The sad legacy of John Brennan: from CIA Director to Russian useful idiot.

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John Brennan was nominated to be Director of the CIA by Barack Obama and served as Director from March 2013 to January 2017. Here is a list of former Directors of the CIA. Only a few have been actively political following their tenures, but none has been as rabidly vocal and anti-Trump as John Brennan.

John Brennan has been prognosticating no end over the last two years and has made some pretty serious accusations.

On more than one occasion Brennan called Trump “treasonous.”

Former CIA director John Brennan blasted President Donald Trump‘s press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin Monday as ‘nothing short of treasonous.’

He also accused the president of being ‘wholly in the pocket of Putin.’

‘Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???,’ tweeted Brennan, who served as the nation’s intelligence chief from March 2013 to January 2017 under then-President Barack Obama.

A month later he sort of backtracked, saying that when he said Trump was treasonous he didn’t exactly mean treason:

“And for Mr. Trump to so cavalierly just dismiss that, yes, sometimes my Irish comes out, and — in my tweets, and I did say that it rises to and exceeds the level of high crimes and misdemeanors and is nothing short of treasonous. … I didn’t mean that he committed treason, but it was a term that I used, nothing short of treasonous.”

Then two days later he spun himself around again:

In an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Brennan reaffirmed his most inflammatory accusation against the president.

“I called his behavior treasonous. I stand very much by that claim,” he said. “These are abnormal times … I have seen the signs blinking red on what Mr. Trump has done and is doing.”

He had gotten his tighty whities in a twist when Trump stripped him of his security clearance.

Former CIA chief John Brennan doubled down Sunday on his charge that Donald Trump has engaged in “treasonous” behavior and called on Congress to block the US president’s attempts to strip other intelligence officials of their security clearances.

Brennan has received an outpouring of support from former top-ranking intelligence officers — but not much from Republican lawmakers — since Trump revoked his top secret security clearance last week in retaliation for what the president called “unfounded and outrageous allegations.”

Let’s mark “unfounded and outrageous allegations.”

Since then it’s been a litany of name calling and allegations.

He called Trump ‘wrong-headed’ and ‘dangerous.’  He called Trump “intellectually bankrupt.”   He said Trump was “dangerous” to this nation. Brennan hammered Trump over Trump’s “temper tantrums.”

Three weeks ago Brennan on MSNBC- where Brennan signed on as a “contributor” in February of 2018- predicted that consequent to the Mueller investigation there would be more indictments of Trump and his family:

Former Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan predicted just two short weeks ago that President Trump’s family members or associates would be indicted in the special counsel’s probe.

During an appearance on MSNBC on March 5, Brennan predicted that Mueller would issue indictments related to a “criminal conspiracy” involving Trump or his associates’ activities during the 2016 election.

He wasn’t simply wrong. He was galactically wrong. But it’s not his fault, you see. He got “bad information.”

Bad information.

That’s what former CIA Director John Brennan is blaming for his near-constant attacks on President Trump after Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into alleged collusion between Trump and Russia ended up clearing the president.

Brennan, whose role in the Obama administration helped land him a job as an MSNBC contributor and lent his perspective on national security major gravitas, once warned that the Mueller probe showed “our Nation’s future is at stake.” But on Monday, a day after Attorney General William Barr released a summary of Mueller’s findings, showing there was no evidence Trump or anyone close to him colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, Brennan admitted he may have gotten it wrong.

“I don’t know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” Brennan told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

Now he’s relieved- kind of:

“I am relieved that it’s been determined there was not a criminal conspiracy with the Russian government over our election.”

But despite his mea culpa, the former top spy still hedged his bets.

Brennan told Joe Scarborough he still believes there are clear examples of attempted inappropriate communication with the Russians, adding he was “not all that surprised that the high bar of criminal conspiracy was not met.”

Not surprised? Horse crap.

The lamestream media turned on him quickly:

ABC News Senior National Correspondent Terry Moran on Sunday tweeted, along with a clip of a March 6 interview on MSNBC, “John Brennan has a lot to answer for — going before the American public for months, cloaked with CIA authority and openly suggesting he’s got secret info, and repeatedly turning in performances like this.”


And MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough on Monday questioned Brennan on whether he received “bad information.”

But CNN political commentator Amanda Carpenter — a vociferous Trump critic herself — called on Brennan to “apologize” for throwing the word “treason” out when discussing Trump and the Russia investigation.

“At the very least, Brennan needs to apologize to the American people for giving them the idea that treason — big capital letters treason — was committed,” she said on CNN.

“He’s not just a regular pundit spouting off. He was a former CIA director. And I don’t know about you guys, but when a former CIA director speaks, I listen, because I believe they have credibility, and now he’s backtracking and saying, ‘Well maybe I had bad information.’ He needs to flesh that out a little more,” she said.

“John Brennan should have been more careful,” she added.

Ya think?

Perhaps it was the useful idiots of the press who should have had more caution before swallowing whole everything this twit said.

Brennan wore the Superman’s cape of the Director of the CIA to pontificate and hurl all kinds of accusations at Trump. Now he gets to eat sh- ,er, crow. You can more of this genius’s work here.

The big question is- how did this blockhead get to be Director of the CIA?

His judgment sucks.

His information sucks.

His sources suck.

It can make one queasy knowing this guy headed one of the most important agencies in the US. And remember, the goal of the Russians was:

The Russian government had a strategic goal to “sow discord in the U.S. political system, including the 2016 presidential election” the indictment reads. The indictment also revealed activity pursued by the Russians to organize political rallies, building partisan social media audiences across the political spectrum, and funding political stunts.

According to Mueller, the Russian government created a sub agency known as the “translator project” which was “focused on the U.S. population and conducted operations on social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube” adding that the strategic goal of interfering in the 2016 US election was developed all the way back in May 2014.

The stated goal within the department was to spread “distrust towards candidates at the political system in general.”

It can be successfully argued that John Brennan was an instrument of the Russian government. A useful idiot.

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