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democrats unveil their agenda- “Get Trump”

democrats told America what they were planning to do should they retake the House and or Senate. Well, it’s what they said they would do. Their tax plan? Increases, naturally

The rest of what they say they want to do:

Lowering health care costs, rebuilding infrastructure and running the House chamber with more transparency and openness are near the top of the Democratic agenda, Pelosi said during a talk Tuesday at Harvard’s Institute of Politics. Democrats would also prioritize giving legal status to young immigrants, known as Dreamers, and strengthening background checks on gun purchases, she said.

Thing is, there won’t be time for any of this. At this very moment they’re loading up the subpoena cannon:

Jonathan Swan wrote in August that Republicans had already catalogued numerous oversight targets that Democrats had signaled, including:

Adam Schiff wants to rescue Acosta, Nita Lowey wants to dig into the Space Force thing. And there are already 64 subpoenas that have been filed by democrats, including:

  1. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Trump Administration Child Separation Policy
  2. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Withholding Testimony on Census 2020 Citizenship Question
  3. Department of Veterans Affairs Withholding Documents Relating to Reports that Mar-a-Lago Members Influencing Department Decisions
  4. White House Withholding Report and Documents on Security Clearance Process Required by Law
  5. White House Withholding Documents on Revocation of John Brennan Security Clearance
  6. White House Withholding Documents on John Bolton Security Clearance
  7. State Department Withholding Documents on Retaliation
  8. Office of Personnel Management Refusing to Provide Briefing on Complying with Court Order
  9. Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Medicaid Work Requirements
  10. Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Scrubbing of Department Websites
  11. State Department Withholding Documents on Decision to Close Cyber Office
  12. Director of National Intelligence Testifying Before the Oversight Committee on the extent of the Russian Threat to Our Country and Our Elections.

There are many more at the link. These will occupy about 150% of legislative time. It will be quite amusing to watch as dems fight for their own personal desires.

It’s very clear that THE democrat agenda is cripple Trump and take him down. Of course, he can do as obama did- use Whitaker as obama used Holder and Lynch as a wall, if you will, against the attacks. That would, of course, drive liberals nuts and they would in their typical amnesic fashion start screaming obstruction all while forgetting that such a move comes directly out of the barack obama playbook.

obama used the AG’s office as a shield. His claims of there being no scandals or indictments were the result of his AG’s ignoring subpoenas and burying the crimes including IRS targeting and Fast and Furious.

Holder would go on to find himself being held in Contempt of Congress. He simply dismissed it all and continued on his merry way and that is exactly what Trump and his AG should do.

Given their blood lust and sheer hatred, democrats are very likely to overplay their hand on this and be seen as the Inspector Javert of the Trump era.

Country be damned.

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