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Blacks Are Being Lied To

Civility in politics has always been a challenge. There are examples of poor behavior going back to the Founding. The two-party system is adversarial, but rules of order and the basic decency of our citizens have been a brake of the outright violence seen in third world countries.

In the past eight years that has changed. Our past President, Barack Obama worked hard to sow divisions within our populous, and deepen the rift that most Americans worked so hard to close. Academics pursue these divisions for no other fact than to attempt to push through a socialist agenda. While most people in the real American way do nothing more than work hard and long hours to put food on the table and pay their bills, there are those who want nothing more than to tear our country apart.

The #walkaway movement has finally given those of the progressive socialist party, commonly called the Democrats an opportunity to pull away from a party that has moved further left to a socialist style government on everything from immigration to reparations. 200-year history is the prop they are attempting to use to obtain something for nothing and to force others to live under the rules that they have demanded.

Starting with a loudmouth representative that doesn’t even live in the district she represents, Maxine Waters continues to stoke the flames on animosity to further the agenda the progressive socialists had set. In her mind and others like her, mob rule is now the order of the day. Those on the left have already perpetrated violence, ask Steve Scalise.

It has become apparent that calling the opposition “Nazis” is being used both by the progressive socialists and the leftist mainstream media is right out of the Saul Alinsky rulebook. If the opposition can be made to appear less than human, the next step is to do all the progressives can to destroy them. The media ignores and cover up the damage being done to our Republic by the socialist members of our citizenry and allowing the violence and mob harassment of those in the conservative camp. Cabinet officials are attempting to clean up the divisive waste left by a President that had no great love for our country and whose sole purpose was to destroy it from within.

It is the progressive socialist wing of the Democratic Party that has demonized law enforcement. From the everyday officer on the beat to ICE at the border, our law enforcement has been demonized while these same progressive socialist hold up the violence of Antifa and BLM as paragons of virtue, going so far as officially endorsing these groups in a resolution passed by the DNC in 2015.

Black Lives Matter is not a real black grassroots organization. It has never been. What is now being done to that movement is the recruitment of anyone who does not like Donald Trump into a ragtag “army of the revolution” being paid for by George Soros, the Clinton Foundation, and others for profit and to further disrupt the politics of this country. They will sow as much discord as possible. Remember it was Obama who wanted a national police force to restrict citizens rights further, to force them to comply with the edicts and pronouncements that he and his merry band of idiots were attempting to push on the American people.

You don’t have to take my word for it, google “Chaziel Sunz,” a former BLM member who is not a big Trump fan, but discussed how blacks are being used as the foot soldiers in the never-ending quest for “Social Justice.”

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