Happy weekend, everyone! Sorry about last weekend’s blip in posting, as Flopping Aces got taken down by a server attack. Hopefully this weekend will go better:
4/18 – Northam calls for Jefferson Davis arch on Fort Monroe to come down
Well, he is an authority on racism that needs to be torn down
4/19 – Michelle Obama: USA to Get Sick After Fun Weekend with “Divorced Dad” Trump (Video)
Bill Whittle at his best, although the quote from Michelle regarding her husband is more golden than anything that anyone else could say
4/20 – Mitt Romney clutches his pearls
Good post, and read it to the end – it perfectly sums up how we got to the 2019 version of Mitt Romney
4/21 – The World Needs Fewer Cersei Lannisters
Sister Babe forwarded me this one, simply for who wrote it. Apparently Fauxcahontas is so desperate for attention that she’s writing Entertainment articles now. Sister Babe didn’t think I was funny though, when I asked if the article included any claims that Warren was 1/1024th Dothraki.
4/22 – CNN Correspondent April Ryan Attacks (Threatens?) Sarah Sanders: ‘Start Lopping the Heads Off’
When CNN Attacks – I
4/23 – George Mason University President Reaffirms Decision to Hire Kavanaugh for Summer Job
Kavanaugh survives another attack, this one engineered by a Clintonista. I really don’t think that Lefties are thinking through where they’re continuously pushing the envelope will lead.
When CNN Attacks – II
4/24 – Pro-Lifers Target House Dems
I recall a post a while back from Kurt Schlichter pointing out the the Dems’ pushing their views to the extreme of endorsing infanticide is going to bite them hard. What he sees happening is their views being so extreme that it will cause people for whom abortion isn’t a high priority (such as myself) to actually start caring about it. Way to go, Democrats!
4/25 – No, the Press Didn’t Get The Big Things Mostly Right on Collusion
I generally avoid the whole Russiagate story because the Leftist delusion has gotten incredibly boring. This link makes it for its source. When you’ve lost Rolling Stone…
Biden is wrong? It must be a day ending in a “Y”!
From the archives, we go to the final chapter from this series: Economics for Politicians Chapter 10 – Solutions! or You’re not Part of the Problem – You ARE the Problem!
Have a great weekend!
Or as I like to paraphrase Han Solo:
"Because Christians don't go on murder sprees when you mock their religion. Muslims have been known to do that."
"I see your point, sir. I suggest a new strategy – let the Muslim win."— Ultra Magas Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) April 24, 2019
If @AdamSchiff is speaking, he’s lying or being a hypocrite. pic.twitter.com/WpoGLi7H5D
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) April 22, 2019
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) April 15, 2019
I showed this tweet to my woke six year old and he just shouted, "AHOY, Daddy!"
— Ultra Magas Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) April 24, 2019
Biden is currently leading the Democrat field with 73% being embarrassed to vote for him.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) April 24, 2019
There is nobody more generous than a Leftist reaching into someone else's wallet, and nobody stingier than a Leftist being asked to open their own.
— Ultra Magas Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) April 24, 2019
Since we are talking about honest can AOC and the two Muslim Congress ladies please explain the Muslim religions stance on gay rights and how the transgender issue would be dealt with in a mosque?
— Bob Lopez (@rplopez715) April 14, 2019
Democrat vows to void the constitution, but do go on how you’re concerned about Trump being a dictator.
— Razor (@hale_razor) April 23, 2019
Is it wrong that I'm less bothered by the fleeing-a-DWI thing than the fact he was driving a Volvo?https://t.co/jvqJUElOU1
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 24, 2019
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Davis never did a minstrel act.
The Obama administration was the USA with crackhead parents.
One wonders just what Republican policy he WILL support.
Seems that’s all the Demcorats have… and a few Joffery’s.
Then did she start whining about how some conservative said something mean to her? That’s the usual drill.
A rare show of courage in the face of inevitable liberal threats, intimidation and violence.
CNN is its own little universe of alternative reality, isn’t it?
Their infanticide laws show those on the fence how extreme liberals can get. Yes, this barbaric overreach will result in a drastic rollback of abortion “rights”.
They didn’t even get the party that committed the collusion right. The “press” is nothing but a propaganda tool of the left, and not a very good one at that.
“Make America like it was before” in between before Obama tried to ruin it and Trump restoring it. In other words, try to destroy it again.
The Best of Biden – Joe Biden gaffes
ps. could you please add CC to your blogroll?
Yes ladies you can get garlic shampoo and conditioner at the Vermont Country Store website, Infused with the natural goodness of garlic oil extract for 12.95 a bottle and a bargain at twice the price.
There are some disclaimers may not be Joe proof.
@Deplorable Me:
Or as I like to point out to Lefties who whine “He’s obsessed with undoing the legacy of his predecessor!”, they had no problem with a president Hell bent n undoing the legacy of his 43 predecessors.
@ST: Good link, and you’ve asked this of me before. I’m still not the person to ask, and yes Ive been watching your site for a while now. Post more consistently and you’ll start showing up here my friend!
@kitt: I love how today’s tech makes it that easy to mimic Fox News’ set.
And that’s a great tribute to Creepy Joe!
Eric Swalwell BE BOLD Yeah threaten to nuke us or jail us if we refuse to surrender up our guns hey did’nt your mommy ever tell you to watch your Language? Dont get too bold Rosebud or your Roadrunner will spring on you and catch you
@Spurwing Plover: The most disturbing thing about Swalwell is that his remarks not only didn’t get him pressured to resign, but he hasn’t already been laughed out of a presidential run. Please let this idiot make more headlines
@Brother Bob:
Yes, toilets must be flushed so what is in them goes away. Of course we want Obama’s legacy undone.
so michelle never vomited after the weekends knowing that her gay husband was out baning some stud of getting banged by some stud.. give America a break.