Trust us with the secret information in the Mueller report, say democrats

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Democrats are demanding to be given access to the full Mueller report. Trust us with the classified information within it, they say. Trust us with the Grand Jury secrets, they say. Let’s have a look at their history.

Leaky Leahy Seeks Sensitive Info Again

On numerous occasions, leaks about U.S. intelligence operations, particularly those against al Qaeda, have damaged our ability to safeguard our nation. They also have endangered the lives of intelligence operatives and informants. So it’s hard not to be alarmed by a letter to Congress the Justice Department recently released – a letter indicating that Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Democrat, is seeking covert intelligence information.

On March 22, Ronald Weich, assistant attorney general of the Office of Legislative Affairs at Justice, sent Mr. Leahy responses to follow-up questions posed to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. following Mr. Holder’s Nov. 18 appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee. That committee, which Mr. Leahy chairs, normally doesn’t deal with classified intelligence information. That’s good, because Mr. Leahy’s penchant for leaking classified national security information to try to sabotage American foreign policy decisions with which he disagrees has truly made him dangerous to U.S. national security.

In a follow-up question to Mr. Holder after the November hearing, Mr. Leahy complained that he and his House counterpart, Rep. John Conyers, Michigan Democrat, weren’t being briefed adequately on the intelligence activities of the FBI. Mr. Leahy insisted that such matters fall within the oversight responsibilities of the House and Senate Judiciary committees. He was willing to “share” oversight with the Intelligence Committees, he said, but the congressional Judiciary committees “should not be shut out” by Justice.

This naked power grab is rather remarkable given Mr. Leahy’s demonstrated inability (or unwillingness) to maintain the confidentiality of critical national security information. Mr. Leahy, after all, is the same man who leaked like a sieve during his previous tenure on the Senate Intelligence Committee. The San Diego Tribune, for example, reported that in a 1985 television interview, Mr. Leahy, then vice chairman of the committee, disclosed a top-secret communications intercept of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s telephone conversations. The intercept had facilitated the capture of the Arab terrorists who had hijacked the cruise ship Achille Lauro and murdered American citizens. Mr. Leahy’s callous disregard for maintaining the secrecy of American intelligence activities ended up costing the life of an Egyptian operative involved in the operation.

In July 1987, The Washington Times reported that Mr. Leahy had disclosed secret information about a 1986 covert operation planned by the Reagan administration to topple Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Federal intelligence officials told the paper that Mr. Leahy had communicated a written threat to expose the operation directly to CIA Director William Casey. Then, just weeks later – surprise, surprise – news of the secret plan turned up in The Washington Post, causing it to be aborted.

Then there is Mr. Leahy’s most infamous leak. As the Senate was preparing to hold hearings on the Iran-Contra scandal, Mr. Leahy finally was forced to resign his Intelligence Committee post after he again was caught leaking secret information to a reporter. Incredibly, Mr. Leahy, the ranking Intelligence Committee Democrat, had allowed an NBC reporter to comb through the committee’s confidential draft report on the scandal. NBC aired a report based on the inside information on Jan. 11, 1987. Following a six-month internal investigation and after recognizing that investigators had him dead to rights, Mr. Leahy “voluntarily” stepped down from his committee post.

Mr. Leahy’s outrageous leak was considered one of the most serious breaches of secrecy in the Intelligence Committee’s history.

Feinstein May Face Ethics Probe Over Leak of Ford Letter

The investigations into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh appear to have concluded, but other investigations could open into two members of Congress who sought to block his confirmation.

Eight House Republicans have asked for ethics investigations of Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Anna Eshoo, as well as the staffs of the two California Democrats. The subject: the leak of the unredacted letter from Christine Blasey Ford accusing Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when the two were teenagers.

“It would shock me if this wasn’t an ethics violation,” Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., one of the House members who signed a letter requesting an ethics probe, told The Daily Signal.

“This was a violation against Dr. Ford, who requested the letter be confidential,” Norman said. “Sen. Feinstein ought to be outraged that it leaked.”


  • A former Senate IT aide to Sen. Maggie Hassan, Jackson Cosko, admitted he stole tens of thousands of documents, credit card numbers, Social Security numbers and the contents of the entire network drive from the New Hampshire Democrat.
  • Cosko allegedly used stolen private data about senators to “doxx” Republicans during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings.
  • In a plea deal, Cosko — whom Hassan fired for other misconduct before the theft — said he worked with an accomplice who helped him gain access and wiped his fingerprints.
  • A court case has been opened against Samantha DeForest-Davis, a former Hassan aide who a source with knowledge of the situation said is the alleged accomplice.

Democrats’ leaks on Russia dossier investigation outrageous to Republicans

Led by Rep. Adam B. Schiff of California, Democrats on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence publicly kicked off the investigation on March 20, 2017, by reading a number of unverified Steele charges into the record. No line of inquiry was off limits, including Mr. Steele’s story about President Trump and prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room in 2013.

Mr. Steele wrote of an “extensive conspiracy” between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Mr. Trumphas called the former British spy’s dossier a collection of fiction. In an April court filing, Mr. Steele backed off his strongest claims and talked only of “possible coordination.”

Since March 20, as testimony about suspected collusion went into the recesses of the U.S. Capitol’s sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF), Democrats began a pattern of leaking to favored media, sometimes as a witness was still testifying.

After a recent leak, Rep. Lee M. Zeldin, New York Republican, tweeted: “Holy cow. The leaks coming from Dems on HouseIntelComm are out of control! Witnesses come in for hours of testimony at a time & then Dems instantly leak their version of 1 question & that’s that. Do rules, confidentiality & process matter at all anymore?”

Mr. Trump and White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders have bluntly accused Mr. Schiff of spoon-feeding the press confidential anti-Trump material. Mr. Trump told The Wall Street Journal in January that when Mr. Schiff leaves a committee interview, a news report on the testimony quickly follows.

Mr. Schiff denies he is leaking.

IMO Schiff is a freaking liar. As Trey Gowdy put it, Schiff leaks like a screen door on a submarine.

Some times it seems democrats are more than willing to give away state secrets:

‘Foreign actors’ accessed Hillary Clinton emails, documents show

“Foreign actors” obtained access to some of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails — including at least one email classified as “secret” — according to a new memo from two GOP-led House committees and an internal FBI email.

Fox News obtained the memo prepared by the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, which lays out key interim findings ahead of next week’s hearing with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. The IG, separately, is expected to release his highly anticipated report on the Clinton email case later Thursday.

The House committees, which conducted a joint probe into decisions made by the DOJ in 2016 and 2017, addressed a range of issues in their memo including Clinton’s email security.

“Documents provided to the Committees show foreign actors obtained access to some of Mrs. Clinton’s emails — including at least one email classified ‘Secret,'” the memo says, adding that foreign actors also accessed the private accounts of some Clinton staffers.

The memo does not say who the foreign actors are, or what material was obtained, but it notes that secret information is defined as information that, if disclosed, could “reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to the national security.”

The committees say that no one appears to have been held accountable either criminally or administratively.

Relatedly, Fox News has obtained a May 2016 email from FBI investigator Peter Strzok — who also is criticized in the House memo for his anti-Trump texts with colleague Lisa Page. The email says that “we know foreign actors obtained access” to some Clinton emails, including at least one “secret” message “via compromises of the private email accounts” of Clinton staffers.

The The shortest interval of time ever measured is 100 attoseconds. It would take less time than that for any democrat to leak the Mueller Report were they to get their fingers on it. democrats cannot be trusted to give you the correct time of day such is their hate and growing desperation.

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