Christine Blasey-Ford deserved a hearing. She no longer does

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Sen. Chuck Grassley has decided to give Christine Blasey-Ford one more day to decide if she wants to testify before the Judiciary committee. This is a bad idea. Ford did deserve a hearing, but she no longer does.

Once Ford teamed up with Ricki Seidman, it became very clear that the intent here is to destroy Brett Kavanaugh as Seidman tried to do to Clarence Thomas.

Ford and her legal team are engaged in chicanery. They’ve made asinine demands:

Citing “sources,” Fox News’ Shannon Bream reports on the demands Christine Blasey Ford and her legal team are making as a condition for her testifying about her allegations against Brett Kavanaugh:

Ford team wants NO questions from lawyers, only Qs from Committee members, #Kavanaugh cannot be in the room, Kavanaugh must testify FIRST – more to come …

These demands are absurd. No questions from lawyers? I guess Ford wants to be able to claim she’s being persecuted by an all-white-male panel. She doesn’t want a woman to examine her, which I imagine is what the Republicans have in mind.

But effective cross-examination is the best way to get at the truth. And in-practice lawyers, not politicians who once may have practiced law, generally make the best cross-examiners.

If Ford is telling the truth she shouldn’t be afraid of lawyers. The Committee should reject this demand.

Kavanaugh can’t be in the room? Say what? Ford is accusing Kavanaugh of a crime. Criminal defendants aren’t booted out of the courtroom when their accusers testify. As the accused, albeit not in a criminal proceeding, the interests of justice demand that Kavanaugh be confronted with the witness against him.

I loved Jonathan Turley’s metaphor- swing first, then I’ll pitch.

Ford deserved to be heard during the official Kavaugh proceedings- Feinstein had Ford’s letter since July. democrats held that letter in abeyance until after the completion of the Kavanaugh hearings in order to ambush Brett Kavanaugh.

Since then, Kavanaugh’s family has been the target of vile attacks and death threats- which the let wing media has largely ignored.

“Please tell your rapist, lying, cheating, corrupt b—h of a husband to put a bullet in his ugly f—–g skull,” one email to Kavanaugh’s wife read. “My condolences to you for being married to a rapist. Although you probably deserve it.”

Another email, with the subject line, “Did your know your husband is a rapist?????” stated: “Hey b—h, did you know your husband was a rapist before you married him? F–k you and your f—–g family.”

A third email, typed entirely in capital letters, read, “F–K YOU AND YOUR RAPIST HUSBAND.”


Now Ford has been offered the chance to tell her story and she is resisting. Brett Kavanaugh is chomping at the bit to testify.

Let us also remember that Feinstein has yet to share the entire body of Ford’s letter- even with the FBI. Grassley has asked for it numerous times to no avail. Everyone needs to see it.

For some time I have believed Ford is wrong about Kavanaugh. Something may have happened to her but her inability to provide specifics is eyebrow raising. She cannot remember the town, the home, how she got there, how she got home or back to school.

I think it’s because she was blind stupid drunk.

My version of this story has her following a boy she had a crush on, found herself in a situation over her head, and panicked. She locks herself in the bathroom. Later, she leaves.

Again, in my version she doesn’t tell Mom and Dad about it because she was drunk- at the age of 15. She tells no one. It explains why she can’t remember a damned thing other than Kavanaugh.

Then in 2012, long after she’s adopted a left wing political view, she sees Kavanaugh’s name floated as a Romney SCOTUS nominee and decides he would be a good target for accusation and she can finally tell the parents. Kills two birds with one story.

Problem is, the boys she says were there deny Kavanaugh was present.

I think, for whatever motivation, Ford is mistaken. Just like with Anita Hill, there is a solitary accuser. An outlier. Weinstein had dozens of accusers. Al Franken had pictures. Keith Ellison has a contemporaneous police report and a medical report.

There are no other Kavanaugh accusers. None.

Which is more likely? In my mind there is no doubt.

Ford retained some measure of validity until she teamed up with a virulently anti-Trump leftist attorney who is part of the “resistance” and a rabid character assassin.

It’s not the truth they’re after any more.

If she is serious, Ford should file a police complaint against Kavanaugh today in Maryland. Let her figure out where to file it. She should not be using the Senate as the proxy for the police.

democrats won’t be done if Kavanaugh is confirmed. Sheldon Whitehouse has promised basically to impeach Kavanaugh if democrats take the House.

And if that doesn’t work, they’ll probably try to have him killed.

Ford’s window is closed. Her 15 minutes is up. Kavanaugh doesn’t deserve any more of this garbage. Merrick Garland wasn’t subjected to this vicious treatment,

Move on. Confirm Kavanaugh.


I think Kavanaugh ought to adapt the “Whoopi Goldberg” defense and tailor it to his own needs:

“I know it wasn’t rape-rape. It was something else but I don’t believe it was rape-rape.”

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She cannot testify. Sooner or later her letter to DiFi will be available. If her testimony conflicts with her letter, she is in jeopardy of a federal charge.
She has nothing. Literally nothing. Except a lot of support from George Soros. And a memory recovered in 2012 of an incident in 1982 (?) of some sort of groping.
Excuse me. I went through ROTC. I studied the UCMJ closely for the charge of rape. She wasn’t raped.
She was not even undressed, apparently.
This is a political stunt. intended to help DiFi stave off electoral defeat at the tender age of 86.

The motive of DiFi is obvious: delay, besmirch, destroy. It is the politics of personal destruction.

Burn, baby, burn.

And now the chick cannot fly? What does she want, Air Force 1?

Come by Amtrak, honey.

I stole this. Origin unknown.

I will not testify on a boat,
I will not testify with a goat.
I will not testify,
Here nor there.
I will not testify anywhere.

I will not testify first. Or last.
I will not testify slow or fast.
There’s nothing more for me to say.
I can’t remember, anyway.

Dr. Suess Blasey Ford

Since then, Kavanaugh’s family has been the target of vile attacks and death threats- which the let wing media has largely ignored.

Following the same game plan, Ford’s representatives simply SAY they have received threats while Kavanagh provides PROOF.

It’s not the truth they’re after any more.

It never was, Doc. It never was.

American Thinker had a point that was news to me:
If a person is drunk when something happens and they don’t remember it because they were so drunk, no amount of time can bring back “the memory,” because it was never embedded in the brain!
She either has always known what happened that night and it never bothered her OR she made up a new memory in 2012 for one reason or another.

The latest delaying tactic her legal team is asking for is sneaky:
They want the committee to permit her to take as many and as long breaks from testifying as she says she needs. This could drag out for weeks, maybe months!

2:30 PM Eastern today is the newest, lastest deadline for her biographical material as well as her proffer about what she wants to talk about.
Less than 2 hours away.

Unfortunately this bitch cant legally be executed, even though she, her attorney, a d evil Difi all deserve it. I will gladly start a GoFundMe to sue this hateful, partisan c*nt back to the stone age however!

@Nan G: No doubt, like the liberal media, Feinstein was reeled in like a carp on a line, putting up no fight at all, by the “Kavanagh sexually assaulted me and I was afraid he would kill me” plot line. No need to check it out; drop the bomb and clean up the mess later.

They didn’t team up with Ricki Seidman recently. The audio released of Ricki proves that this has been the plan since at least July.

Just at the deadline she’s claiming she is willing to testify IN PRINCIPLE!
What the heck does that even mean?
Did Charlie Brown just end up flat on his back, again?

Delay, delay, delay. There will be no “testimony” next week.

She’s missed numerous deadlines. Call the vote.

“Merrick Garland wasn’t subjected to this vicious treatment”

Yeah, he got off easy, didn’t he?

@Gary Miller: He would have, unless presented as a Republican nominee. The left makes no secret of their disrespect for the Constitution or rule of law.

From what I’ve read, Maryland doesn’t have a statue of limitations for what she is accusing Kavanaugh of. She could have therefore filed criminal charges or civil charges but didn’t. Why? Well before a real judge in a real court as opposed to the kangaroo court the left believes in, the burden of proof would be on her. Her testimony would also open her up to perjury charges. She also wouldn’t be able to play these silly delaying games like she is with the Judiciary Committee because she’d be held in contempt. If she has a real case, let her file a criminal or civil complaint in the jurisdiction where it allegedly happened.

Given the threats to Kavanaugh’s family and the smearing of his name, he’d have a great case for defamation. For that matter, to a lesser degree, so does Judge since she named him as an accomplice in all this. Kavanaugh may not want to file suit, but Judge could and that would put Ford in the same predicament she would be in if she would have filed charges.

Since then, Kavanaugh’s family has been the target of vile attacks and death threats- which the let wing media has largely ignored.

Perhaps their real motive was to get him to withdraw out of fear of safety for his family. That tactic would fit the demokrats and their left wing base perfectly.

@another vet:

Well before a real judge in a real court as opposed to the kangaroo court the left believes in, the burden of proof would be on her.

Remember Comey stating that no prosecutor would take the case against Hillary despite the mountain of evidence piled up against her? Imagine what those prosecutors would think of Ford’s case or her willingness to stand up for her own accusations?

@Deplorable me:

You truly do live in some sort of bizarro world. Senate Republicans flat out refused to even hold a hearing regarding Mr. Garland’s nomination, made with ten months pending in Obama’s final term, but it’s the left who makes no secret of their disrespect for the Constitution?

O – kay.

@Gary Miller: Your people made the rule. Joe Biden set the stage. Old Groping Joe.

This article needs to be sent to Senator Grassley immediately

@Gary Miller: @Gary Miller: Garland? Who cares.

You support a party that wants “rule by rape allegation”.

Not a tenable platform. They can’t win elections without some kind of deception and smear.

November isn’t going to the kind of “reckoning” the Dems hope for…

Hey whats happened with the Sunday Funnies?

In the meantime, a lefty female has come forward who claimed she had 6 eyewitnesses to the fact that Brett K exposed himself to her and even made her touch it.
Before the story grew legs all 6 witnesses had been interviewed and DENIED her story ever took place.
Seems the media is more interested in keeping a flame alive than digging for and exposing the truth.
She even admitted she only told her “story” because it bolstered Mrs Ford’s “story.”

Hey, I like Aesop’s Fables and there are a lot of them but it doesn’t make it true that foxes or other animals can talk.
A fable is still a fable even if there are lots more fables all around it.

Neither woman will ever testify. The Dems will never allow the huge number of “I don’t know” and “I don’t remember” answers. This is all about stalling until the election and praying for a Democrat controlled Senate.

@Rob: No, of course they won’t. The goal is to get to Thursday and concoct another excuse for Ford to not be there, but golly, she SURE WANTS to testify, so how about next Monday?

@Deplorable me: golly, she SURE WANTS to testify, so how about next Monday?

Don’t forget that Mrs Ford’s law team is insisting that she have the right to take however many, for however long breaks once she does begin to testify.
Thru that ploy she could delay the vote almost indefinitely!

@Nan G: One would have to be pretty stupid to actually believe there is any actual belief in this among Democrats and really corrupt to be supporting it knowing the truth about it.

@Nathan Blue: #17
You’re so right.
I have never been more determined to vote in my life.
Everyone that I know is going to vote, even the lady down the street with the walker. She’s pissed.
(Do not get lady with a walker mad, they have strong arms…)
Even the Liberal on our block is fed up with the Dems’ tactics, he’s going to sit this one out.

@Petercat: Early voting begins October 22nd in Texas. As O’Rourke falls further behind in the polls, what’s the over/under date that he will trot out some 30 year old sexual harassment accusations against Cruz?

Lies is all they have. I only hope enough people are exposed to the truth to vote Democrats resoundingly out of power.

@Deplorable me:

O’Rourke denied he attempted to leave the scene of his drunken accident but the police report shows he did. He also claimed to have visited ALL 254 Texas counties. He has not.

O’Rourke is to the left of Bernie Sanders. He is NOT in lockstep with Texas voters. He just has a well greased campaign funded by Beast Coast and Left Coast big money donors.

@retire05: He appeals to liberals that left their crumbling states to come to Texas for opportunity and lower taxes, in addition to illegal immigrants that are being encouraged to corrupt the election. Now they want to make Texas into the sewers they left.

Now, thanks to the NYT, Rosenstein RESIGNS! So, Trump can replace him with someone that WILL stand up to the liberal deep state AND prosecute liberal miscreants. He can also step up and replace Sessions if Trump decides to get rid of him! HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!

Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from Brett Kavanaugh’s College Years (Republicans don’t give a flying f–k, say Kavanaugh must be confirmed without investigation or delay)

The woman at the center of the story, Deborah Ramirez, who is fifty-three, attended Yale with Kavanaugh, where she studied sociology and psychology. Later, she spent years working for an organization that supports victims of domestic violence. The New Yorker contacted Ramirez after learning of her possible involvement in an incident involving Kavanaugh. The allegation was conveyed to Democratic senators by a civil-rights lawyer. For Ramirez, the sudden attention has been unwelcome, and prompted difficult choices. She was at first hesitant to speak publicly, partly because her memories contained gaps because she had been drinking at the time of the alleged incident. In her initial conversations with The New Yorker, she was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty. After six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney, Ramirez said that she felt confident enough of her recollections to say that she remembers Kavanaugh had exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away. Ramirez is now calling for the F.B.I. to investigate Kavanaugh’s role in the incident. “I would think an F.B.I. investigation would be warranted,” she said.

@James D: So, she wasn’t sure until Democrats helped her with her memory. Yeah, that sounds convincing. How about this one:

Avenatti knows how to play! If you’re going to lie, lie BIG!

Basically, Democrats and anyone that supports their sewer politics they depend so heavily on today are scum.

Here’s a hint to any Democrat that still possesses even a modicum of honesty and honor; when truth and facts no longer supports your ideology, it’s time to get a new ideology.

Trump has turned the GOP into a party of pimps and whores. Which are you?

@James D: In reality, it is the DEMOCRATS that associate themselves with liars, racists, pimps, whores and porn stars and their attorneys.

Why don’t you believe Monahan? OHHH… that’s right. She accuses a liberal.

@James D: When in doubt, go for the ad hominem attack! Hahahahahahahaha.

There’s no doubt involved. There’s no will for redemption. They don’t have the values left to know how low they’ve fallen. They’re nose blind to the stink of their own corruption. Those who do smell something believe it’s somebody else. But they’re in charge of every room in the house. The people they elected are the swamp.

@James D: Democrats, you mean. Of course.

Tell me, how much did Democrats believe, without question, Broaddrick? Or Monahan? Or Wiley? Or Barish? Or Selvaratnam? Or Jones?