If Donald Trump has done one thing, it is to reveal the depth of liberal mental illness. Democrats have been salivating for two years at the prospect of Trump being found guilty of something- anything would do. Instead, the Mueller report is concluded with no additional indictments expected.
Democrats are absolutely melting down.
Rachel Maddow was reduced to tears over the report.
Adam Schiff continues to insist that there is “significant evidence” of collusion:
Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) insisted that despite special counsel Robert Mueller not indicting anyone from the Trump campaign for crimes related to conspiring with Russia in the 2016 presidential election, “there is significant evidence of collusion.”
Schiff said, “There is significant evidence of collusion. We have set that out time and time again from the secret meetings in Trump Tower to the conversations between Flynn, the Russian ambassador, to the providing of polling data to someone linked to Russian intelligence and Stone’s links to Wikileaks.”
Two weeks ago John Brennan predicted that there would be indictments of Trump’s family and friends:
Former Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan predicted just two short weeks ago that President Trump’s family members or associates would be indicted in the special counsel’s probe.
During an appearance on MSNBC on March 5, Brennan predicted that Mueller would issue indictments related to a “criminal conspiracy” involving Trump or his associates’ activities during the 2016 election. The forecast proved far off the mark on Friday after Robert Mueller ended his investigation without issuing new indictments.
“If anybody from the Trump family … is going to be indicted, it would be in the final act of Mueller’s investigation because Bob Mueller and I think his team knows that if he were to do something, indicting a Trump family member, or if he were to go forward with an indictment on a criminal conspiracy involving U.S. persons that would basically be the death knell of the special counsel’s office,” Brennan told anchor Lawrence O’Donnell.
Chris Matthews, whose leg tingled at the prospect of Barack Obama, had a trickle of yellow tingle going down his leg as he sputtered and flubbed:
CHRIS MATTHEWS: Why was there never an interrogation of this president? We were told for weeks by experts you cannot deal with an obstruction of justice charge or investigation without getting to motive. You don’t get to motive until you hear from the person himself who’s being targeted, a subject of the investigation. How can they let Trump off the hook? So far tonight, so far tonight, we have no reason to believe Trump is going to be charged by rhetoric in the document itself, in the Mueller report, he will not be charged with obstruction or of collusion, without ever having to sit down with the special counsel and answer his damn questions. How can that happen?
Well, now we know how.
It’s a cover-up. Joy Reid of PMSNBC:
“That’s the challenge. Unlike the independent counsel, which that statute was allowed to expire after Bill Clinton, which can be a runaway thing of its own — but at least that’s controlled by Congress. In this — which you know it will leak, if it got to Congress it comes out that day. But the fact that this investigation takes place within the Justice Department, which Donald Trump essentially controls and he got rid of the problem Jeff Sessions, who the one decent thing that he did was recuse himself. This guy is not recused, it feels like the seeds of a cover-up are here.
This was echoed by Gerald Nadler, the pompous jerk from New York:
“The Justice Department believes — normally that’s a very good rule. If you don’t have enough evidence to judge someone on a crime, you shouldn’t sully their name. However, the Justice Department believes that as a matter of law, the president no matter what the evidence, can never be indicted on anything because he is the president. … Once you say that a president cannot be held indictable no matter what the evidence, as a matter of law, to then follow the principle that you can’t then comment on the evidence or publicize it is to convert that into a cover-up.”
Once again, we see that democrats desire laws that directed at an individual- especially Trump.
Nadler has signaled that he is not about to let facts impede his crusade:
Nadler said, “We know there was collusion. Why there’s been no indictments, we don’t know. Let me say further, we know a number of things. We know that the president pressured the FBI to go easy, to stop investigating Flynn and various other people. We know that he fired the FBI director as he put it to NBC to take care of the Russian thing in order to stop the investigation of various people associated with him. We know that he concocted the lie about the purpose of that Russian meeting. We know that he — that a lot of his top associates have been indicted and convicted, and we know that he has engaged in relentless two-year attacks against the FBI and various law enforcement agencies.”
Nadler, as do all democrats, lies here. Trump did not fire Comey to stop the FBI investigation. He fired Comey because Comey lied to Trump. Comey would not say publicly what he told Trump- that Trump was not a target of the FBI investigation.
Now catch this nonsense from Nadler:
He continued, “There have been obstructions of justice, whether they are —clearly, whether they are criminal obstruction is another question. But we have — the special prosecutor is limited in scope. His job was limited in scope and limited to crimes.
On the one hand Nadler admits there were no crimes but he’s going to nail Trump any way. BTW, since when is obstruction of justice not a crime?
But now at least we know the report went the way it did. It’s a cover-up.
Mueller colluded with the Russians to exonerate Trump.
Now it’s time to investigate the fake basis for this entire episode. It begins with Hillary Clinton. And let’s be clear- not one person was indicted or convicted of having anything to do with any Russian and the 2016 election. Not one.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.