two dogs with flees all over them. what is ironic is that their only 1,337 words in the Declaration of Independence, ever count the words in this jerk’s last fundraiser?
About 2,000 people showed for Biden’s 1st major speech of his candidacy.
But, after they heard him, they probably won’t be back for any more.
Biden slurred and stammered his way thru that speech.
Here’s a montage:
@Nan G: Well, at least he’s not an old, white guy.
@Deplorable Me: Sounds like he is the bigshot on the end barstool. The one with the shortest stagger to the mens room.
Nice clip Nan.