The Week in Radical Leftism, 7/6/2018

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I hope that everyone had a great Independence Day! Let’s jump straight to the crazy with a nugget from the previous week:

6/24 – The New Red Hen Menu

A brilliant idea from Jesse Kelly for an eatery that will probably be out of business in six months

6/28 – Viral ‘Walk Away’ Videos Highlight Growing Movement of Democrats Leaving the Party

I am not exaggerating when I say that this gives me more optimism for the long term for our country than anything I’ve seen since the 2016 election. We all know how stupid the Republican Party can be, so it is critical that there is an opposition party that is not bats*** crazy. I was honestly starting to think that the species known as “Sane Democrat” had been successfully hunted to extinction.


Great compilation of The Radical Left’s complete meltdown over Justice Kennedy’s retirement announcement

6/29 – UK Lord asks if mosques will be monitored for “hate speech,” is threatened with “hate speech” prosecution for asking

Sadly, not satire.

6/30 – Tom Steyer: Maybe We Can Have a Nuclear War as a ‘Course Correction’ on Trump

As Bill Whittle likes to say, “Liberals would rather rule over ruins than have to live under prosperity where they can’t take credit”

6/30 – The Socialist Sweetheart Is A Fashion Icon Now

How soon until she buys her 3rd home like Bernie?

7/1 – The New York Times Beclowns Itself With Fake News About Free Speech

Yep, a media outlet is against free speech! I couldn’t make this up if I tried.


Is there anything The Radical Left does these days that isn’t racist?

7/3 – NAACP Falsely Claims Potential Trump SCOTUS Nominee Ruled Against Black Worker’s ‘Separate-but-Equal’ Claim

Why is The Radical Left so sexist? But I do admire how proactively they have been in launching hate campaigns against next week’s potential Emmanuel Goldsteins

7/4 – Sarah Silverman: Support For Police Is Embracing Socialism

Still just as dumb as her ex-husband, Jimmy Kimmel. I am truly grateful that they never reproduced.

7/5 – NYPD arrests woman who climbed Statue of Liberty after hours-long protest of kids imprisoned in Trump’s ICE camps

As Jim Geraghty summarized:

In order to defend liberty, Okoumou risked damaging the Statute of Liberty; to help her country, she concluded she had to disrupt the Fourth of July events at an iconic national park. To demonstrate her commitment to justice, she threatened to push the ladder of law-enforcement officers. To fight back against the stereotype that immigrants are dangerous and have no respect for the law, the Congolese immigrant did something dangerous and against the law.

7/6 – Don’t Call it Diversity Call it Racism

The not so soft bigotry of low expectations at Harvard!

This week’s throwback link goes back to the early days of the Obama administration. After the president’s comment mocking The Special Olympics that would have set off a week long hair on fire freakout had his successor done the same, I wrote a satire piece about a “Special Economist” challenging Obama to a debate. Fun trivia challenge: There are two pop culture references in the post – can you identify both without Googling? The easy one is the picture of the Special Economist – he’s actually heavier and more unhealthy looking these days. The harder one is his name – answers in next week’s post.

And be sure to click on the video embedded in the last tweet at the bottom!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

Image at the top of the post appears via Stilson’s Place

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Climbing up on the Statue of Liberty by that crazy woman reminds be about this idiots from Greenpeace climbing up on buildings,bridges Mt Rushmore and on the Nazca Plain to unfurl their stupid banners and signs on them i mean Greenpeace are Green Pests

We had a great 4th. We went with my wife’s sister and her husband to Ft. Hood, Texas to greet their son back from an overseas deployment; he had been gone 9 months. Watching the families reunite was awe inspiring, visually experiencing what some sacrifice for us for our protection. Most touching was two little kids holding a sign welcoming their mother back.

Further expressing the sacrifices made was the exhibit of boots representing all the war dead since 9/11. There were groups of boots bound together representing personnel lost together, such as those killed by the terrorist at Ft. Hood and all the soldiers lost in the helicopter shot down trying to support Marc Lattrell’s team. The personal messages written on some of the boots were heart rending. God Bless our military forces.

6/24 – The New Red Hen Menu

I hope those protesting there can keep up the pressure until the joint goes under. I would love to see some conservative muscle flexed and the message sent out, which is usually done by the left, that you attack people in this was at great economic risk. The menu didn’t mention the side of liberal hypocrisy served with every dish.

6/28 – Viral ‘Walk Away’ Videos Highlight Growing Movement of Democrats Leaving the Party

It’s not surprising that even though we speak of Democrats and the left as a monolithic block, there ARE intelligent, thoughtful people who love and respect their country and cannot bear the far leftward veer towards socialism the Democrats have taken. In the United States, socialism is a fringe and the far left dragging their entire party into the fringe is going to wreck it. At this point, one wonders how they can recover for simply reacting to the loss of support with a change of catch phrases does not seem very sincere.

6/29 – UK Lord asks if mosques will be monitored for “hate speech,” is threatened with “hate speech” prosecution for asking

When liberals anywhere treat national security as a wedge issue, the civilian population is put in great danger.

6/30 – Tom Steyer: Maybe We Can Have a Nuclear War as a ‘Course Correction’ on Trump

THEN we could top that off with Maher’s economic recession! That would be difficult for Trump to overcome.

6/30 – The Socialist Sweetheart Is A Fashion Icon Now

The left is addicted to celebrity cultism. They succeeded in putting the cult icon Obama in office, but in the end his disastrous regime undercut their support. Now, in total desperation, they line up behind whomever gets the most popularity points.

7/1 – The New York Times Beclowns Itself With Fake News About Free Speech

Why is it always the left trying to suppress free speech? What do they fear? [rhetorical question] Further, who in their right mind would give THEM the power to declare what speech is acceptable and what should be banned? Like with them wanting to replace ICE with something created in their own image… perhaps ANTIFA, since they are out there fighting against “racism” already… why would anyone entrust a single civil right in the hands of a liberal? Madness.


But it’s righteous, liberal racism… the GOOD kind, right?

7/3 – NAACP Falsely Claims Potential Trump SCOTUS Nominee Ruled Against Black Worker’s ‘Separate-but-Equal’ Claim

Well, the left doesn’t want her on the Court because they hate women….

7/4 – Sarah Silverman: Support For Police Is Embracing Socialism

Are you sure they didn’t reproduce? I think they produced several spider-eggs full of tiny-minded idiots with the same moronic ideas and values as theirs.

7/5 – NYPD arrests woman who climbed Statue of Liberty after hours-long protest of kids imprisoned in Trump’s ICE camps

You reckon she came up with that Michelle reference “we go high” all on her own or is that out of the “Useful Idiot Handbook and Discount Coupons”?

The Red Hen has a quote in their window from MLK a Republican. Which would be taken down by Face book as hate speech, like they took down Declaration of Independence.

This weeks selection goes out to Pantifa boys that just cant leave peaceful gatherings alone

the radicalized muslin terrorist, gay ex pres has never sat or passed a bar examination

The New York Pravda(Times)its the liberal rag that covered up for Stalin and Castro and Probibly Mao as well and still wonders why the sales are down.Red Hen hit t hem where it hurts in their Bank Accounts BOYCOTT the RED HEN