The Week in Radical Leftism, 7/13/2018

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Welcome back everyone! We’re roughly halfway through the summer and our lefty pals have lost roughly half of their minds!

7/6 – Civility is Not Overrated, But There is a Time and a Place For It

Great piece from Matthew Cochran at The Federalist. Read the whole thing.

The detail that conservatives tend to forget is that when one party violates a contract, the other party is no longer bound by all of its terms. If you sign a contract to buy a car, and the dealer refuses to turn it over you, you aren’t “sinking to their level” by refusing to hand over your money. If you contract an employee who never shows up for work, you aren’t “repaying evil for evil” by withholding his wages. The same is true when dealing with people who are deliberately uncivil to civil people — it fundamentally changes what the rest of society owes them.

7/6 – Facebook Blocks Declaration of Independence as Hate Speech

In their defense, I have a feeling that if a human at Zuckland actually read it they would probably believe that they were reading “hate speech”

7/7 – ‘We KNOW where you LIVE!’ – ROTUND protesters obnoxiously HARASS Mitch McConnell… again

Friendly advice Lefties, but I don’t think that you’ve thought through what happens next if you keep escalating.

7/8 – Jeffrey Sumpter, Duty To Retreat And Stand Your Ground.

Left you think that the idiocy that’s spreading across Britain can’t happen here, look no further than the state of Connecticut.


I really don’t think that Lefties are thinking through where their actions are going to lead…

7/9 – No, the #WalkAway Movement Isn’t Run by Russian Bots. But It Is a Major Threat to the Democratic Party 

This needs a separate post of its own – see below

7/10 – 14 Times Republican Officials Were Viciously Harassed, Threatened With Death 

Sadly, this is becoming a running story

7/10 – The Anti-Trump Conservative Firing Circle Is Wildly Out Of Touch With The American Electorate

This one has a little bit more geekery depth than most of my links, but one of the better pieces I’ve read on the Vichy Conservatives


One of the better arguments I’ve heard asks why these enraged lefties didn’t show the same anger at visits from heads of state from places like Saudi Arabia, etc.

7/12 – U.S. CO2 Levels Drop Again — So Why Aren’t Green Groups Rejoicing?

As I like to point out, the main motivation for any Leftist policy is not to help people, but to control them


Some creepy video showing the Leftist mindset

ICYMI –  I wrote two new pieces this week. First, I respond to a WaPo article whining that for some strange reason corporate America doesn’t trust the press in No Washington Post, The Death of Business Reporting Is Not Business’ Fault. My second one wonders if the #WalkAway movement could be the death of The Democratic Party as we know it in Is #WalkAway to Democrats what Data’s Sleep Subroutine Was to The Borg?

To further support my thesis on media bias with the WaPo post check out this roundup that did two years ago on bias in the media

From the vault, two posts that lead up to the #WalkAway movement – Is London’s Islamic Mayor the Key to Saving the United States? (1 of 2) and Is The Left’s Biggest Strength Also the Key to How We Defeat Them? (2 of 2)

And continuing with the Facebook series that will inspire and defeat you while making you want to cry and scream at the same time, The Swamp: Ep 2 Everything Comes From the Top

Have a great weekend!

Cross posted at Flopping Aces

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Facebook Stupid Book anyone who thinks the U.S. Constitution is Hate Speech is Stark Raving Stupid and liberal Greens are idiots as well

This weeks song goes out to all those telling the President of the United States what he should be doing to keep things as screwed up as they made them.

Oh dont tell our “friends” they cant be leeches
Dont meet with leaders of other countries
Reunite the children with pervs, traffickers and MS13

7/6 – Civility is Not Overrated, But There is a Time and a Place For It

The left relies on conservatives being, well, conservative in encounters. Indeed, as the article says, this emboldens them and brings on more incivility. The proper reaction is what the Red Hen got, though most of the uncivil activity occurs in liberal concentrations where such reactions are rare. Conservatives don’t generally pay people to load up on buses and go somewhere to scream, but I wish some would. Of course, most conservatives have jobs and responsibilities and can’t march all day. I’m available, though.

7/6 – Facebook Blocks Declaration of Independence as Hate Speech

When I posted a video of my nephew returning home from overseas duty, Facebook muted the Star Spangled Banner that was played at the ceremony… because I didn’t have the rights to it!! My wife recorded and posted the same video and they muted hers, too. I don’t even know how to begin contesting that idiocy.

7/7 – ‘We KNOW where you LIVE!’ – ROTUND protesters obnoxiously HARASS Mitch McConnell… again

For most of these big-mouths, the end result is they go back to their friends and thump their chests about how they screamed at an old man from a distance. Even though they have a radical mind themselves, they don’t see the logical progression to the Steve Scalise end. But, then again, they can always blame Trump for their own incivility and violence.

7/8 – Jeffrey Sumpter, Duty To Retreat And Stand Your Ground.

“Sumpter did not stab his assailants while he was being attacked. Instead, after the three thugs left the store, Sumpter grabbed a knife and chased them.” I think even here in Texas the same outcome would have been reached. No one is obliged to retreat before using deadly force in a self defense situation, but once the person is out of danger, deadly force is not appropriate. However, I think the guy did not do anything wrong. Maybe Trump will pardon him.


No, the left doesn’t understand the responsibility some proprietors have for their patrons, regardless of their politics. Since the left (either as individuals or as the ignorant amalgamas mass) is never held responsible for its actions and the results, I doubt very seriously they have spent much time contemplating the impact of their actions.

7/9 – No, the #WalkAway Movement Isn’t Run by Russian Bots. But It Is a Major Threat to the Democratic Party

I can’t help but laugh at when all the Democrats laughed off the idea that the Russians were an adversary. Now they are the boogie man behind every one of their failures (which must keep the Russians pretty busy).

7/10 – 14 Times Republican Officials Were Viciously Harassed, Threatened With Death

They encourage the violence because they hope someone else will sacrifice themselves to carry it out. When it happens, they blame Trump for causing them to act like spoiled, petulant children who never worry about the effects of their tantrums.

7/10 – The Anti-Trump Conservative Firing Circle Is Wildly Out Of Touch With The American Electorate

The vast majority are tired of some Republicans talking tough then acting just like the Democrats. Trump has turned that on its head and the people like it.


One thing you have to give to socialists; when there are plenty of useful idiots in the neighborhood, they sure can mobilize them. I’ve seen interviews of those in the crowd, though, and most don’t seem to know why they are so “outraged”. But what a funny balloon. You think it hurt Trump’s feelings?

7/12 – U.S. CO2 Levels Drop Again — So Why Aren’t Green Groups Rejoicing?



Predictably, the bullying thug that stole the kid’s hat was praised in liberal circles; “you have to be prepared to defend yourself if you are going to wear that hat”, etc.

@Brother Bob:

but the Democrats have FINALLY figured out that the Russians are not our BFFs!

Well, until some Republicans declare the Russians are not our friends, then the Democrats will, again, declare Republicans are living back in the 80’s.

I saw a couple of funny takes on a few of your points, Bro Bob.

One had Pres Trump announce that he has “Made Oxygen Great Again” while Dems put plastic bags over their heads to avoid breathing ever again:
comment image
The other had a successful flight of the baby Trump over London (in real life it was shot down within a few minutes).
From his place in the sky over London Baby Trump could see 12 rapes and 9 stabbings taking place.

As to your portion about how thuggish the Left has become, Andrew Klavan wrote an excellent essay:
Besides Andrew’s historical tie-in of modern Leftists to violent slave owners of the past (and present) he makes his point via an illustration about wife beaters:

A quick way to come to wisdom about yourself is to understand this:
you are what you do.
You’re not your good intentions.
You’re not your noble feelings.
Your deeds are what make you who you are.

A man who beats his wife then cries in remorse is a wife-beater.
That’s all he is.
When he stops punching her — stops for good — then he has a chance to become something else.
Then he can cry all he wants.
Until then, his tears mean jack-diddly crap.
He’s a wife beater.
That’s all.

He is correct that the Left keeps trying to excuse their thuggishness because their intentions, their goals are So Noble!
The Left’s thuggishness, and excusing it, is a big part of the reason more from the Left are Walking Away.

@Nanny G:

The other had a successful flight of the baby Trump over London (in real life it was shot down within a few minutes).

Of course, THAT act has two distinctly different meanings.

This is what you get when you elect Republicans

It goes much further than their repugnant and disastrous effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, but all the contemporary GOP’s pathologies could be seen there: their outright malice toward ordinary people, their indifference to the suffering of their fellow citizens, their blazing incompetence, their contempt for democratic norms, their shameless hypocrisy, their gleeful ignorance about policy, their utter dishonesty and bad faith, their pure cynicism, and their complete inability to perform anything that resembles governing. It was the perfect Republican spectacle.

It’s remarkable to consider that there was a time not too long ago when the Grand Old Party was known for being serious, sober, a little boring, but above all, responsible. They were conservative in the traditional sense: wanting to conserve what they thought was good and fearful of rapid change. You might not have agreed with them, but there were limits to the damage they could do. The devolution from that Republican Party to the one we see today took a couple of decades and had many sources, but its fullest expression was reached with the lifting up of Donald J. Trump to the presidency, this contemptible buffoon who may have been literally the single worst prominent American they could have chosen to be their standard-bearer. I mean that seriously. Can you think of a single person who might have run for president who is more ignorant, more impulsive, more vindictive and more generally dangerous than Donald Trump? And yet they rallied around him with near-unanimity, a worried shake of the head to his endless stream of atrocious statements and actions the strongest dissent most of them could muster…

But that was the entire point. They’re supportive of an angry outburst and a lot of venting and acting out, not of any particular well-thought-out body of policies. The little cartoon at the top of the page summarizes what they imagine they’re getting. There really is an agenda, of course, but average Trump supporters are pretty much blind what that’s actually all about. It certainly isn’t about the betterment of their lot, unless they happen to be at the top end of the economic ladder.

@Greg: Yea also at the top

We’re roughly halfway through the summer and our lefty pals have lost roughly half of their minds!

Thats something you could ill afford as most who think Obamacare is a good plan with deductibles higher than the middle class can afford, are only halfwits to begin with. You aint getting our crumbs back you greedy bastids.

@Kitt, #9:

Republicans—who have simultaneously controlled the House, the Senate, and the White House for over a year-and-a-half now—have pretty much assured Obamacare’s collapse by methodically kicking out essential components put there to make it work.

So how’s that better and cheaper alternative that will be available to everyone coming? Trump said it was ready to roll as soon as he was elected. Any news?

@Greg: Yeah the ACA was so great, that’s why Obama and the Dems had to force people to buy it.


Republicans—who have simultaneously controlled the House, the Senate, and the White House for over a year-and-a-half now—have pretty much assured Obamacare’s collapse by methodically kicking out essential components put there to make it work

Oh, my. Republicans ended the slush funds that were paid to insurance companies out of taxpayer dollars in order to prop up Obamacare for the first few years. So while I saw my supplemental insurance premiums go from zero, to well over $150 a month due to the CWA not adhering to contracts (all with Obama/Democrat permission in order to facilitate Obamacare) to now well over $250/month, I also had the privilege of paying income taxes into the federal coffers so that Obama could buy off the insurance companies.

But then, let’s not forget that our current crop of snowflakes are now considered “children” until they reach the age of 26.

What part of the Constitution do you think guarantees you health insurance coverage? Hell, Greggie, what part of the Constitution do you think guarantees you health care?


Yeah the ACA was so great, that’s why Obama and the Dems had to force people to buy it.

Not to mention that it was soooooo great that Congress (Democrats) exempted themselves, and their employees, from it.

@Greg: Do you think we are not pissed at the lying uniparty RINO Republicans, lobbists from big pharma and insurance companies pouring cash into their war chests to screw over everyone? They lied for 8 years with we have a better plan, a few of them might but Ryan and Turtleman refuse to bring them to the floor for debate, the exit of Ryan is great news for us. Biggs AZ or Davidson OH would be great replacements for RINO Ryan. Tempted to take a page from the democrats and chase them in public places asking wheres our better plan wheres our balanced budget wheres our wall.

Just because the Republicans have not been capable of fixing the debacle in no way indicates they are responsible for CREATING it. Obamacare was a Democrat-planned disaster. It’s how all their socialistic social engineering turns out; disastrous.

@retire05, #12:

What part of the Constitution do you think guarantees you health insurance coverage? Hell, Greggie, what part of the Constitution do you think guarantees you health care?

What part of the Constitution provides 45,497,828 elderly Americans and their dependents with monthly Social Security checks? Would you prefer not to be receiving them?


What part of the Constitution provides 45,497,828 elderly Americans and their dependents with monthly Social Security checks? Would you prefer not to be receiving them?

After what Democrats have done to Social Security, the day is fast approaching when people that have paid into the system WON’T receive them. Buying votes is expensive when your political accomplishment is terrible.

@Greg: The system was designed so very few would get the check, the life expectancy was much shorter then. It is a socialist program but taxed your entire working life to obtain, if same amount put into personal savings account we wouldnt have to worry about the government stealing it for other purposes.
What needs to be fixed is getting a check for dropping out of highschool and having a fatherless child ,want a raise, have another one. Never working or paying a dime in taxes. No school no check, Daddy has to pay some support.

@Deplorable Me, #18:

Democrats created Social Security. Every elderly American who depends on that monthly retirement check as a means of avoiding destitution has a democrat to thank for it.

If you want to talk about total fiscal incompetence, lets start with the rapidly growing deficit and the GOP’s permanent tax cuts for corporate America and the wealthiest, who needed them the very least. They’ve set the nation up for trillion-dollar-per-year additions to the national debt at a time when there’s no need whatsoever for stimulus spending. They’re robbing the people blind, and their supporters seem completely oblivious to the fact that they’re even doing it. The proceeds of this epic cash grab sure as hell aren’t going into the pockets of the poor, or struggling families, or elderly retired Americans, or homeless vets, all of whom will be lucky if their own temporary tax cuts offset their cost of living increases. The deficits won’t be funding infrastructure improvements. That redirected cash–essentially obtained by taking the nation’s credit card to an unsupervised ATM–will be going into the pockets of self-serving people like Donald Trump. The rest of us get will get the bill.

Once again, republican voters have been sold a bill of goods, and will be given the same old line that the predictable consequences are all the fault of somebody else. They go for it every damn time, because understanding the con game would involve a recognition of their own gullibility and responsibility.


Democrats created Social Security. Every elderly American who depends on that monthly retirement check as a means of avoiding destitution has a democrat to thank for it.

And at some point in the future when those who paid into get no check, they can thank Democrats for stealing the money, handing it out to those who never paid into it and using it as an ATM.

If you want to talk about total fiscal incompetence, lets start with the rapidly growing deficit and the GOP’s permanent tax cuts for corporate America and the wealthiest, who needed them the very least.

By 2004, Bush’s tax cuts were cutting deficits and added $750 billion to the Treasury. There is no reason to doubt Trump’s cuts will be even more successful

Funny you never worried about deficits when Obama was racking them up at a rate of $1.4 TRILLION a year. But, that’s hypocrisy for you, I guess.

While Trump has turned out to be an amazingly great choice, I again remind you that the alternative was a drunken liar that proved herself incompetent as Secretary of State and a corrupt criminal. No, Trump was the only reasonable choice and it is our good fortune he has turned out to be such an able leader.