Elizabeth Warren offers proof that she’s….Mexican

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There is an old expression that goes like this: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” It’s advice Elizabeth Warren should have heeded.

Warren released the results of an ostensible DNA test she had, er, particularly designed for her:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Sunday released the results of a DNA test that suggests “strong evidence” that she has some Native American blood.

President Trump has mocked Warren, D-Mass., as “Pocahontas” for her claims that she is a descendant of Native Americans. The report, which was provided to the Boston Globe, indicated that Warren most likely had a Native American ancestor dating back six or 10 generations.

Stanford University professor Carlos Bustamante analyzed Warren’s DNA and said the “vast majority” of Warren’s ancestry is European. But he concluded that “the results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor.”

“Strong evidence”  Right. This is something Warren has milked for a long time

She even had recipes to prove it!


The Boston Globe first calculated that this amounted to her being 1/512  Native American but later admitted it wasn’t good at math and recalculated it to 1/1024.

The Boston Globe issued a correction Monday after inaccurately calculating the percentage of Native American ancestry in Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s DNA.

After years of skepticism about Warren’s claim that she is at least part Cherokee, the Democratic Sen. from Massachusetts recently released the results of a DNA test. The test provided “strong evidence” that Warren has a Native American ancestor dating back six to 10 generations.

The Boston Globe originally claimed that this put Warren at somewhere between 1/32 and 1/512 Native American.

However, the Globe admitted in a correction that the upper bound of Warren’s Native American ancestry is actually 1/1024. This would make Warren somewhere between .09 and 3 percent Native American.

That’s pretty small. In fact, it’s less then the average European American:


Additionally, her test methods are dubious:


So you don’t miss it:

Thus what we’re really learning is that Warren is most likely part Mexican.  None of her siblings have been tested. Despite the left wing media riding this horse hard, this is not “strong” at all. In fact, it’s pretty poor research. This tweet from Sean Davis cracks me up and is a good summary:


The findings actually disqualify her from claiming Cherokee Nation status:

As Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) reveals her DNA test purporting to show she has anywhere between 0.1 percent to 1.56 percent Native American ancestry, the liberal lawmaker remains ineligible for Cherokee Nation citizenship.

On Monday, Warren claimed she is vindicated after she released the findings of a DNA test which claims she is at the most 1/64th Native American and at the least, 1/1,024.

The DNA findings, regardless of their legitimacy, do not make her eligible for Cherokee Nation citizenship. Nor does the DNA test make Warren eligible to join the Eastern Band of the Cherokee or the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

This from the Atlantic 2012:

Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

Despite a nearly three week flap over her claim of “being Native American,” the progressive consumer advocate has been unable to point to evidence of Native heritage except for an unsubstantiated thirdhand report that she might be 1/32 Cherokee. Even if it could be proven, it wouldn’t qualify her to be a member of a tribe: Contrary to assertions in outlets from The New York Times to Mother Jones that having 1/32 Cherokee ancestry is “sufficient for tribal citizenship,” “Indian enough” for “the Cherokee Nation,” and “not a deal-breaker,” Warren would not be eligible to become a member of any of the three federally recognized Cherokee tribes based on the evidence so far surfaced by independent genealogists about her ancestry.

She would have been off not proving she isn’t as much Native American as the rest of us. Which leads me to a question:

If one had a single relative ten generations ago who was Jewish is that “strong evidence” that one is Jewish?

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I think she is the result of a colonist that raped a Cherokee maiden. Now, let’s see her prove that isn’t so… isn’t that how it works nowadays?

She has a higher percentage of shared potato and banana DNA.

So, her claim that her grandparents were persecuted and discriminated against BECAUSE they were Cherokee is a damnable lie.
Her claim is to pre-USA colonial times ONE ancestor has some non-European DNA.
She owes Harvard an apology.
She owes the cookbook author an apology.
She even owes Pres Trump an apology.
He’s probably more NA than she is.

@Nan G:

So, her claim that her grandparents were persecuted and discriminated against BECAUSE they were Cherokee is a damnable lie.

They must have been persecuted and discriminated against for a different reason. I think Warren herself gives us some insight into why that may have happened.

This morning, there were numerous NYT stories on Facebook about the results of the DNA test. Strangely, after the correction was issued, they all disappeared. What happened, I wonder?

Trump should make the $1 million donation to the charity of her choice; it was worth it.

Straight from the Cherokee Nation itself. Can’t get more slammed than this:


Fake VN Veterans. Fake news. Fake accusations. And now fake Native Americans. The dems just seem to be fake all around.

@another vet: No one is more faked up than liberals.

Warren, whose claims to Native American blood have been mocked by President Trump and other Republicans, provided the test results to the Globe on Sunday in an effort to defuse questions about her ancestry that have persisted for years. She planned an elaborate rollout Monday of the results as she aimed for widespread attention.

The analysis of Warren’s DNA was done by Carlos D. Bustamante, a Stanford University professor and expert in the field who won a 2010 MacArthur fellowship, also known as a genius grant, for his work on tracking population migration via DNA analysis.

He concluded that “the vast majority” of Warren’s ancestry is European, but he added that “the results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor.”

Bustamante calculated that Warren’s pure Native American ancestor appears in her family tree “in the range of 6-10 generations ago.” That timing fits Warren’s family lore, passed down during her Oklahoma upbringing, that her great-great-great-grandmother, O.C. Sarah Smith, was at least partially Native American.

So the science shows Warren’s family tradition to be very likely accurate, while Donald Trump has been shown with equal certainty to be full of shit. Not to mention the fact that he’s a pig for attacking someone’s multi-generational family tradition.

@James D:

So the science shows Warren’s family tradition to be very likely accurate, while Donald Trump has been shown with equal certainty to be full of shit.

No, it shows she rolled the dice and found out that she has a teeny, tiny percentage of Native American blood; certainly not even nearly enough to justify the benefits she claimed.

Perhaps she was spawned when her ancestor rounded up Cherokees and herded them off. Her antecedent was probably the result of some recreation time.

She’s a liar and a scoundrel.

@Deplorable Me: Actually, she didn’t show she had a any NA blood. Statistically, the degree of error of the test is greater than the percentage of potential NA genetic material. That means the test results can not be conclusive. It is likely that given the same test by the same organization, many of US “white” people would have similar results due to the degree of error in the testing process. Then, should we all declare disadvantaged status to get a cushy job at a major Ivy League university like Penn and Harvard to get rich and run for public office as a minority? Trump was right!

@James D: 6 generations ago is not great great
mother 1, grandmother 2, great-grand mother 3, GG Grandmother 4, in an interveiw she claimed her mother was both Delaware and Cherokee, that would have clearly shown a much higher percentage than .09%, Warren is a fake, fraud, liar.
Europeans have been in America about 15 generations They used no Delaware or Cherokee DNA in the testing none. If its “family lore she comes from a long line of liars not natives.
As far as the 1 million wapum she and the dishonest MSM are trying to squeeze out of Trump, well she provided the paper

@kitt: Actually, Trump said if the test “proved she was an Indian” he would pay. Obviously, it only proved she was a remorseless liar.

@Deplorable Me: Nothing new about a Democrat doubling down on lies.

If she real indian then i’ a Bald Eagle SQUAWK SQUAWK KRRAAAWWW SKREEE SKREEET

No sir. Without a Native American DNA reference sample, nothing of the sort may be concluded. Further, you insult the Cherokee Nation.

She never claimed Cherokee Nation or official tribal status. She never received preferential treatment for it. She only said her family tradition included a Cherokee great-great-great-grandmother. The test she took is consistent with that claim. An expert in the field says so, and he said no more than that. In my opinion there’s a lot less wrong with taking pride in having a Native American ancestor than with photoshopped pictures ridiculing her for it. They insult more than Elizabeth Warren.

@James D:
Not quite there skippy, better review your statements about her claims. She HAS claimed Cherokee heritage and has received preferential treatment for it.
An expert who substituted central and south American DNA for Native American and the Cherokee Tribe to which she claims heritage has told her to piss off.
Get a grip there skippy you’re loosing touch with reality

@James D: Why lie or repeat lies here she is in her own voice. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/10/15/watch-elizabeth-warren-doubles-down-on-claim-parents-eloped-due-to-american-indian-ancestry/
She herself checked American Indian on her applications she has told the lie so often. She just wanted a little tiny bit of victim hood she needs to realize its ok to be 99.91% white. Her dragging her family into her lie doesnt make it true.
Contemporaneous news reports and a marriage certificate appear to prove Warren’s parents were married in a church ceremony — so no dramatic elopement.”

@James D:

In my opinion there’s a lot less wrong with taking pride in having a Native American ancestor than with photoshopped pictures ridiculing her for it. They insult more than Elizabeth Warren.

That might be true if she wasn’t lying about having enough Native American blood in her to qualify at Harvard as a “minority”. I think YOU PEOPLE call that “cultural misappropriation” in order to identify yet another “victim” of society.

Warren’s claims would be an insult to those who support her, if they were smart enough to realize it.

@Deplorable Me: People in the internet are having a ball with this, no she will not be drafted by the Cleveland or Kansas City sports teams. The apache helicopter and certain jeeps will not special status from Harvard. She might be from Gofer Gulch Oaklahoma.

She could be the last of the Fauxhicans.

@James D: You are as much a liar as Warren. Are you her Daddy? You may be able to shoot your mouth off at other sites, but the folks here are much more discriminating as to their comments. The test does not reveal that she has any NA genes at all. The chances are .09% NA. The degree of error of the test is about plus or minus 10%. No valid scientific conclusion can be determined from this result.

She never claimed Cherokee Nation or official tribal status. She never received preferential treatment for it

You’re worried about someone placing exaggerated importance on a detail of family history in a cookbook, after putting a pathological liar with delusions of grandeur at the President’s desk?

@James D:

with delusions of grandeur at the President’s desk?

Dude he is the President its no delusion of grandeur, its pretty damn grand.
Warrens DNA showed 0% Presidential material. He never lied about his heritage, you can whimper as I open my investments statement and see how Republican policies are effecting me directly.
I know all NPCs like yourself know and repeat at nauseam is “orange man bad”.

@James D:

You’re worried about someone placing exaggerated importance on a detail of family history in a cookbook,

Um… she’s also used it for personal profit and to boost a non-existent “victim status” for herself. She also claimed that the “REAL threat” of illegal immigration was not criminal illegal immigrants killing citizens, but separating illegal immigrants at the border. She’s a nut and a liar; tailor made for liberal support.

Can’t deal with the truth, can you?

@James D: Actually, the truth is pretty damned funny and rewarding in this case.

@James D: What does the left know about truth?

@Randy: They know to avoid it at all costs.

@James D: What truth please provide links to where tin head lizzy has a reservation or a casino. Where is the grand earthshaking EVIDENCE?Evidence does not include her family lying for her, Wretched Madcow standing up for her lies ect.
Bring on the truth, Blue pill all of us.
10 generations ago where was the MexicanOaklahoma outpost? Was her ancestor cutting out hearts on top of a pyramid?

Remember Ben(Night Horse)Campbell was Democrat then switched parties to Republican