If your goal was to get liberals to make asses of themselves you could not have done better than Jussie Smollett.

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Someone ought to send Jussie Smollett a gift and a thank you note. He’s arguably done more for conservatives than anyone in recent memory.

Maybe a MAGA hat and Subway sandwich.

Smollett proved beyond any shadow of a doubt who really is biased, who really is racist and who really is full of sh*t. When it was first reported, virtue signalling liberals fell all over themselves expressing their outrage, facts be damned.

Kamala Harris threw her two cents into the incident at light speed:

Then asked about it as the hoax unraveled, she stutters and stammers “What Tweet?”

 “I think the facts are unfolding, and I’m very concerned about obviously [inaudible],” she said.

The facts she chose not to wait for before opining are “unfolding.” In fairness, a load of liberals did the same.

After rushing to judgment , Booker then said he would “withhold judgment”

“I’m gonna withhold until all the information actually comes out from on-the-record sources,” the senator from New Jersey said after meeting with voters in Rochester, N.H. “We know in America that bigoted and biased attacks are on the rise in a serious way, and we actually even know in this country that since 9/11, the majority of the terrorist attacks on our soil have been right-wing terrorist attacks — the majority of them white supremacist attacks.”

Brooke Baldwin of CNN (naturally) could barely contain her contempt for “America 2019” (at approximately 1:50):

The Washington Post Editorial Board’s Executive Assistant Nana Efua Mumford was “broken hearted” that this wasn’t a real story about racism and hatred:

“If Smollett’s story is found to be untrue, it will cause irreparable damage to the communities most affected. Smollett would be the first example skeptics cite when they say we should be dubious of victims who step forward to share their experiences of racist hate crimes or sexual violence,” Mumford wrote. “The incident would be touted as proof that there is a leftist conspiracy to cast Trump supporters as violent, murderous racists. It would be the very embodiment of ‘fake news.’”

Indeed- it is friendly fire. Andy Ngo assembled a great compilation:


There ought to be no sympathy or understanding for these execrable liberals. You might think that after recent events liberals might hesitate to make poor decisions.

You’d be wrong.

It’s not as if there hasn’t been a recent history of wildly false accusation stories, i.e. Kavanaugh and the Covington Catholic kids. In fact, hate crime hoaxes have become de rigueur since Trump became President:






There are many more documented here.  You can also find a trove of them on Twitter from Andy Ngo.

Seems hate crime hoaxes are the things to do when the right person is President. But let’s enjoy this for now. If you wanted to prove what a bunch of biased, hateful, racist, unthinking tools liberals are you could not have done better than Jussie Smollett.

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Just in time for Black History Month, Jussie is History!

My theory is that some blacks are worried that people from south of the border are getting too much attention in the fight over who are the “most aggrieved” victims of white privilege.

Just heard, to add on, that The Empire TV show is cutting his scenes as much as possible for the shows already “in the can.”
Then what will they do?
Happy Black History Month, Jussie!

I celebrate all of Black American, past and present, and in earnest. We need Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X, and George Washington Carver back to show what real leadership, of any kind and race, looks like.

And honestly, the above mentioned are just “Great Americans” to me, not anything else.

A MAGA hat and a gift card for Chick-Fil-A would be better!

I wonder if he wore gloves and a mask when crafting the threatening letter to himself for attention.

Reminds me of an old quote from an anonymous Catholic priest:

“Young boys are pretty to look at and fun to touch, but when they open their mouths, toys fall out.”

“If Smollett’s story is found to be untrue, it will cause irreparable damage to the communities most affected. Smollett would be the first example skeptics cite when they say we should be dubious of victims who step forward to share their experiences of racist hate crimes or sexual violence,”

Yeah. That’s why you shouldn’t LIE. Duh.

@Nathan Blue:We already have Ben Carson.

@Deplorable Me:

“Smollett would be the first example skeptics cite when they say we should be dubious of victims who step forward to share their experiences of racist hate crimes or sexual violence,”

Rather than site examples of OTHER cases, why wouldn’t people choose to judge each case on its own merit?

@George Wells: Or LACK of merit.

It’s not like anyone needed Smollett to do this to have an example of liberals inventing the objects of their own outrage. It’s been happening for decades.

@Deplorable me:

If you walked into a bank and were immediately arrested because someone else robbed a bank after entering it, you’d be thrilled for the chance to sue for false arrest.
What someone else does is irrelevant. Each alleged crime is to be judged on the strength of ITS evidence, not on facts from a different case. Fortunately, our legal system hasn’t stooped to the torch-and-pitchfork mob mentality that grips the court of public opinion.

@George Wells:

If you walked into a bank and were immediately arrested because someone else robbed a bank after entering it, you’d be thrilled for the chance to sue for false arrest.

You leave a lot of circumstances undefined but, no, I wouldn’t be prone to sue for false arrest. There could be very good reasons to mistake me for a robber. However, if the media leaped on the opportunity to spread the “news” that I was guilty of robbing the bank without knowing or acknowledging any of those circumstances, a suit would probably be forthcoming.

Glad that you are finally paying attention, George. When you finally realize that the torch and pitchfork mob is composed almost entirely of the left, you will be on the way to true enlightenment. Remember, historically almost all of the non horse stealing lynchings in the old south, were committed by Democrats.

@71 Grad:

I wish I could flatter you with blind agreement with your position, but you seem to imply more than a cautions measure of guilt by association, and I don’t accept that. There ARE valuable lessons to be learned by the student of history, but not every historical “fact” is accurate, and not every one that IS accurate is worth remembering.

I really don’t understand how so many Republicans think that there is salvation to be had in the tally of how MANY democrats did something as opposed to how many Republicans did the same thing. What, “I’m bad, but you’re badder”? Is THAT what all this boils down to? Because it’s not convincing of anything except that you hold a grudge really well. Surely you must have a more potent argument to support your positions.

This is probably the final nail in the coffin. The local Fox station is also reporting that the two brothers were just seen entering the grand jury room. One of their reporters said his CPD sources told him there could be an indictment coming in a matter of hours. Fortunately, the local media here has been very professional in their coverage of this hoax unlike their left wing agenda driven national counterparts.


@George Wells: #13 What about ism is a perfectly fine defense, it shows them they set the rules now play them, and Whats good for the goose ect.

Its past time we took a pound of flesh then maybe they will back off.

That’s lynch mob justice, and not how courts decide cases. You can make the valid argument that “precedence” is essentially the same thing, but that speaks to one other similar case decided correctly but does not count the prevalence of guilt or assume guilt by association. Again, those judgmental shortcuts are mob tactics, not legal ones. I share your frustration, but your call for a pound of flesh incites violence and anarchy. Let’s see if the white supremacist who just got caught ALLEGEDLY planning mass murder earns as many FA messages as Smollett. My guess, not a peep, or else “FAKE NEWS!”

@George Wells: I don’t guess you’ve noticed, but the violence and anarchy is already upon us. The left deploys ANTIFA to try and silence conservative speech and rallies. People like Smollett, had he be only a bit more clever, incite hate AND violence and the compliant media obliges. All the perpetrators have to do is get their case into one of the liberal courts. Until some of these crimes are punished it only gets worse. Hopefully the Sandman case will exact a painful price out of his defendants; that might be a start.

@George Wells:

That’s lynch mob justice

bwahahahaha Who is breaking into the court and dragging the young fool out to be hung?
The police of Illinois have better things to do than waste time with investigating some attention whores lies.
They have been letting these fake self inflicted hate crimes go unpunished for too long.
The louder they scream their lies the more severe the punishment should be.
It all must be done legally, peacefully, within the limits of the law.
Do you think he should skip away tra lala? Oh maybe a couple of counselling sessions and a little bit of community service?
Or 5 years for mail fraud and 30 days for filing a false report along with $251,500 in fines.
He just wants people to HATE Trump voters poor confused guy huh.

Tonight there’s breaking news.
Jussie Smollett has been charged in both the hate crime and the letter to himself.
Video (run down by a local Chicago reporter) shows the Nigerian brothers buying the red caps and the ski masks at a hardware store.
These brothers are telling all.
If anyone was trying to “lynch” people it was Jussie who slandered EVERY single Trump supporter in the country, all 63 million of us.
He tried to criminalize wearing a MAGA hat in public.
Shame on him.
And, since he previously lied to police for official reports I hope they throw the book at him after his conviction.

@Nan G: No doubt SNL will find a place for him on their cast, just as they did the disgraced Alec Baldwin.

I will believe jail time when I see it. I am sick, though, of criminal liberals getting a free ride.


The police of Illinois have better things to do than waste time with investigating some attention whores lies.

So leave justice in such cases to the mob?
And how is that different than a “lynch mob”?

@George Wells: I think the point was stupid false crimes detracts valuable resources from REAL crimes to collect evidence against a phony crime.

We aren’t to the point (yet) where conservatives a forming mobs demanding the suspects be turned over for mob justice as the left repeatedly does and was in the process of doing in this case until the lies blew up in their stupid faces.

@Deplorable Me: Never mind 26 officers were assigned to investigate the attention whore, pulled from investigating and solving real crimes.
The case is where it needs to be exposed and in the hands of the courts. IF he is found guilty then we can hope the punishment will fit the crime, and deter others from the same sort of behavior.

@kitt: The CPD Superintendent answered a question about just punishment if Smollett is proven guilty, he mentioned apologies and reimbursing the city of Chicago for the cost of chasing down his phony accusations… but no mention of jail time.

@Deplorable Me: The punishment is up to the judge we will see what that is.

@George Wells: There was no mob involved in this, either “lynch” or otherwise. The point was to use the “lynchmob” of the left to further denigrate their enemies, by any means necessary.

The myth that Republican/Conservatives are blood-hungry racist russian rapists is getting old, and complete b.s.

The reason we need to point out that Dems were historically the true white racists and supremacists, is to show how ingrained the idea of racial separation and violence is in the Left. Smollet staged, STAGED a hate crime to gain power.

So, equality and fairness are not the goal. POWER is the goal, and that is gained by false racism.

I hope you see the real issue here, George. My biggest thing I hope dem/lib/lefties will see is that they are not the party or ideology of fairness, equality, justice, or any of these things. They might have been at one time, but it’s about power now. Power comes from using the law and the court of public opinion to diabolically crush your enemies.

Smollet committed a hate crime against me. He lied into order to denigrate white Trump voters, aka, me. He tried to paint me as a racist and a homophobe, which I am not.

Your “side” is playing very dirty, now George. Time to look in the mirror and change things.

Otherwise, I hope you are doing well, George! Sincerely! I love your posts — sharing real thoughts and opinions, not regurgitating headlines…

The CPD Superintendent asked how Smollett could possibly use something like a noose as a prop in his little play, something that raises such hurtful images for blacks. Well, because he wanted to generate the maximum level of hatred from his performance. The REAL question is why do liberals feel the need to create these false acts? I’m pretty sure I know the reason, just as I am pretty sure no liberals are going to honestly evaluate the question.

@ Nathan Blue:

” I hope you are doing well, George! Sincerely! I love your posts — sharing real thoughts and opinions, not regurgitating headlines…”

FINALLY! Thank you so much for noticing. “Deplorable me” can’t even accept it when I tell him I agree with him.

In case you haven’t put it together, on most issues I lean Republican, sometimes to the extreme. FA readers don’t understand that because I don’t bother posting on a lot of threads just to agree with what has already been said. It is where the thread runs in a direction that I think is harmful that I add my two cents’ worth. Sometimes it is because I think proposals are unconstitutional, and sometimes I think that they would produce undesirable consequences like class warfare.

Nick Sandmann’s lawyers must be all smiles right now. This con job only strengthens their case that the WaPo and the others went after the Covington kids because of who they are and their beliefs as opposed to what actually happened. It shows a definite pattern of behavior to slander those who don’t adhere to left wing ideology with false charges.

@George Wells: You’re a good man, George. This I know.

God forgive me if I ever think I know more than He does…lol.

Gotta keep the dialog going….the way I see it.

I just believe this crazy experiment we call “America” is still going stong, and we need to believe in it.

That means healthy debate, forgiveness, and the will to take chances…

@Nathan Blue:

I DO believe in America. I believe in the Constitution and in the processes the Founding Fathers installed to make it flexible enough to keep it relevant as times and what we understand to be the truth changes.

There are those who would turn back time, who would prefer a country in which they did not have to share power with people different than themselves. There are others who would dismantle what out ancestors built and replace it with something else, something untested. I think that there is a happy middle ground between these two extremes.

Sometimes people become convinced that all hope for a better future is lost. For them, the choices are limited to taking up arms to fight a war they cannot win, or uprooting themselves to move somewhere else. I am not there and never will be, because I have faith that when situations get truly serious, whatever trivial issues that boil the blood will be seen as just that. And in the wider context, that is really all hat we at FA are arguing about. None of it would matter a lick is some alien spacecraft were to appear and begin liquifying our continents or boiling our oceans. That’s highly unlikely, but it is significantly more probable that some microscopic pathogen will mutate into a population killer, and that would unite the World in a struggle for survival that would see our focus on trivial debates melt away.