Profiles in Treason : John Brennan

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CIA officials, including the upper echelons, are required to be apolitical.  The main purpose of the CIA is to gather intelligence on America’s enemies and guarantee the safety and security of the citizens of this country. The administration of CIA chief John Brennan came nowhere near meeting this standard. Brennan used the CIA to lies for political ideological goals. This has been shown earlier when Brennan used the CIA to conduct illegal surveillance of the Senate Intelligence Committee and then lied about it. This the same investigations that Brennan lied to Senator Feinstein about, and Brennan later apologized to the leaders of the SIC.

This the same Brennan who coerced the FBI into investigating this sham of Trump-Russia collusion using the unverified Steele dossier. In Brennan’s own words “Just because it is unverified doesn’t mean it isn’t true. A sad idea pushed by a biased has been that was trying to hold on to his job through a Hillary administration. Lying to the Security Intelligence Committee as stated above, it is now known that it was Brennan who passed on and spoke of the Steele dossier to Harry Reid and other Democrat leaders, fed allegations that remain unverified to the FBI and fed information detrimental to President Trump to the press.

This is the same Brennan that lied about NSA surveillance of American citizens and only avoided a perjury trial because he resigned, and the statute of limitations ran out because of obfuscation from the Obama administration. Brennan even had the audacity to proclaim he just gave the “least untruthful answer”. For anyone else, a lie like this would land them in jail. But the Obama administration and the sycophantic media ignored this crime, once again.

The administration of the CIA under the orders of Brennan operated as an offshoot of the Hillary campaign. Using spies and connections in England and Estonia, Brennan weaponized the CIA  with the phony intelligence obtained through these sources in his attempt to delegitimize the Trump candidacy, to try and cause maximum political damage on the conservatives, and led a multiagency smear campaign that has led the government to end up in a sham of a Special Council investigation being used by the leftists to affect the midterms.

It was John Brennan who proudly admitted voting for Communist Party leader Gus Hall, and even know supports such fellow progressive socialists as Andrew McCabe, James Comey, and his partner in crime at the highest level, James Clapper. This is the same John Brennan who invited a plethora of communist subversives into the highest positions of the CIA. Brennan talks of corruption in the Trump presidency, but fails to mention and will not discuss the political corruption of the “Resistance” which he helped to get started and continues to push lies, innuendo, and double talk. To those like Brennan, even those still in government, the thought of legality is second to the thought that the ends justify the means in the ideology of leftist thought. They have yet to understand the juvenile antics of those in government and the media are not making a difference, The only difference is the #WalkAway movement which they claim are Russian bots but are actually millions of honest Americans who are tired of the lies.

In March of 2016 The Moscow Times reported the John Brennan, still, head of the CIA made a secret visit to Moscow.  At the time he met with the FSS the successor of the KGB, of which the man being demonized by Brennan, Vladimir Putin was a part.

It was in the summer of 2016 when British spy Robert Hannigan passed material to John Brennan. Brennan then passed this information to the progressives socialists on Capitol Hill. After beefing the “Gang of Eight” this same information was then passed to the New York Times, which dutifully emblazoned the front pages of their liberal rag with this information.

One of the main reasons for Brennan’s animus towards President Trump was his sympathies towards the Muslim Brotherhood and his college days were spent a year in Cairo learning about the Muslim sharia law and high-end courses in Middle East Studies. He applied for and received the station chief position in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

His background and sympathies for the Muslim outlook was also a primary reason for the intense dislike he felt for Michael Flynn. It was Brennan who instigated the investigation of Michael Flynn after he had already been cleared by the FBI. It was Brennan who released the confidential transcripts of Flynn’s conversations with the Russian ambassador and made sure the press, long in Brennan’s pockets because of earlier leaks, to spread the supposed lies to Mike Pence by Flynn.

The latest unhinged tirade from this Muslim/socialist sympathizer is laughable. This self-important narcissist now claims “America will triumph over you…”

Brennan also sent an aggressive threatening tweet to both Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell claiming they will bear the “responsibility of the harm done to our democracy is President Trump does not stop his disastrous path”. First, we are a Republic, not a democracy, a difference any competent CIA Director would understand. Second, the path President Trump is following, less government control, lower taxes, and border security, is the one the majority of Americans back and understand. His tweet pertained to the definitive proof that the FBI had an informant in the Trump campaign.

Perhaps this man needs to go back to American History in about the sixth grade. President Trump was elected by the people of this country contrary to what Brennan, Clapper, and all the others ensconced in the Deep State believe. He had already called for the executives in the Trump administration to refuse the orders of the President if they didn’t agree with the order. There is no doubt that Brennan and the others will continue to move forward in the adolescent ranting of impeachment and a coup to lead to civil war.  It is all they have. They couldn’t beat Trump, they can’t turn his supporters (a group growing every day) against him, and no one listens to their lapdogs in the media anymore.

There is so much more to this web that Brennan has achieved. Passing the information to Harry Reid, who then wrote an open letter to James Comey which also happened to end up with the New York Times filled with lies and unverified innuendo. Or other agents and intelligence officials who were invested in a Clinton victory like former deputy of the CIA Mike Morell.

30 years CIA field operations officer Gene Coyle said the “Brennan is known as the greatest sycophants in the history of the CIA and a big supporter of Hillary Clinton. What has not been made clear if the John Brennan, along with a multitude of others are no longer part of any governmental decision process, and as such should have the clearances they are still using to leak to the press dismissed?

Thinking they are our betters, they understand that the media and those still in place will do the best they can to protect them. Drawing out the Mueller sham of an investigation until after the midterms will allow the progressive socialists to shut down the investigations in Congress. Then the Stalinist “show trials and investigations will begin. The impeachment process based on the banshee caterwaulings of Mad Mouthy Maxine Waters will move forward if these slimy animals are allowed to take over Congress.

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People like Brennen, Clapper, Comey, Hillary, Reid and others would have all benefited from a re-read of the Aesop Fable of “The Boy Who Cried, Wolf!”
Their main problem was they lied so often and so egregiously badly that, when the chips were really down and they NEEDED their lie to be bought, we were already aware of their use of that tactic.
We just didn’t buy it.
We had seen thru and debunked so many of their other, earlier lies that this one carried no power.
Even their own, on the Left, are disenchanted…..hence the Walkaway movement.

Remove this commies security clearance the coup is failing.

Everybody is lying but Trump? I don’t think so.

From Trump’s morning chorus of tweets, August 6:

Collusion with Russia was very real. Hillary Clinton and her team 100% colluded with the Russians, and so did Adam Schiff who is on tape trying to collude with what he thought was Russians to obtain compromising material on DJT. We also know that Hillary Clinton paid through…a law firm, eventually Kremlin connected sources, to gather info on Donald Trump. Collusion is very real with Russia, but only with Hillary and the Democrats, and we should demand a full investigation.” Dan Bongino on @foxandfriends Looking forward to the new IG Report!

A cuckoo is a sort of bird.

John Brennen is a patriot.

Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!

8:37 PM – 3 Aug 2018

This sort of juvenile insults, from a President of the United States? You have elected an idiot—and that’s not the worst of it.

Even the left, if they could disengage their bitter Trump hatred for a minute or two, would be able to see that there is no way Trump can trust the IC until people like Brennan are called to accounts, held accountable and all their co-conspirators purged and punished.


John Brennen is a patriot.

Yeah, because to leftists, liars are patriots. The only question is, who are they patriotic to? In Brennan’s case, it appears to be Russia.

Yeah, because to leftists, liars are patriots.

Since I recognize that Donald Trump is both a compulsive liar and no patriot, there would appear to be something wrong with your premise.

@Deplorable me:

John Brennen is a patriot.

ya the Stalinist sometimes I eye roll so hard. Leaking classified info to the media and lying to congress is now Patriotic but leaking very ugly non classified emails ie Assange needs to go to jail. Electing someone who snorts cocaine, as admitted in “Dreams of My Father,” with domestic terrorists thats good.


Since I recognize that Donald Trump is both a compulsive liar and no patriot, there would appear to be something wrong with your premise.

Yet you can’t recognize that Brennan lied numerous time. Or, perhaps since he was lying about Trump, you simply don’t care. However, do you possibly see the problem of getting intelligence you are supposed to trust from people who are trying to destroy you? Yes? No? Understand what a LIE is?

Do you never wonder if all the bad things you believe about Trump is true, why is it so f**king necessary for people like Brennan to lie, repeatedly, constantly, consistently, relentlessly, about Trump?

Interesting how the libtards come out to defend liars and cheats (brennan, bill, the hildebeast, rather, comey, etc. etc. They do recognize kindred souls…

@Bookdoc: Well, they lie for the “cause”. What they never seem to stop and consider is WHY these people HAVE to lie on an almost constant basis. If they would, they would have to begin to question their own ideology.

@Greg: Your narrative is being rejected…

It’s Donald effing Trump who lies on a constant basis. You seem to conveniently forget that the media you hate so much is actually keeping track with a documented list. Trump has told more lies since he hit the campaign trail than the entire lot on his personal enemies list put together. Lies are an integral part of his methodology. He would render the difference between truth and lies irrelevant because it serves him that no distinction be made. His presidency couldn’t survive the truth.

What I have rejected is gullibility. You can keep it if you want.

@Greg: #11 WE DONT CARE We are not tired of winning yet.
I opened my investment statement, I am winning.
I do not have to pay a penalty for not buying expensive, sh!tty, government designed non health insurance, I am winning
Prototypes of the wall look great
Pedos being arrested in record numbers
Side show freaks at carnivals now work for CNN, or are the lead speakers at Democrat get out the vote rallies.
Dissect every tweet and scream at the sky we dont care.
Alex Jones black balled by fake book, google, spotify, and youtube because he is a conspiracy theorist…gay frogs lololol


It’s Donald effing Trump who lies on a constant basis.

Is that your answers to the lies provided in this article? “Trump lies”? You LOVE lies. You support nothing BUT lies, liars and lying. You base your concept of lies and liars on what lies the liars you support tell you. You supported (still support) Obama, who lied, lied, lied and lied. You supported (still support) Hillary, who not only lies, but sells influence, strategic resources and puts national security at severe risk.

DON’T tell me about lies or liars. You don’t even know the difference between lies and the truth; you know only ideology.

@Deplorable me, #13:

Is that your answers to the lies provided in this article?

The point is that the article is an example of the tu quoque—or appeal to hypocrisy—fallacy. It boils down to an illogical assertion that Trump’s constant, compulsive lying—day in and day out, about anything and everything—doesn’t really matter, because people who criticize him have themselves told an occasional lie. This is a completely ridiculous assertion.

Not that I expect anyone supporting Trump to care. Some people have little use for logic, which they view as a form of trickery. And as someone pointed out, they’re getting things that they wanted, and couldn’t care less what principles have been abandoned to get them.

@Greg: Principles? Dont you dare call us out for our Principles when you have 0 none nada we will not be held to a higher standard anymore we will not shrink back and say ya I guess you are right. Done over, look at these Principles Another Example: “Criminal prosecution of the Special Agent was declined” – Now, What’s for Lunch?…
Looks like the DOJ and FBI need to be fully disbanded and start over. They refuse to police themselves.
Go clean your own filthy house, you mind controlled freak.

@Greg: No, the POINT IS that the leaders of the IC, DOJ and FBI have been lying and conspiring to destroy Trump. Further, since you either cannot see or refuse to admit you see this, your lectures, opinions, views or sermons about what you deem is a lie could not be of less value.

Why do we support Trump? Because of THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE IN THIS ARTICLE. Now, the question is HOW can you support THIS?

@Greg: We tend to be very logical. Many of us saw that the only way to route out liberal corruption was to invoke a person that has the will of Patton and has actual star-power, in opposition to the Kardashian-like celebrity that was Obama.

All is going as expected. Don is, as all Presidents are, expendable. I’m as disgusted as the next guy to see the Reps laud things Trump is doing that they cried about when Obama did, but that’s a rare case.

We have Trump on a short leash, and he’s doing what the majority of Americans want: Countering the leftist idiocy, forcing the right to die or change, and build the economy at the same time.

We’re very logical, dipsh*t. You know it, too. But keep pretending Trump has mindless followers like Obama.

You know he doesn’t.


HOWLEY: Brennan and Clapper Must Answer For Hacking John Roberts

We all heard they were spying on members of congress and people on the Supreme Court .

People like Greg are why the #walkaway movement is exponentially expanding. Keep posting Greg!

Just another ALGER HISS in the making its too bad Hiss was not exicuted fir his crimes

@Nathan Blue, #17:

We have Trump on a short leash…

I don’t believe Trump supporters and facilitators rightly understand which end of the leash they’re on. It’s a mistake that’s been made before.