Welcome back, everyone! Let’s get straight to the crazy:
1/31 – Sens. Harris And Feinstein LIVID As Trump Nominates Conservatives To 9th Circuit Court
At the heart of this is the fact that Dems find unacceptable the appointment of judges who will uphold the Constitution. Let that one sink in.
2/1 – Another Democratic state is proposing the most RADICAL abortion bill in the world and it’s pure evil
Virginia and New York: “Nobody can top our barbaric abortion laws!”
Vermont: “Hold my Zima”
Surprisingly little snark and a pretty constructive take on the Newseum’s closing
2/2 – Party Of No: Once Opposed, Democrats Now Back Wars Just To Thwart Trump
Where are all of those Anti-Bush Anti-war protesters that we saw so much of 15 years ago? This is another blurb that could use a post of its own. I need more hours in the day…
2/3 – CBS rejects “Just Stand” ad
Yep, Patriotism is too controversial for our major TV networks!
Maybe if The Washington Post had used that money they blew on their self-fellating Super Bowl ad and hired a few journalists this story might not have died in darkness?
2/4 – Barack Obama, Gay Sex-Toy Hobbyist?
I’m not 100% sure this is even real, but it appears to be. Even I am at a rare loss for words on this one, but I still laugh every time I watch it. I’ll leave it to Ace:
This is so great.
Seriously, 2019 is the Best Year.
2/5 – Nolte: Gov. Cuomo Falsely Blames Trump for New York’s $2.3 Billion Budget Shortfall
Once again, someone needs a reminder that the race for the title of “Dumbest Cuomo” is a marathon, not a race!
2/6 – The State Of American ‘Fact-Checking’ Is Completely Useless
Of course, it would be helpful if the self-appointed “Fact Checkers” understood the definition of a fact in the first place. I’m old enough when journalists were expected to have basic reading comprehension among their skill sets
2/7 – KLAVAN: AOC Tries, Fails To Defend Socialism
Savor every moment of Gulag Barbie in Congress until Pelosi has her primaried and sent packing to MSNBC in two years.
No excerpts – it’s short so read the whole thing.
ICYMI – I dropped a post wondering what the country might look like today two years into a Hillary Clinton presidency, and more importantly, if people could overlook personal issues with her and judge her only on results?
And time to get back to the archives! It’s been just over a month since I’ve dredged up an old post and nearly two months since I’ve posted The Economics for Politicians series. So now we go back where we left off, and after Chapter 9 the series took a few sidebars, and the first makes the Conservative case for Why America Needs Higher Taxes. Although somehow I don’t see Gulag Barbie getting on board with my sensible proposal to make the wealthy pay their fair share.
Have a great weekend!
Such disgraceful behavior! I would expect this from a stevedore or one of the deckhands. Come, let us retire to Commodore Kristol's cabin for some brandy before we dine with Captain Steubing and Judge Smails this evening!
— Ultra Magas Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) February 6, 2019
— The Discontenterati (@wesowdiscontent) February 1, 2019
This guy from Illinois is my hero. pic.twitter.com/NCeuYcFBKK
— Janice Dean (@JaniceDean) February 4, 2019
.#Northam pic.twitter.com/ImjA9n49Z4
— Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) February 5, 2019
It's not funny.
We aren't overreacting.
We are actively cultivating a culture that says it's OK to dehumanize and assault *certain* women—if they're conservatives, if they don't think the right way. https://t.co/vJ9dabibpg
— Lyndsey Fifield (@lyndseyfifield) February 4, 2019
In the last 7 days Democrats advocated killing babies after they were born, putting a 90% tax on the rich, said we must have sympathy for ISIS, proposed confiscating all our guns, & also had a sitting governor exposed wearing a KKK outfit in the same week as promoting infantcide
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) February 3, 2019
"Immigrants have to come here legally."
Only half the room stands and applauds.
This is a position that every elected Democrat held until 2009.
— Razor (@hale_razor) February 6, 2019
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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
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AOC thought she walked into Hogwarts as she entered he hallowed house of congress….
This weeks selection goes out to AOC who uncontrollably broke out into this song when asked “How we gonna pay for this shitlist?”
And to the Governors of the baby killing legislation, that song will be played over and over for eternity when you leave this world of ours an extended version blasted in surround sound.
Brother Bob If you don’t watch a single leftist show or even if you do—-Please watch Bill Maher once a week on HBO
In return I’ll watch one hour of Conservative TV your pick.
We’ll discuss.–Thanks
AOC—Don’t agree with her on everything BUT what incredible passion–29 years old. Damn
@kitt: Dang Kitt, check you out with the super cool hip remake! Cool version though!
Which is more than we can say for the remakes of warmed over Marxism…
@Richard Wheeler: No HBO – we cut the cord back when we bought a smart TV a year after Little Bob was born. We do get HBO during Game of Thrones season though. Hit me up when the series comes back!
And I do agree that Gulag Barbie’s passion is impressive. Imagine what she could do had she been given an education…
@Brother Bob: So with a little helium I too can be so hip and modern I have to go groove to a little Alvin and the Chipmunks LPs set at 45 speed 😉
cuomo is pure scum. bloomberg gave the gangs of nyc $65 million in weapons and legal support.cuomo has a Kotex brain-fill it will crap and lies, pop the sucker out and “Empty” typical for a demorat
@Brother Bob: Game of Thrones starts 4/18–wife loves it—watch Maher then.
AOC GRADUATED B.U where my uncle starred in football
Kitt Camelot JFK and Jackie Heady Days–too short
“If a free society cannot help the many who are poor it cannot protect the few who are rich”. JFK
The 9th Circus is an embarrassment to our legal system and an example of how far liberals will go to circumvent the Constitution to meet their goals. Liberals never object to a revisionist liberal being a judge, they only object to someone that is going to respect the Constitution.
Misery and death are the characteristics of the Democrat party.
That’s too bad. It would be good to be able to see what journalism looked like back when it existed.
Opposition to war died out as soon as Obama was elected and began indulging himself in getting troops killed for no purpose.
The media can’t allow it to get out that not everyone hates the country and everything it stands for.
It is encouraging that some people in the industry know that news is not really news if it isn’t true; maybe one day they will apply that concept to their coverage of Trump and Republicans.
Well, he’s not screwing the American people any more so naturally he needs a new pursuit.
If the wealthy don’t pay any taxes, how can them leaving NY hurt their tax revenues? I’m a bit confused…
Imagine the media “fact checking” Clinton’s “I did not have sex with that woman” or Obama’s “If you like you insurance….” But, for the media, facts have never been a priority when a Democrat is in office.
AOC has a difficult time explaining what AOC stands for. She appears to have the same deep understanding of socialism that most of those college students that support it do; it just means “free stuff”.
Saddest of all is that there was no hyperbole in the article. Worse is the number of people who see this as a winning strategy, accept it, endorse it and promote it. While we have a very narrow sampling of liberals on this site, NONE condemned what was done to the Covington kids. I understand their position on Kavanaugh because that had a political component and it was important to some liberals NOT to have someone on the bench that answered to the Constitution, but the attacks on the Covington kids was pure spite and revenge for their temerity to dare to wear MAGA caps. These are dangerous people.
@kitt: Like a batter coming up to the plate, that song should be played every time Occasional-Kotex enters the Chambers.
@Richard Wheeler: AOC is becoming the spokesperson for your party and that should be of great concern for you.
@Richard Wheeler: I was bummed when B.U. dropped its football team. Probably because my Blue Hens usually beat them when we played =8^)
@MOS#8541: And his brother uses CNN as a megaphone to prove he’s dumber than dirt. Mario must be proud
@Deplorable Me:
It would have been nice had they fact checked the biggest lie of his presidency when he swore to uphold and defend the Constitution
AOC and the Chamber of Secrets look out Fawkes the Phoenix is looking for some to bomb and he is feeling that urge
@Deplorable Me:
Actually she represents her party and its base perfectly. The ten or so true dem moderates in Congress best find themselves a new home.
@another vet: It’s hard to determine how much support she has. There are so many Democrats that simply want to support anything as far away from reason and rationality they can get just to spite those who want to preserve the nation that it’s difficult to tell if she’s a trend or a fad.
@Deplorable Me: I think they were always this crazy. It took their hysterical reaction to PT to bring it out into the open. When you think about it, a lot has been outed because of his election.
1. The dems pretending to be moderates have now come out of the closet as full blown socialists/communists (keep in mind Marx used socialism and communism interchangeably in his manifesto).
2. The left has come out of their “pacifist” closet by showing just how violent they can be should they not get their way or should you disagree with them.
3. The Vichy Republicans/conservatives such as Kristol, McCain, and Flake have been outed as being more concerned about getting on the good side of the left as opposed to advancing the cause of republicanism/conservatism.
4. The power and extent of Deep State has been exposed and until it’s brought to justice, will prove that we have a republican form of government on paper only.
5. We now know just how utterly corrupt and power abusing the BHO administration was and what a threat it posed to our Constitution. Nixon and Watergate were child’s play compared to Obamagate.
6. The MSM’s credibility has been destroyed as their TDS exposed them as a bunch of hacks for the DNC and Deep State who are incapable of anything remotely comparable to journalism or a free press.
@another vet: 1. Well, don’t worry. Whichever idiot wins the Democrat nomination will turn into a moderate to appeal to the general population, not just the nutjob far left.
4. Expect the deep state to be in high gear when the campaign season opens.
@Brother Bob: If you’re losing consistently to a team nicknamed “Blue Hens” you should hang em up.–suppose it’s better than “water gap”
My 2 cents on 2020—-So far I see only 2 Dems with any chance of beating DT–assuming Mueller probe doesn’t bury him–possible but unlikely.
Joe Biden—a real slugfest decided again in PA..Mich and Wi.–Biden strong here
Robert O’Rourke—he goes head to head with DT in his hometown tonight–interesting contrast.
Other Dems in so far will all lose to DT
If Biden and Beto don’t get nod Then—Howard Schultz a smart successful businessman could win from the MIDDLE/LEFT—-gaining indies traditional Dems and Repubs. Don’t think he’ll get in unless he truly believes he can win–he has deep pockets to get on all state wide ballots–on TV townhall Tues night–a good watch–I’d vote for him.
Biden is the big unknown–don’t think Schultz would challenge him—Repubs. short change Joe at their peril.
What say you BB?
@Richard Wheeler: Its too late baby anyone who hangs their hat on a Democrat hook, how will Joe debate the new green deal? Or any of the more than 60 congress and senate members that signed on? Shultz as an inde splits the vote, this time not to the Dems favor. He might be the new more liberalist Trump a self made billionaire, in order for him to fit into the new Dems it would have to be FREE COFFEE for all, handed out at the border for the new economic migrants, citizens would have to pay 10 bucks a cup because citizen privilege is just wrong.
@kitt: Under right circumstances Shultz could win—don’t ever forget the MAJORITY of Americans don’t like Trump and would vote for a moderate alternative—-Shultz perfect. More successful and a hell of a lot more likeable than Trump—and he’s with the majority of Americans on most issues.
Suggest all watch his Townhall Tues night.
@Richard Wheeler: Obama won in 2008 because he had no record to be used against him and what existed of his personal life was secreted away… for some reason. The Community Reinvestment Act driven recession sealed the deal for Obama in 2008 and, of course, the media got him elected in 2012. O’Rook is more along those lines, though he has a pretty extensive and known history and most of it ain’t very complimentary. He also, like Obama, has no work or legislative history to brag about… or hold against him.
And exactly like Obama, the fascination with Puto O’Rook is purely celebrity. I have to wonder, why don’t liberals want to have any experience or capabilities besides talking?
Biden DOES have a history… a LOT of it. He also has a reputation of being handsy with the ladies and little girls. He ALSO is a gaffe machine; I’ve been keeping a list of them. If the Democrats turn to an “old white man” for their candidate, they’ll have a lot of ‘splainin’ to do, having made a career of blaming and insulting “old white men” for any and all ills and evils.
One thing you can count on; the Democrats will pick another “gimmick”. First black man has been done. I don’t see one like they tried in Texas, “first Hispanic gay woman”, which no doubt would get the nomination, to push. First black woman, first woman, first non-Native American woman, first bald-headed black man… there’s so much to choose from and so much associated baggage.
It is pretty revealing that any “middle left” candidate will have to come as an independent 3rd Party. There’ll be none of that from the Democrat party.
But all this is immaterial; who has the DNC decided will be the candidate? That’s all that matters.
You can’t imagine what a joke anyone that isn’t far, far left thinks the Democrat party has become. Losing to Trump simply made you insane, irrational and unreasonable.
@Richard Wheeler: Take a closer look his popularity went up after the SOTU and green deal. There are those that will only and forever check that D box no matter who they “arrange” to win the primary. If I can stream the town hall I certainly will watch it. I did trouble shooting for his company as a call agent. Only problem was I hated his coffee(always with the over roasted beans bitter bitter) when given pounds of it as a gift I gave it away, the gift cards didnt work at my husbands employment or airports so those were also given as gifts. My preference is Jamaican Blue mountain the estate coffee Costa Rican is also a good cup o’ joe.
@kitt: I can’t stand the snob element of Starbucks. You can’t even order a large black coffee without knowing their code. Community is my brand.
@Deplorable Me: My coffee is fresh ground the beans sealed at room temp in an air tight container, I find the Jamaican and costa rican at Marshalls, if all else fails, 8 oclock whole bean but not made quite as strong due to bitter after taste. Starbucks isnt snob factor, you have to go to Gloria Beans for that. They had some really cool district managers when I worked the phones, before they purged their company techs those some of those guys were awesome.
@Richard Wheeler: Heh – that’s Fightin’ Blue Hens, or a** kickin’ chickens to you, pal!
Took me a minute to get the water gap joke – good one =8^)
I’m actually in 100% agreement with you on Biden. I’m no fan of his, but I see him as the best matchup vs. Trump of any of the Dems. As Another Vet pointed out, he has a history, but I think that most Dems are so rabidly anti-Trump that if Lucifer ran against the president they’d at least give him a favorable reference in The House of Commons. Definitely puts the battleground states in play.
Disagree on Beto-Male, though. Obama was a once in a lifetime candidate, and Conservatives aren’t about to let the media deify their favorite unknown candidate again. I also don’t see Beto having Obama’s messaging talent to become the next Obama.
Schultz is an interesting prospect – I think he has no chance of winning – can’t peel off enough electoral votes from the Dems’ floor in CA, NY, and IL nor enough the GOP’s electoral wall in The South. I see him as a very real spoiler though, and more likely against the Dems. Hence the reason he’s already getting blasted from the left – we’ve already seen it in his early treatment from the press. They haven’t forgotten 2000 & Nader and aren’t about to let that happen again.
And if Schultz emerges as a bigger threat to Trump the GOP will… probably support him. Not saying the GOP is above smearing a 3rd party candidate (See: Perot ’92), but I think the GOPe would rather have Schultz than Trump in the White House.
I don’t see any of the other Dem challengers winning – the party is getting dragged too far to the left. In terms of Leftist rage 2020 is going to make 2016 look like 2012 – it won’t be dull, that’s for sure.
@Brother Bob: You say “GOP would rather have Schultz in W.H. than Trump.” Good start.
If Biden runs he will get the nom. Dems will feel they owe it to him–like HRC. He will run a better race than HRC- THAT WON’T TAKE MUCH–HRC gave DT Presidency with 11th hr help from Comey/ dick waver’s computer.
DT will NEVER get 5O% of popular vote or win 2 of 3 Wi Mi and Pa—Dems WON’T repeat mistake of not campaigning there—hell Biden will live in an Airstream as he crisscrosses these states for months .I truly hope he runs mano a mano against the bully—septuagenarian fisticuffs??
O’Roarke will probably only get in if Biden passes—he’d then get nom but be underdog to DT 40-60 puncher’s chance—Biden on other hand goes in as slight favorite–maybe 7-5—As you said will galvanize all Dem votes against despised POTUS—Indies and anti Trumpist Repubs give Uncle Joe the win he’s been chasing 30 years.
Back to Howard—only if Biden doesn’t run should he get in–better for him if Dems nom other than Beto
He must get on all 50 states–expensive–he’s got BILLIONS—must win mainline Dems and 30% Repubs–see your statement above.
Damn it’s only 2/2019 Gonna be exciting.
Reminder Schultz on CNN Townhall tomorrow night.
Going out—Does Trump sign off on 1.3 BilI for cones er fence er wall?
Predict he does and calls it a win.LOL
Brother Bob Note you said GOP “establishment ” would rather have Schultz than Trump in the W.H.
Question since Trump’s brand of nationalism/populism has hi-jacked the Party who remains as establishment?-Assuming DT doesn’t shoot anyone on 5th Ave, what in your opinion, would it take for Repubs to bail on his brand and return to their long established brand of decency , integrity and morality?
Could you vote Schultz over DT?
@richard wheeler: lol you are cute, r
so you used to be a Republican and voted that way til DT.
@richard wheeler:
Yes. Getting something is crucial without declaring a national emergency (that would get temporarily blocked by some Hawaiian judge) is crucial. It’s a lot easier to get additional funds later than initial funds.
No. While he hasn’t been perfect, Trump has been a far better president than I imagined he would be.
It would take Democratic leaders in office and the media to stop calling anyone who disagrees with them racist, sexist, xenophibic, etc. When they stop lying to try to destroy people’s lives with false rape accusations. Or harassing a 16 year old boy who gets confronted by a dishonest professional agitator. When they stop hiring thugs to assault people at political rallies. When they stop fielding presidential candidates who don’t even try to hide how much they hate this country (the last was Gore, though he learned to hate us after being rejected).
Being civil got us nothing but nastiness and violence. Trump was the response. When Dems learn to behave like decent human beings most of us on the right will be happy to reciprocate. And we all know that isn’t happening any time soon.
@Brother Bob: So you’re saying The Grand Old Party sold it’s soul to get a win from a nasty, lying former Dem turned populist?-Like Hannibal Joe it won’t END well for The Party
Never does.–I think Schultz can win and it would bring us back to some sanity.
Thanks for your response. Semper Fi
@Richard Wheeler: Shultz if he won would end up like Jimmy, he has not the experience that Trump had dealing with politicians, unions, regulations and members and the mafia. He rents buildings, puts in water filtration and sells coffee. It is best he sticks to what he knows, Start at a lower level than president like a Governor ect.
@Brother Bob:
Plus it can now be said that Pelosi told 1.3 billion lies.
Basically, when Democrats begin to act more like Republicans. They need to shed the attitude that loving America and showing it is embarrassing and somehow abhorrent.
@Richard Wheeler:
No, they saved the country from Hillary. Trump has saved this country. Perhaps someone else would have been better, but Trump was the right person in the right place at the right time. Had Hillary put three justices on the Supreme Court, the nation would be on a death spiral.
@Deplorable Me:
Notice how Wheeler has to twist and conflict what Brother Bob actually said? And of course, there is this comment from Wheeler:
That’s really pretty funny considering Wheeler voted for Clinton TWICE who gave us the days of no decency, integrity or morality where no woman was believed because they were “bimbos” or trailer park trash (according to Hillary)
@retire05: Mine was simply a question to BB—He can refute if he likes.
Question for all—-If party “a” asserts party “b” made a definitive statement and party “c” asserts that party “b” never made the asserted statement—-who is responsible for providing proof the statement was made or not made by “b”–
“a” “c” reputable unbiased party “d” who will do the research?
just askin
Deplorable “Trump has saved this country” said with a straight face?
@Richard Wheeler:
So you DID want Hillary to be President. I can’t say this surprises me.
@Richard Wheeler:
No, it was a twisted “when did you stop beating your wife” of his very concise answer to you. And as this an open forum, I am free to comment, like it or not.
Moot to the issue at hand. But then, like your fellow traveler, Greggie, you try to change the direction of the subject at hand. When are you going to realize you’re not very good at that?
@Richard Wheeler: In your formula do we solve for A or D I used to be good at algebra.
A person should be able to back up their own assertions.
B person should be able to say I was incorrect
C Person can help A or B
D person should pop the corn.
@Brother Bob:
You notice how there was no response to your observations (all based on fact btw)? Take that as an open endorsement of the violence and nastiness that has been directed toward us. The left wants us to roll over and play dead for them and they REALLY dislike people who fight back.
@Richard Wheeler:
“its”, not “it’s” – sorry amigo, bit I’ll always be an unapologetic grammar nazi!
I think you inadvertently hit on a point on which everyone here would agree with you – that the GOP sold its soul We’re just disagreeing on the timing. For me personally, it was a slow decay that started with Dubya and Lott thinking that they could use our debt to buy a permanent majority. For all of the criticisms that Dubya gets from both sides, I’ll always argue that the worst thing to come from his presidency was the growth of lobbying money, a trend I don’t see changing. The sold soul came to a head in 2010 when the GOP saw the people trying to reclaim its soul in The Tea Party as an opportunity for fundraising dollars at best and at worst uppity party crashes interfering with their spooning with fellow establishment Democrats. As for your other charges:
“nasty” – No argument. I don’t see how anyone can deal in NY/NJ real estate on the level he does without being nasty. And perfect training for dealing with the likes of Chuck & Nancy
“lying” – I may be splitting hairs, but I actually believe the George Costanza axiom of “It’s not a lie if you believe it’s true”. Yep, our president talks tons of smack and at times suffers from what my old soccer coach would call “diarrhea of the mouth” (and twitter), but I don’t feel that President Trump has knowingly tried to deceive the American people about his policies – while obviously not 100% successful on his campaign promises I haven’t seen any complete reversals on where he said he stood. Unlike a former president whose views “evolved” on issues like gay marriage, etc.
“former Dem turned populist” – 100% accurate, no argument there. It was our biggest fear that thankfully turned out to be unfounded.
Back to Schultz, how do you see him winning? I thought we were in agreement that he couldn’t break the electoral floors that the Dems have on the coasts and the GOP has in The South – where do you see his path to electoral victory?
@Brother Bob: It would appear we’re in agreement on most everything—shouldn’t surprise me knowing you’re a guy who loves The Boss—-feel sorry for some Conservs who miss a lot of great music and movies cause they can’t separate the politics from the art or the artist
Schultz—to POTUS– a very difficult path but he’s got the message, the temperament, business track record and the money if all falls in place.
As I see it Biden can’t run-TOO STRONG Beto TOO MUCH SUPPORT from Dems —-rest of field is too far left–not sure who’ll get nom but no one else
currently strong enough to beat DT.
So far Left Dem GETS NOM against DT—Schultz center left on debate stage with these 2 wins huge support from Indies. mainsteam Dems,and Repub GOPe—I’d guess 35-37%
As you suggest win in Electoral College the problem–He can win in Nothwest, Midwest very possibly Ca and FL.—-possible wins in Nev. N.M N.C VA.
Trump wins deep red states he won in 2016—Dem wins NY, East. Northeast—no one has requisite 271—-goes to The House where each state delegation has one vote—how bout 18 S 17T 15 Dem—President Schultz
Disclaimer—I’ve been drinking
Thanks for your response–pls go easy on my grammar
@Richard Wheeler: I’d like to share your optimism that Schultz can carry CA, but I think that state is too far gone. His campaign was over before it started when he tried playing nice when Mika gave him the requisite snotty, condescending question targeted toward threats to Dems – “Do you know how much a box of Cheerios costs?” His response that he doesn’t eat Cheerios was his Romney “Thank you Candy may I have another?” moment. It’s only going to get worse from there.
To toss back the question you lobbed to me – do you see anyone retaking the Dems’ soul that was sold years ago, or does Gulag Babrbie keep leading them off the cliff?
And if you think that Pelosi would allow the House to elect an Independent over a Dem then you have thrown back a few too many, my friend! =8^)
@Richard Wheeler: From what I can gather Shultz is the non offender type, milk toast. He has a message but no vision nothing to catch fire. Wouldnt back his employee against false racism charges, put everyone through sensitivity training. At a way to fold on store policy Howie!
No, no, no we do not want to go back to call home for permission to shoot the enemy so you dont make them uncomfortable do barista aprons come in camo?
Dems or 3rd party need to find an Alpha male, we like the America first vision. Someone who would be able to tell the press about DTs insults, “That guy in the White House is sure a Twitter rascal”, and let it roll off their back.
The press has to learn every tweet isnt a news cycle.
@Brother Bob:
Indeed, Rich seems to loose sight of the damage the corrupt liberal media can do. If, as many “unbiased” reporters have stated, Schultz is viewed as a threat to the Democrats having an opportunity to use the voting system to get rid of Trump, false and weak accusations having failed to do the trick, the media will eviscerate Schultz, yet still any support he would get would be from what remains of moderate Democrats.
The fact that intelligent, moderate Democrats like Schultz feels they have no place in the Democrat party should be a wake up call to Democrats that do not lean towards Alexandria/Bernie/Warren. But, it isn’t.