Despite this, 55 percent of participants overall said that they would be opposed to Congress initiating impeachment proceedings against the President, with just 40 percent supporting such moves.
…The poll–whose participants were split between Democrats, Republicans and Independents by 32, 24 and 37 percent respectively–also showed that 50 percent of respondents had either some or no confidence that Mueller’s final report would be fair, whereas only 43 percent had a good or “great” amount.
Actually it might be a good thing if the dem’s try to impeach him. 2020 baby!
See author page
@Richard Wheeler: No, every one that took an oath to the constitution that doesnt protect our border is in violation.
Proof and the Constitution holds gun rights. There has always been gun violence in this country, and exactly what action could be taken for global warming? Geo engineering? Dumping chems into the atmosphere, on all citizen?
Come back to reality, if only for a moment.
@kitt: Reality is again in the eyes of the beholder–MAJORITY of Americans do not see Southern Border as National Emergeny–That would be Repubs.and DT
Prez Biden and Dems majority might well see climate change denial as National Emergency —-that Kitt is the reality.
@Richard Wheeler: The left’s insistence on keeping our southern border open and undefended proves they do not actually care about gun violence. If they actually did, this would be one of the things we could do to reduce gun violence, along with other crimes. They simply don’t care; it’s just an excuse to push disarming law abiding citizens.
The same goes for the environment. Illegal immigrants destroy delicate habitat and protected environments as they trash their way across our border; the left doesn’t care, they want their votes and cheap lawn care.
There IS a proven emergency at the border, unless you want to confess that the media and the rest of the left have been lying about the gross mistreatment of illegal immigrants and families apprehended at our borders. Trump should take the money offered (Pelosi’s 1.37 billion lies) and get the rest wherever he can, from El Chapo and national emergency emergency powers. This is not like Obama enacting the Dream Act after it had been defeated in Congress twice; money for the border wall HAS been passed, only never appropriated. Trump would be fulfilling past legislation.
@richard wheeler: I pointed out the law that makes a national emergency not needed. Quit talking for a majority of Americans, females ect just speak for yourself. I dont think you know what a majority of any subset except MSNBC and CNN watchers think.
@kitt: Don’t tell me –tell Trump–he’s the one declaring N.E—you can actually tell Hannity who pulls DT’S puppet strings.
Actually, I believe the most recent polls that put Dems firmly in control of The House–deal with it.
Dep Sorry Bill but your #53 is– well—batshit crazy.
@Deplorable Me, #47:
The investigation into what Trump’s inauguration committee did with over $107 million in donated funds will likely uncover some interesting information. I recall the right going totally nuts when Obama’s inauguration committee raised and spend half as much on a vastly bigger national event. Over a million of Trump’s inauguration funds went to the Trump International Hotel in Washington, but a lot seems to have sort of disappeared. Then there’s the pay-to-play angle. Here’s an informative article, from over a year ago:
Trump’s top donors: Where are they now?
You’re unaware that donations from special interests coincide with cabinet appointments and favorable regulatory rollbacks?
@Greg: Look into vaccine company that donated heavily to Democrats now billions go to international vaccine programs. Why do you think they pour millions into advertising they also control the media.
@Richard Wheeler: Ya ya ya Hannity and Rush run the country talk about bat shit crazy. They might be given the daily talking points but they are not pulling any strings you are goofy.
@Richard Wheeler:
Well, actually it isn’t. It is dead on. So, you admit you have all been lying about what happens at the border. Finally.
@Greg: Was it the “proven” part that threw you? In case you haven’t noticed, “investigations” into Trump’s “corruption” which never seem to actually find ANY wrongdoing are a dime a dozen.
PROVEN.@kitt: Hell, he can’t even accept the Russians giving Hillary $2 million for her to approve selling our uranium to them. But, EVERYONE else is “corrupt”.
@Deplorable Me: Barry had final say on the uranium we have determined that scandal falls directly on Barry who also quashed the investigation into bribery ect at the time. Stinky was only going to sign off if she got greased. Barry did it for the pure joy of giving away a strategic asset.
@richard wheeler:
Majority of Americans do not live on the southern border or even in a border state.
I am waiting for Nancy [Botox] Piglosi to tell us how many of her friends she has had to bury who were murdered by an illegal. Never mind that she has to have 2-3 ARMED security guards just to walk through an airport. Guess her life is more important than that of us mere proletarians.
Then that idiot Democrat from New Jersey, Menendez, doesn’t want illegals deported for a DUI. It’s not a problem, see. Only 80,000 illegals were deported last year for DUIs, most with more than one DUI offense.
But hey, we all know that Comrade Wheeler supports illegals. He has admitted to hiring them (a Federal offense)
@retire05: I hired undocumented workers–MAYBE–didn’t check their docs–#1 They work harder than rich local kids—and #2 I saw President Trump had been hiring undoc workers for years to work his properties–he was OK with it gotta be legal–no?
How come majority of elected officials who represent people who live on the border DO NOT support DTs wall? Have yet to hear a good explanation for that.
BTW Gotta say Nancy is more than holding her own against Donald.
@kitt: Hannity and Comp at FOX—“Daily talking points.”LOL More like marching orders.–As in declare N.E.
Actually Shep had it right blasting Trump—how the hell does he keep his job?
@Richard Wheeler: Rush is not on Fox as far as I know, Shep must be like Juan and Geraldo….tokens.
Cartel grease or threats? Dont try to act so naive.
@kitt: They are almost all Repubs—does that make them more likely to accept bribes–er cartel grease? I never mentioned Rush,—Hannity, Dobbs Laura and Coulter —-DT desperate fot their approval.–They seem to be telling you what to believe Kitt—thought you said you didn;t pay attention to Fox.
BTW It’s by far the main news I watch—never MSNBC—#2 CNN
@richard wheeler: I again dont have cable I dont like fox any better than any other MSM its all hogwash. Fox landed Dan Bongino and Mark Levin it still isnt worth the price of cable. If you were first replying to my comment I mentioned Rush and Hannity but said you had a screw loose if you think political commentators were running Trump. I still think you have a screw loose. Change my mind. Just like the FBI gives the lefties their talking points I think the White house gives talk radio its talking points. Either way trust no one is my opinion, see what actually happens.That boob tube dust collector in the corner hasnt been powered up at all today. The little Prince was playing outside with his buddies in the snow, Grandpa made him a snow hill in the back yard and gave him a little plastic sled, they were having a ball!
@retire05: Remember when liberals would say that they supported the deportation of criminal illegal immigrants? These are the same who claimed to oppose illegal immigration and voted for border walls. These people should NOT be allowed to write laws.
@Richard Wheeler:
Citation needed.
@kitt: Trump wants 500 million for children’s cancer research and upwards of 20 billion for his big beautiful f ing wall What kind of man is this?
Fox News #i on cable –huge following and clearly and unabashedly pro- Trump–I watch em almost every night–same shtick over and over–personally I DON’T BUY IT—but most Trumpists repeat it like the gospel truth–don’t you agree? You see it here at FA. Believe me—Donny CRAVES THEIR AFFIRMATION and fears loss of their support.
@Richard Wheeler:
The first thing that comes to mind is that curing cancer is not mandated by the Constitution but defending the country and protecting citizens is.
@Richard Wheeler:
Wow!! Not only did you not insure that you were following Federal law by hiring only legal residents of the U.S., you had to pay them under the table (and less than a “kid” would charge, I’m sure) by not taking the information of their SS/EITN #’s required for even contract labor. But I guess you figure you should be exempt from the laws that you don’t like, or are too lazy to follow.
OK, Wheeler, just how many “elected officials who represent people who live on the border” would that be? Give us a number. Name them. And name the ones that DO NOT support DTs wall. Or is this just another one of your absurd statements you throw out to see if it will stick?
So not only do you admit to violating Federal employment laws, you make crap up to see if it will stick. You’re a joke. But then, we have know that for some time now.
@retire05: Of course, THOSE elected officials, like Pelosi and Schumer, represent illegal immigrants, not Americans.
@Richard Wheeler: I wouldn’t know if anyone repeated Fox like gospel, yes Don wants to be a great President to be fondly remembered like RR. The Press put that man through hell too. Gazillions have been poured into cancer research you know as well as I do a cure is the last thing big pharma wants. Over a 100 billion is spent each year for benefits on non citizens.
Wheres the over 3 billion federal tax dollars for the real fast choo choo? Cali got the money now says nope cant do it. How much in state tax dollars were poured into that?
@kitt: Poor misunderstood Donny.
“Fondly remembered like RR”–Hilarious
@rich wheeler: Why u got to be like that, I never said poor or misunderstood.
Just take a post as written and dont run it through your progressively clogged brain filter.
@Deplorable Me:
“The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationalities. The working men have no country.” Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, p. 72.
The connections are becoming more obvious by the day.
@retire05: You’re the one who posted a quote you claimed came from Norman Thomas—he never said it and you can’t tell us when or where he did—how bout it. Stop spreading a lie–back up your false claim.
I hired a couple of Mexican gardners–father and son who do great work on my street–Came highly recommended from my staunch Repub. neighbor—you’re gonna make a federal case oughta that? LOL
You know very well majority of Texas Congressmen who represent people living on or near the border oppose the wall. I’ll get you all the names plus El Paso mayor after you square your false Norman Thomas claim.
@Richard Wheeler: gardners or gardeners?
I know spelling. You broke the law, willfully, shame on you. No one says the hispanic people are lazy, if the economy can keep chugging along with this growth we will need immigration. But we cannot just allow everyone to come in from every 3rd world nation uncontrolled. As the richest nation on the planet we can be very picky and should be. The entire immigration system needs to be reformed. Congress needs to get its head out of its ass and get to work, just drop the foolish resist everything.
@Richard Wheeler:
So what you are saying is that if a Republican can violate Federal employment laws, well then, you are going to follow the lead of a Republican? What b/s.
OK, for argument’s sake, let’s say I concede Norman never made that statement. Now, I want the names of all “elected officials” (to quote your exact words) who make up a “majority” of “elected officials who represent people who live on the border.” Now you’re trying to move the goal posts again (which you frequently do when you find your tail in the trap) by mentioning only Federal Congressmen and the mayor of ONE border town in ONE border state. Name all the “elected officials”, Wheeler. Stop trying to weasel out of what you originally said.
All of the elected officials in every border region from California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Name them. Put up or admit you let your mouth overload you a$$.
@retire05: lol think this will help?
@retire05:” Concede Norman never made the statement.” Why did you lie about it? You been making a habit of that?
Let’s be clear on what I said in #61 “how come a majority of elected officials who represent people who live on the border do not support DT’S wall? Is this the statement you disagree with or is there something else?
@Richard Wheeler:
Obviously you don’t know what a concession is.
Answering a question with a question only works on the dumb liberals you support. Now, how many of those “elected officials who represent people who live on the border” are there and how many do not support DT’s wall?
Stop dodging the question. I know it’s your m.o., but it is time to man up, Comrade Wheeler.
And then Comrade Wheeler added this:
He needs to prove:
1) they were Mexican
2) they were gardners
3) they were father and son
4) he got their names from a neighbor
5) the neighbor is a stanch Republican
Comrade Wheeler has a lot of work to do.
@Richard Wheeler: Another example of “man, do not speak for the majority” Trump just had a wall rally, Beto had an anti wall rally
, guess which one could not fill their venue and who had thousands of overflow outside the venue at the border watching on a jumbotron.
Beto wants to tear down the el Paso barrier, easy for him and his billionaire heiress wife I bet they have a fence.
@retire05: Not so fast 05—“concede for the sake of argument.” lol My question is why did you blatantly lie about Norman making that statement. Do you make a habit of false quotes?
My statement was simply an opinion I believe to be true.—Kitt suggested cartel grease or threats could be the reason