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Trump must seal the border now. This is an invasion army.

How many doctors do you see in this image?
How many mechanical engineers?
How many teachers?
How many rocket scientists?
How many capable of self-support?
How many women?

This is an invasion
These would be invaders do not respect authority. They do not respect our laws- already! You don’t wave the flag of another country while you’re breaking into ours and tell me you want opportunity. Have a good look at the invaders.

They’re visiting harm on local police.

They’re even burning the American flag. Nothing shows that you love this country like burning it’s flag. And check out the swastika

The invasion force is now 7,000 strong. And they’re making threats:

-“No one is going to stop us, after all we’ve gone through,”

– “We have sunburn. We have blisters. But we got here. Our strength is greater than Trump’s threats.”

One might wonder why they didn’t have the same fortitude to fight for their own country. The answer is money.

And to no one’s surprise, they may not be simply walking

You know why there are 7000 invaders coming for us?

It’s because we let one violate the rules.

Then we let ten.

Then we let 100.

Then we let 1,000.

Soon it will be 50,000 and then even more.

We do not owe them a thing, especially given this bloody attitude. They are coming solely for financial support. Few, if any, of these invaders are capable of supporting themselves and fewer of supporting the families they’re bringing. Beyond that, this toxic attitude- this level of disrespect- is abominable. They’re not even in the country and they are making demands.  It’s not hard to imagine them turning this country into the same dump they flee. They have no interest in our sovereignty, our borders or our laws. I have no interest in them.

Trump must seal the borders. Now.


Who is paying for their transport?

Who is taking care of sanitation?

Who is feeding them?

Why isn’t anyone in the media asking these questions?

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