Over the last 18 months, democrats have been fond of saying that the walls are closing in on Donald Trump. So much so, that David Rutz of the Washington Free Beacon put together a hilarious montage of it:
Well, the walls are closing in. On Bruce Ohr and the deep state. The conspiracy is being ripped from the clutches of the FBI and the DOJ and pushed into the light of day. Yesterday Devin Nunes has some very interesting things to say. He asserted that exculpatory evidence was left out of the FISA app on Carter Page:
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes claimed Monday that the FBI and Justice Department failed to include exculpatory evidence in surveillance warrant applications against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
“There is exculpatory evidence that we have seen, of classified documents that need to be declassified,” Nunes said in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity.
“Exculpatory in nature in what way? Exculpatory in what way?” Hannity asked.
“In that the Carter Page FISA when the judges should have been presented with this exculpatory evidence that the FBI and DOJ had,” Nunes replied.
Then he went on to leave a teaser:
Nunes also told Hannity that the committee is interested in learning more about Justice Department official Bruce Ohr’s role in the Trump-Russia investigation.
Ohr, the former associate deputy attorney general, met with Steele before and after the 2016 presidential election. The post-election meetings were held after the FBI ended its relationship with Steele because of the former British spy’s contacts with the media.
As Nunes noted, though the FBI severed ties with Steele, Ohr provided information from his 12 meetings with Steele back to the FBI. Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, also worked during the campaign for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that hired Steele in June 2016.
“Bruce Ohr is going to become more and more important in this investigation, and I think people should pay close attention to it,” Nunes told Hannity.
Today John Solomon provided much insight into what Nunes was hinting at- the obama DOJ was weaponized in the 2016 election in an effort to destroy Donald Trump. One of the chief conspirators was Bruce Ohr.
But a close review of these new documents shows just how closely Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, who reported to Obama-era Deputy AG Sally Yates, maintained contact with Fusion — and, in particular, its primary source, former British spy Christopher Steele — before, during and after the election.
Ohr was the conduit between Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, his wife Nellie Ohr and the FBI. Ohr and wife Nellie ( a Fusion GPS employee) met with Steele on July 30, 2016.
Ohr scheduled a call with Steele over Skype a few days later. But then the two men met in Washington on July 30, 2016, at the Mayflower Hotel.
Ohr brought his wife, Nellie, who was working at Fusion GPS on the Trump-Russia research project.
“Great to see you and Nellie this morning Bruce,” Steele wrote shortly after their breakfast meeting. “Let’s keep in touch on the substantive issues/s (sic). Glenn is happy to speak to you on this if it would help.”
The very next day Peter Strzok opened a counterintelligence investigation into Donald Trump.
Ohr continued to use Steele as a source even after he was terminated by the FBI for unauthorized disclosures to the media in early November 2016. In violation of its own rules, the FBI continued to use Steele as a source, again with Ohr as the conduit.
Ohr’s notes from that meeting indicate that FBI officials told him they “may go back to Chris” — an apparent reference to Steele — just 20 days after dismissing him.
In all, Ohr’s notes, emails and texts identify more than 60 contacts with Steele and/or Simpson, some dating to 2002 in London. But the vast majority occurred during the 2016-2017 timeframe that gave birth to one of the most controversial counterintelligence probes in American history.
(documents at the link)
Now we are left to question how much of Steele’s “theories” were used in the ongoing FISA app’s used to spy on the Trump staff with Carter Page as the pigeon. It seems reasonable to think that without Steele’s continued input no further FISA warrants would have been granted.
Yes, Virginia, there is a deep state- and it’s at the State Department.
Personally, I think Trump already knows all this. I think that up to now he’s been content to allow liberals to mouth off and stake out positions that he can (and certainly will) use to beat them over the head. You can bet that the FISA app will be declassified before election day. Nunes said that it makes the FBI look very bad.
Without any doubt.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
They had to keep clinging to Steele because he was all they had.
Over and over the exact verbiage like parrots or mockingbirds makes you want to think try are trying to convince you of something. Can we hand them a thesaurus for the script?
Already several books have been written about the attempted coup, I think it was too early to release them this coup attempt is not over yet.
@kitt: Liberals are so easily misled. They actually LIKE to be lied to and they want to believe the worst every time.
The progs on the left and the MSM are devoid of an original thought.
Could you try saying that again in comprehensible English? The man is a moron.
@Greg: exculpatory
[ik-skuhl-puh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee]
See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
tending to clear from a charge of fault or guilt.
Its that crappy 3rd world education again.
Do you need the entire sentence explained to you sloooowly?
@Greg: In other words, evidence they would not want a judge that they wanted a FISA warrant from to see, because he would not GIVE them the FISA warrant. Sort of like, you know… LYING.
But Trump is so OBVIOUSLY guilty…
Oh Greg, it’s a dangling participle offered when that stupid Hannity kept interrupting Nunes as Hannity incessantly does.
@DrJohn: I dont care for Hannity if he would shut his yap we would get more clues to the unredacted parts of documents. He has the worst style of conducting an interview., this side of CNN and MSNBC.
@kitt: Agreed. Can’t tell you how many times I have tweeted him asking him to shut up and let them answer.
@DrJohn: It must be a wonderful world for him, a show on Fox and a radio show of a couple of hours where he gets to hear his own voice so much.
Attack the grammar, Greg. That’s all you have.
@kitt: I like Sara Carter and Greg Jarrett. I like Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows. I watch for them, not him. If he did not have them, I would not watch.
@David, #12:
Nunes is referencing “exculpatory evidence” that isn’t being produced. He claims it can’t be produced because it’s classified. Why should anyone believe such evidence exists? Other than because they’re pathetically gullible, of course. Trump claims he can declassify whatever he wants. So why not declassify this?
They’re all liars.
@DrJohn: lol, I haven’t had cable for so long I had to look up the names.
@Greg: Carter page was the target, did they advise the court he was always cooperative and assisted them in the prosecution of a Russian spy? Were they told Carter Page was actually an FBI counter intelligence asset? Were they told the crap Dossier pulled together to obtain a warrant was gathered by someone they fired as non reliable?
The FBIs own words.
Because just about everything else Nunes has said has been accurate. You don’t hear Schiff demanding that the FISA app be declassified, do you?
Want to guess why?
Be patient. It’s coming
Well, look at the results. WHO has been charged, over two years AFTER the warrants, with collusion? Obviously, they never had the evidence and withheld the evidence that indicated what they would ultimately find.
But, let’s see… Comey has been caught lying. McCabe has been caught lying. Rosenstein has been caught lying. Strzok has been caught lying. Nunes has NOT been caught lying. So, who do we believe?
No. No, they weren’t. Somehow THAT small detail was overlooked and kept off the request. Hey, but according to Greg, these guys are honest and honorable and everyone else lies.
August 9, 2018 — Finally, Devin Nunes admits what his charade is all about
Protecting Trump from Mueller, apparently, is what the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence—which has primary responsibility for oversight of the entire U.S. Intelligence Community—imagines his function to be.
Here’s the audio tape.
This, in The Hill today, from a conservative columnist.
Jennifer Rubin: Nunes tape proof ‘irredeemable’ GOP needs to be defeated
@Greg: OMG nice you let them interpret that for your itty bitty empty brain.
Bringing to light how close to a banana Republic we were is being exposed.
How about our tax cuts, low unemployment, maybe he was talking about that or maybe he was talking about our Republic falling to socialist nutjobs, not having the most powerful economy on the planet.
The more light shined on this the more it looks like the IC has got too big for their britches and need to be bringing down human trafficking rings, not meddling in other countries elections running drugs, guns and children.
What’s to interpret? Trump supporters don’t see the problem because their inability to see is the problem.
@Greg: He is saying democrats will bury the evidence of criminal behavior in the FBI, CIA and DOJ, as they have done for years. Our fight for a good and decent government will be gone, its our last chance to clean the house before it gets condemned. As far as this being a super secret tape sounds like he is addressing more than one or two in deep whispers it echos as if in a large room.
It’s fair to protect someone who has been framed by US intelligence.
Trump has been framed.
Jennifer Rubin a “conservative”? Really, Greggie Goebbels?
Well, let’s examine that, shall we, because it seems little Jennifer crossed the Rubicon a long time ago:
And for everyone’s reading enjoyment, some of Rubin’s most [in]famous tweets:
And there’s more:
Add Rubin to the has beens such as Bill Kristol, George Will, Ana Navarro, Bret Stephens, and Steve Schmidt. At least Schmidt had the honesty to say he was disassociating from the Republican Party. Rubin has no such honesty in her soul.
Of course, being the vacuous person you are, you’ll cling to her every word.
When the DOJ and FBI have been weaponized, when a special prosecutor has the mission of finding something… ANYTHING… that he can use to damage the President (doing massive damage to the Presidency in the process), when an investigation is initiated on the basis of political dirt bought from Russians, at least SOMEONE is looking out for keeping the nation from being torn apart for the sake of Democrats who do not believe in our Constitution.
What he said was the Republicans in Congress are now the last line of defense against a Stalinistic style coup against a duly elected President. Those who can’t face the truth is the left. Trump was elected President, legally and duly, and he hasn’t done a damned thing wrong to get there. What you can’t see is the desperate grasping at straws you leftists have reduced yourselves to.
@retire05, #24:
Conservative Review is a propaganda outlet of right-wing conspiracy theorist Mark Levin, who is no more a traditional conservative than Donald Trump. He’ll condemn anyone who isn’t a like-minded goofball. These people are destroying the GOP.
Anyone who is to the right of Marx is a “right-wing conspiracy theorist” to you as you accept every word coming from the the lame stream media talking heads.
Greggie, show a little self respect and stop being such an idiot.
@Greg: Can you name 1 just one conspiracy theory from Mark Levin? I challenge you. If not you must admit you believe everything the cable opinion rags tell you like a mindless puppet.
Levin worked in the administration of President Ronald Reagan and was a chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese. He is chairman of the Landmark Legal Foundation a real tinfoil hat kind of fellow.
I also challenge you to debunk anything from conservative review.
He promoted the story that the Affordable Care Act contained a hidden death panel provision; that the U.S. government had been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood; that Obama illegally ordered Donald Trump wiretapped. He characterizes Mueller’s investigation as a coup attempt. He claims Adam Schiff is a propagandist for the Russian government, and that our mainstream media outlets are propagandists for Hamas.
Now, that WAS crazy. It wasn’t hidden at all and was displayed when Sarah Murnaghan was condemned to death by Kathleen Sebelius though public furor saved her life.
Brennan? Jarett?
Which is absolutely true and verified.
Which it definitely is. It has been proven there is not even any basis for SUSPICION, much less this vindictive witch hunt of an “investigation” by bigoted partisan liberals.
Well, he’s not being honest with the American people and right now that is benefiting the Russians, carrying out their interference intentions. Supporting the ongoing persecution benefits the Russians.
Every time Hamas fires rockets into Israel, the leftist media jumps to their defense when Israel rightfully retaliates. Is there another explanation?
Lets just name a few.
Huma Abedin and Obamas gal Val (AKA the night stalker), Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC); Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); and Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships Shora, Kareem: Homeland Security Advisory Council
* Shora, Nawar: Senior Advisor to the Civil Rights and Liberties Office of the Transportation Security Administration
Levin cites from resources he is not a journalist or investigative reporter
Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). Obamacare opponents have been screaming about this committee since it was first added to the “reform” bill. And, since that time, anyone with the temerity to call it by its proper name — death panel yes its for rationing resources.
That I would love for you to debunk!
Better known as Shifty Schiff to Levin fans Has failed to probe any Clinton ties to this entire investigation thats the avenue or super highway to Russian government election tampering then he gets PUNK’ed
Levin takes “news” reports and government documents to lay out every case often rubbing the noses of MSM in their own excrement.
What about my second challenge, brainless puppet?
@kitt: The way Obama kowtowed to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and all across the Middle East and North Africa should be a dead giveaway to anyone with eyes and a brain. It is inexplicable that Greg would bring it up for argument; one would think that kind of scandal would be best left alone.
“Allocation of very scarce medical interventions such as organs and vaccines is a persistent ethical challenge. We
evaluate eight simple allocation principles that can be classified into four categories: treating people equally, favouring
the worst-off, maximising total benefits, and promoting and rewarding social usefulness. No single principle is
sufficient to incorporate all morally relevant considerations and therefore individual principles must be combined
into multiprinciple allocation systems. We evaluate three systems: the United Network for Organ Sharing points
systems, quality-adjusted life-years, and disability-adjusted life-years. We recommend an alternative system—the
complete lives system—which prioritises younger people who have not yet lived a complete life, and also incorporates
prognosis, save the most lives, lottery, and instrumental value principles. ”
Written by Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Rahm Emanuel, who was an advisor on the Obamacare bill. He clearly supported a bench mark of “usefulness” when determining who can receive medical support that is limited in access, a committee who would determine who receives life saving medical treatment and who does not, i.e. a “death panel”.
This follows the line of thinking of the infamous eugenicists, George Bernard Shaw who said:
“You must all know half a dozen people at least who are no use in this world, who are more trouble than they are worth. Just put them there and say Sir, or Madam, now will you be kind enough to justify your existence? If you can’t justify your existence, if you’re not pulling your weight, and since you won’t, if you’re not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little more, then, clearly, we cannot use the organizations of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to yourself.”
@Deplorable me: Greg has only a few sources and they monkey each other. Once in a while he will jump on a Fox story if it aligns with the ideology. I would put money on he has never listened to 3 Levin shows 3 Dan Bongino shows, only what his monkeys say about them is all he knows.
I know he has never taken the challenge of reading any of Levins books, Levin does use words that have more than 2 syllables so he would need a dictionary. He takes the word of left leaning commentators on who is a conservative. Thats anyone who one time may have mildly disagreed with a democrat on any issue, or old Rinos that become media whores bashing Trump, they use that as a yardstick.
@Deplorable me:
Yet you see nothing wrong with Trump’s fawning, humiliating behavior toward Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong un, who laugh behind his back while he repeatedly insults our nation’s closest long-time allies. You don’t even realize the fool is being played.
OMG OMG OMG RUSSIANS in broad daylight!
You mean Putin, who this very moment is complaining about the severe and harsh sanctions Trump has placed on him (as opposed to merely being “flexible”) or Un who is now afraid to conduct any more nuclear or missile tests?
@Deplorable me, #37:
The North Koreans completed their testing. They’ve got the test data they needed. They’re presently cranking out enriched uranium and working on their ICBMs. I’ll take the Russian sanctions more seriously if they don’t vanish after some paper breakthrough shortly after the November elections. Meanwhile, we’ve got Donald’s likeness on pallets of Russian asbestos. Maybe it’s a joke. Russians do have a sense of humor.
You lie.
Of course, you were not concerned about Russia when the reset button failed or when Obama sent Vlad a message he (Obama) would have more “flexibility” after he was elected. Nor were you concerned when Obama meddled in the elections in Israel.
I am beginning to think you are a parrot for the left only because you are dumber than a brick.
Really. They’ve loaded a payload onto a missile and hit a target with it? No, they have fired missiles that demonstrated a range. They don’t have targeting and don’t have a reentry vehicle.
We STILL test missiles.
Ah. So you disparage them because of what you THINK might happen in the future, though there is NO factual evidence to back up your accusations? You realize, don’t you, that that is the entire mindset of all the left, don’t you? And, it has not served you well.
Still not one single thread of evidence to support even a SUSPICION that Trump ever colluded with Russians. The DEMOCRATS, on the other hand….
What do you suppose those lengthy sealed bench discussions with Judge Ellis are about? Ellis didn’t grant that without good reason. Why aren’t central persons of interest being subpoenaed?
Possibly because they’re now targets of the investigation. The Manafort trail is only a prelude.
Why don’t you tell us? Oh, that’s right; you’re only good at guessing and making suppositions.
Absolutely. But since you seem to be an expert on everything, why don’t you tell us what they were all about?
Ask the prosecution. They have a right to subpoena who ever they want.
Wasn’t the prosecution supposed to wrap up its case today?
@Greg: The lengthy talks were telling them to stick to the evidence that deals with the charges and leave the non criminal actions like buying expensive suits to the tabloids like NYT and WaPo. Its why Mueller is complaining, the judge will not allow inflammatory testimony.
Still waiting for that debunking of articles on Conservative review….
That wasn’t what the question asked in open court was about when the objection was suddenly raised. It was about whether Gates had been questioned concerning his work for the Trump campaign. There’s clearly something pertaining to an open investigation that they don’t yet want to be made public.
@Greg: I became a personal shopper for you https://www.dangerous.com/store/star/
We know what the discussions are NOT about… Trump, Russians and collusion. Why aren’t central persons subpoenaed? Because they have nothing to do with this and this has nothing to do with Trump, Russians or collusion.
The FBI know all this was going on and left it alone, just like they did with the Podestas. They let the Podestas go because they don’t touch liberal operations. The let Manafort alone because they wanted his to implicate Trump. Trump, however, was not involved and had done nothing wrong. So now they are reduced to prosecuting Manafort with the hope that the ignorant liberal public will simply equate the Manafort trial with wrongdoing by Trump. This is intended to influence the elections, just as Dan Rather tried to influence the 2004 election with HIS fabricated lies.
This is how the left wants to try and win elections. You can do it by comparing ideologies, accomplishments, results or futures; you have to do it by lies, fraud and subterfuge.