I Know That Voice

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Professor Ford gave her testimony and the country was profoundly affected with her sincerity. Like a little girl, she seemed vulnerable and afraid. She has obviously been traumatized as a young girl. Unfortunately the exculpatory evidence was slowly proving it wasn’t Kavanaugh, and the exculpatory evidence was piling up, but her interview elicited sympathy from America, even from Judge Kavanaugh, who was the alleged perpetrator..

Although, to those of us, who have had relationships with people afflicted with Dissociative Identity Disorder, DID, or multiple personalities, the child’s voice, the contrived vulnerability, and the ability to change back and forth instantaneously as called for by circumstances, was all too familiar.

Unlike Professor Ford, I have no degrees in psychology; however, I have personal experience with two people with this affliction. One was a lover and one was an acquaintance who ultimately became involved in a murder/suicide. These few sentences are written from the standpoint of observation and are not derived from the standpoint of a psychiatric professional.

However, the observer has the experience of spending a great deal of time with the DID and depending on how deep you are pulled into the DID’s vortex of influence you may see and hear things that the professional will never hear.

In this article, there are two subjects, A and B. Subject A was a beautiful female, who had all the advantages and disadvantages of being desired by rich and powerful men. Subject B was a strong and talented young man in his early thirties. Subject A suffered horrific sexual abuse as a young child. I suspected Subject B suffered abuse, but I never knew him well enough to ask him or have him volunteer the information. Both of these people left me feeling as if I was in personal danger at different times. Subject A drifted into different personalities as they were needed and was more discrete with their usage. Subject B was a different personality and physical appearance every time I met him and at least one of those personalities was an aggressive homosexual.

I discontinued all contact with Subject B and the mutual friend who introduced us and who had warned me of B’s multiple personalities, after the mutual friend’s wife killed herself with a pistol, while both men were in the house. All of us who knew this victim and the two men, agreed, no matter who pulled the trigger, the two friends were responsible for the victim’s death. The death was officially ruled a suicide. In conclusion, I will mention that Subject B was extremely talented in several areas: mechanics, drawing, and gunsmithing. He had worked as a hunting guide and was extremely rugged and strong. He was involved with different drugs and on occasion drank to excess.

Subject A was well read and clever. In a desperate situation she could fight like a man, but she relied on feminine wiles to get her way as long as practical. Because of her beauty, she had traveled and been accepted among many of the elites of Hollywood and Los Angelos. She had relied on drugs and alcohol before I met her and stayed “Clean” as long as I knew her.

Both of these subjects had been arrested on several occasions, but I pity the police that had to subdue them and cuff them; the arrests had to be extremely difficult and dangerous.

The first time I noticed or heard one of the voices of subject A, we were driving down a country road late at night. Suddenly, a young girls voice seemed to come from the back seat. Assuming a child had hidden in my truck while I was working, I pulled the pickup off the road and looked in the backseat for a stowaway. I didn’t want to be arrested for kidnapping, I was scared.

Subject A asked what was wrong. When I told her, I had heard a child in the back, she asked me to get in the truck and began to explain the situation, while we continued the drive. She had thirteen well-defined personalities and a couple more that were in the formative stages. The voice that I heard, was a young girl. Subject A figured this one would be the best one to introduce me to her unique life; since, the little girl wasn’t intimidating,  She also had a young cowboy she used when she was trying to learn horsemanship and mechanical things about the truck from me.

I was incredulous and doubted the whole story. I asked for proof and asked that she demonstrate the personalities, but she became defensive, and said I needed to observe them in the future, besides she didn’t necessarily have the ability to make them appear. She used the personalities as they were needed and some of them were mean and some of them didn’t like me. The little girl was especially mean and could not be trusted.

I realized that I was in a dangerous situation; especially after my previous experience with Subject B and during the next few weeks, I began to extricate myself from the situation

However, when I hear a professor take on the persona of a little girl, my warning lights come on. I watched in disbelief as the the rest of the nation swallowed Ford’s little girl role, accepting the sight of a mature woman whimpering about an assault with four witnesses who have no knowledge of the incident and refuse to participate in her psychosis. Ford was good enough to convince a room full of people, as well as most of the country, including the alleged perpetrator, that she had suffered sexual assault at some point, but was confused as to the details. Yes, DID are often talented and intelligent people, who perfect their personalities and their abilities to deceive over time, as part of their mechanism to survive. They are talented actors.

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I believe she was complicit in the scheme, every step of the way, as was Sen. D. Feinstein. It failed, Kav might not be confirmed by the senate unless a couple of Democrats find a conscience or think it might help their senate election races in areas Trump is popular.

@kitt: Agreed-I wondered as I heard her testimony how anyone in her field could take a person sounding like a 17 year old teen seriously-especially knowing she’d done numerous presentations and “earned” a doctorate. Libturd fakery from the start.

@Bookdoc: Interesting I guess I will celebrate with a glass of zin, I’ll never be a Supreme anyway.
2 source confirmation

BREAKING: Capitol Police Arrest 27-Year-Old Democrat Staffer Jackson Cosko For Doxxing 3 GOP Senators

@kitt: Hmm…. Sheila Jackson Lee (of sneaking envelope to Ford’s lawyer fame) intern. VERY interesting. Squeeze this wormy little useful idiot and see who was behind it. I wonder, can Democrats make themselves look more complicit, guilty and corrupt? Or do they even care about a pretense of being human beings anymore?

@Deplorable me: Sounds like he is in bigger trouble than the Awan brothers.

@kitt: Importantly, the police, not Wasserman-Schultz, have the evidence.

@Deplorable me: Is that a good thing? Steven Wasserman, is the Assistant US Attorney at the Attorney’s office for the District of Columbia., Debbies brother, was it good for Seth Rich?
They caught the ricin guy turns out yes there was ricin, but castor beans just the raw material to create ricin. Did the idiot expect them to eat the beans? The whole powder thing was MSM fantasy except with Cruz they reported it was harmless but 2 people went to hospital with complaints. How many distractions do they need to hide the news out of UTAH?


Great take on the entire situation. BTW: I would say life as experienced by you and others of our ilk can be a far better teaching experience then the garbage going on now.

while anyone with an ounce of brain can see the setup here, one has to wonder more as to not so much the media and her /democratic handlers falling for this, but in fact the complete and utter downfall of the Senate and worse the so called journalistic community. Their dereliction of duty as to their so called jobs and worse their obvious bias is the one up front sign of this country’s downfall and they in fact are the perpetrators

Skook, where have you been? We have missed you.
I had not previously heard of DID. But the description certainly fits what I saw and heard.
It is simply not credible that the persona which appeared before the Senate could survive in a classroom. This is just not possible.
The lack of makeup, the old dirty glasses, the hair in the face, the fake crying–all suggested that an individual who was not coping well with reality was sitting before us.
You either structure your life around some singular event or you don’t. If her life was determined by this “assault”, there would be copious evidence of that during the rest of her life.
Such evidence was not provided.
In her persona, she could pass any lie detector test. She truly believes what she is saying.
What she believes is an alternate reality with no basis in fact.
She deserves our pity and some competent professional help.
Shame on the Democrats for doing this to the country.


Ditto skook,

We have missed you. Good to see your well reasoned missives again

This is a woman who has stood in front of International meetings of her peers and presented papers. Should we suppose she used her “Little Vulnerable Girl” persona to deliver those papers?

Let me tell you, the international psychiatric audiences are not to be swayed by phony personalities and vulnerabilities, they are a tough crowd and they don’t take fools lightly. You might ask, “How do you know this, Skook?”

I know it, because I have delivered a paper to one of these international crowds, but I not only read the paper I demonstrated the paper live with a psychiatrist out of the audience as my subject. If I would have tried to deliver my speech with that, pity me, I am a poor vulnerable child, they would have laughed me out of the auditorium. This woman is a fake, but a good enough fake to capture the sympathies of our GOP and our Supreme Court Nominee, and she is good enough to keep most of America from calling out her obvious charade. P.T. Barnum was right!

@Skookum: I dont think she fooled anyone, it’s just not PC to call a faking woman a fake. She COULD have been telling the truth… if only she had been.

“RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Say what you want about Saul Alinsky, a student of Marx and Gramsci, the Fabian Socialists and the Frankfurt School of Marxism, he knew how to rile up radicalism. Rule #12 was simply the politics of personal destruction.

What we are seeing now, in the streets of D.C. and the halls of the Senate, is pure Alinsky. The rules are now:

1) Women, in all circumstances, no matter what, are to believed (except those molested by Bill Clinton)
2) White men are evil due to melatonin (unless they’re Democrats)
3) Old people have no place in society (except for Bernie Sanders, a Communist)
4) Guilty until proven innocent (as voiced by some Democrats Senators last week)

This is the brave new world we are entering. This is what the Democrats are now offering us.

Body language

yes Ms Feinstein there are calling for investigations into the skuzzy way you handled this and the attorneys you suggested to Chrissy Ford.

@Skook: Well, the point was never to find the sexual assailant and punish him. The whole and only point was to throw the accusation out there and bring everything to a screeching halt. Had anyone worried about finding the perp, they would have put the FBI on it long ago. Feinstein didn’t even believe it.


Well done, on a very difficult subject, but still a symptom long known to exist and extensively researched.

The Ford performance did much damage to truthful reporters of abuse. And I agree, women who watched and listened, other than those ideologically urged, didn’t buy the story.

@James raider: These memories do not simply suddenly arise at the moment that is most harmful to a political opponent routinely. There is much to offend the rational mind about this episode, but one of the most offensive is the low regard for human intelligence the left considered as they deployed this tactic.