A couple of things you might not know about the FBI conspiracy against Trump

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The single most damning text between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reads like this:

“[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Page texted Strzok.

“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded.

If that doesn’t scream bias and conspiracy, nothing does. But you probably know these two. There are a few more you might not know. There might be a few more things you might not know.  The Trump Russia investigation was basically a seamless continuation of the Hillary email investigation.

Among the people who worked on the Clinton email investigation, er, “matter” were Agent 2 and Agent 5– Kevin Clinesmith and Sally Moyer. About Moyer:


About Clinesmith:

 Clinesmith lamented Clinton’s loss the day after the election, messaging to several FBI employees, “I am numb.” He added, “I am so stressed about what I could have done differently.”

Clinesmith also expressed regret over the reopening of the Clinton email case on Oct. 28, 2016, arguing that it “broke the momentum” of Clinton’s campaign. He warned at the time that the belated move, which was pressured by leaks over the discovery of additional classified emails on the laptop of Clinton’s aide in New York, could initiate “the destruction of the republic.”

After Clinesmith messaged another FBI employee that he was “just devastated” over Trump’s unexpected victory, he launched into a rant: “I just can’t imagine the systematic disassembly of the progress we made over the last 8 years. ACA is gone. Who knows if the rhetoric about deporting people, walls, and crap is true. I honestly feel like there is going to be a lot more gun issues, too, the crazies won finally. This is the tea party on steroids. And the GOP is going to be lost, they have to deal with an incumbent in 4 years. We have to fight this again. Also Pence is stupid.”

Then Clinesmith soon sent another text:

“I am so stressed about what I could have done differently,” read another message that apparently referenced the Clinton email investigation.

Asked in one text message after the election if he had changed his mind about Trump, Clinesmith wrote: “Hell no. Viva le resistance.”

Hillary was interviewed by an interesting group of people and had some other curious characters present as well:

Peter Strzok. David Laufman. What did they conclude?

No kidding. Clinton was never even a subject. Clinton was never going to be in trouble

On Thursday night, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) released seven pages of textsbetween FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzock and his FBI paramour, Lisa Page. Those texts show that both Strzok and Page were interested in letting Hillary Clinton off the hook so as to earn the FBI goodwill with the presumed next president.

Page wrote to Strzok on February 25, 2016, “One more thing: she might be our next president. The last thing you need us going in there loaded for bear. You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more doj than fbi?” The obvious implication here is that Page wanted to go easy on Clinton in order to curry favor. Strzok wrote back, “Agreed. I called [FBI counterintelligence head] Bill [Priestap] and relayed what we discussed. He agrees. I will email you and [redacted] same.”

It was bizarre (and a departure from usual FBI protocol) that Clinton’s lawyers were present. There was one more whose name was redacted. Her name is Jeannie Rhee. More on her in a moment.

Without stopping for lunch Strzok rewrote the findings from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless” to shield Clinton from legal jeopardy and maintain her political viability.  He then closed the Clinton investigation and Comey went on to exonerate Clinton, bringing along much the same crew.

Then in 2017 Mueller was appointed Special Counsel. Who did he choose for his team?

Peter Strzok

Lisa Page

Jeannie Rhee.

Yes, THAT Jeannie Rhee. The lawyer who represented Clinton in the email investigation. No conflict there, right?

Clinesmith would later go on to interview George Papadopoulos. Strzok would, along with agent Joe Pientka, would interview Michael Flynn. Michael Flynn, originally exonerated by the FBI, was suddenly found guilty of making false statements to the FBI. Papadopoulos also got snagged for not remembering a date. Clinton aides made false statements to the FBI without any consequence. The FBI ignored the Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop- not 100,000, not 200,000, but 700,000 of them.

So let’s see.

Comey, McCabe and Strzok swept the Clinton investigation under the rug and opened the Trump-Russia investigation 12 days after Trump won the nomination. They framed Flynn and Papadopoulos. Comey then killed a chance to find out the truth about the Clinton emails. Mueller brought Strzok and Page, a Clinton lawyer and every Trump hater he could find on board for his investigation.

As Trey Gowdy noted, the Clinton email investigation was decided before it was over and the Trump-Russia investigation was decided before it began.

As for Trump becoming President? Strzok was going to stop it.





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House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) “made a promise” that if the FBI and DOJ didn’t turn over all of the requested information by last Friday, “we would see floor action this week.” Meadows said he’s “waiting for him to follow through on that commitment.”

Floor action could include a number of things: citation for contempt of Congress, eventual impeachment, or a “sense of Congress” resolution.
Means we havent the goodies yet, oh I know it looks juicy but there is major CYA CMA CEA going on.

I don’t trust Ryan at all and Strzok will go 5th Amendment at his hearing.

The Strzok testimony should be on national TV so the weasel can be seen going the 5th for everything. He should have been fired long ago.

“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded.

No, no, no… what he meant was, HE would stop what HE was doing, be nice and conduct a fair and unbiased investigation. Didn’t he?

Clinesmith also expressed regret over the reopening of the Clinton email case on Oct. 28, 2016, arguing that it “broke the momentum” of Clinton’s campaign.

But, no bias.

After Clinesmith messaged another FBI employee that he was “just devastated” over Trump’s unexpected victory, he launched into a rant: “I just can’t imagine the systematic disassembly of the progress we made over the last 8 years. ACA is gone. Who knows if the rhetoric about deporting people, walls, and crap is true. I honestly feel like there is going to be a lot more gun issues, too, the crazies won finally. This is the tea party on steroids. And the GOP is going to be lost, they have to deal with an incumbent in 4 years. We have to fight this again. Also Pence is stupid.”

Oh, look… some more total absence of bias.

Redact Hillary’s birthday?!? Really?!? What is this, “I Love Lucy”? It’s October 26, 1947. Uh oh, did I reveal some classified information? Am I in really big trouble? Well, I guess that’s it for me and my freedom.

No kidding. Clinton was never even a subject. Clinton was never going to be in trouble

That’s because there was such a blatant absence of bias. Anywhere.

Page wrote to Strzok on February 25, 2016, “One more thing: she might be our next president. The last thing you need us going in there loaded for bear. You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more doj than fbi?”

So they supported a candidate they knew was vindictive and spiteful. So, did they ignore the rule of law and cover for her out of fear or out of love?

Comey then killed a chance to find out the truth about the Clinton emails.

So, to Comey, national security was less important than keeping the true culprits behind the DNC and Hillary hacking secret. Otherwise, it can’t be tied to Russia and Trump. But, no bias could be found. Anywhere.

Yeah, but, if Hillary IS guilty, why isn’t she in jail?

Like most everyone in the DC bubble, there was a presumption that Ms. Clinton would be elected. Those in the DC bubble (that had politically-appointed jobs) wanted to continue their current jobs because they had rents/mortgages, kids in school, etc…

The Trump victory was earth-shattering for them, as they had no plan for an alternate reality; the failure to call the election until the wee hours was an attempt to prevent an active riot from occurring in DC on election night.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Republicans clash in fiery hearing

Conservatives have suggested that the resolution is the last step before taking more drastic measures against Rosenstein, either holding him in contempt or even impeaching him.

I would suggest that they take a hike, preferably over the edge of a cliff. The DOJ has already turned 880,000 pages of documents over to these posturing nitwits, and has a full-time staff of 100 people trying to keep up with their ever-expanding demands for more, more, more.

And, by the way, both of the men they’re abusively interrogating today are republicans. They are their own damn appointees. Mueller himself is a republican, appointed to be Special Counsel by a republican, who was himself appointed by Donald effing Trump.

So WTF is their problem? Their problem is that Robert Mueller and the DOJ are doing precisely what they’re supposed to be doing. Republican interrogators just don’t like where that might be headed.

FOX News: Gowdy rips Rosenstein on Russia probe: ‘Finish it the hell up’

Please remind me, oh bearded one: How long did the Benghazi investigations you headed go on? (He may be going for the grayed Confederate General look. It is an improvement.)

At the hearing, Gowdy, R-S.C., spoke to frustration over the protracted Russia investigation that Rosenstein oversees, suggesting that despite a host of charges against Trump-tied figures, the investigation has not found evidence of presidential wrongdoing.

“We’ve seen the bias, we need to see the evidence,” Gowdy said. “If you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to the damn grand jury. If you have evidence that this president acted inappropriately, present it to the American people.”

“Whatever you got, finish it the hell up, because this country is being torn apart,” he said.

That isn’t the fault of the Department of Justice. Rosenstein’s response:

“The best thing we can do is finish it appropriately, and reach a conclusion,” Rosenstein assured, adding that nobody should “draw any conclusions” beyond the charges filed.

They’ll continue the investigation until the truth is known. It’s as simple as that.

FOX News abbreviated Rosenstein’s reply a bit. Here’s the entire response:

“I think the best thing we can do is finish it appropriately and reach a conclusion. I certainly agree with you, Sir: People should not jump to conclusions without seeing the evidence. I’ve been the victim of fake news attacks myself, so I’m sympathetic.”

And now, this morning, we’re back to this b.s. again:

Russia continues to say they had nothing to do with Meddling in our Election! Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t Shady James Comey and the now disgraced FBI agents take and closely examine it? Why isn’t Hillary/Russia being looked at? So many questions, so much corruption!

4:25 AM – 28 Jun 2018


And, by the way, both of the men they’re abusively interrogating today are republicans. They are their own damn appointees. Mueller himself is a republican, appointed to be Special Counsel by a republican, who was himself appointed by Donald effing Trump.

Hmm… with such trust in Republicans, one wonders why you are having such a hissy fit over Trump nominating another Supreme Court justice.

Rosenstein has YET to provide the documents requested. No one ever requested 880,000 documents; they requested SPECIFIC documents. The numbers are not what is important; it is the CONTENT. Rosenstein needs to realize he is not going to simply run out the clock, like Obama and Hillary did.

Please remind me, oh bearded one: How long did the Benghazi investigations you headed go on?

As I have pointed out before, the Benghazi investigation stretched on and on only because Obama and Hillary stonewalled and lied. Mueller has had 100% cooperation, cannot find any evidence of wrongdoing by Trump, has had the benefit of Obama’s illegal surveillance and spying, yet cannot seem to concede he was sent (and gladly pursued) a fool’s errand. The problem is, he is looking for a CRIME, not a culprit. He and the left have who they want to charge, they just can’t seem to find anything to charge him with. Putting Manafort in jail based on an indictment to try and detract attention from the exposure of the massive malfeasance within Obama’s DOJ and FBI is clear indication of how totally political this entire circus is.

Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t Shady James Comey and the now disgraced FBI agents take and closely examine it?

You should seriously be trying to figure out the answer to that rather pointed and revealing question. The left keeps accusing Trump while burying evidence of what happened.

Odd the left is pretending to carry out an “investigation” to find “facts” while suppressing the facts. Third world theater.

@Deplorable Me, #8:

Rosenstein has YET to provide the documents requested. No one ever requested 880,000 documents; they requested SPECIFIC documents.

Really? Which ones are those, specifically? The ones containing the verified photographs of a unicorn?

As I have pointed out before, the Benghazi investigation stretched on and on only because Obama and Hillary stonewalled and lied.

That must be it. How else can we account for two years and seven million taxpayer dollars spent without discovering the unicorn picture?

But we must put this into its proper perspective. Republicans spent around 100 million taxpayer dollars total on public investigation of the Clintons, and all we got for it was Monica’s blue dress.

Odd the left is pretending to carry out an “investigation” to find “facts” while suppressing the facts. Third world theater.

You seem to keep forgetting that these investigations are being conducted by republican appointees. It is not being conducted by the left.

@Greg: The ones about the FISA requests and the spies planted within the Trump campaign, for starters. Rosenstein may be trying to shield the FBI from further embarrassment caused by its abuse by the Obama regime, but he is inflicting irreparable damage to their trustworthiness and honor. If there is nothing to hide, don’t hide anything.

Can Congress access evidence uncovered by the special counsel?

First, under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), Justice Department attorneys have a strict legal obligation to protect the confidentiality of matters occurring before the grand jury. Second, the attorneys have a broader duty to protect the integrity of ongoing investigations and to prevent congressional pressures from influencing the course of an investigation. Department participation in publicity about facts under investigation could also jeopardize any indictments that may be filed, possibly leading to dismissal.

Giving congressional republicans what they demand would run contrary to standards the DOJ is charged with upholding. So, basically, they can buzz off. They know this perfectly well, which probably explains today’s televised hissy fits.


I see nothing suggesting that, unless you want to count the increasingly angry and twitchy behavior of House republicans who seem increasingly desperate for the DOJ to wind things down. They don’t seem like people who think have nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile, Trump’s back to echoing Russian claims that there was election meddling, despite the fact that own entire intelligence community begs to differ, and has a summit with Vlad coming up in Finland next month.

Special counsel eyeing Russians granted unusual access to Trump inauguration parties

@Greg: Eyeing? How slow is this Mueller guy ? This is big breaking news or a hook to keep you tagging along? If they drop it in October no one will listen it will be taken as political BS.

Can Congress access evidence uncovered by the special counsel?

@Greg: No one was asking for “access” to all the nothing Mueller has; they were saying to GET IT OVER WITH. It is an embarrassing, third world, banana republic attempt to depose a sitting President and it should be ended, so either you have some evidence that justifies sustaining it or indicting someone with something to do with a campaign in this decade or you don’t and it needs to have its plug pulled.


Well, THAT would be no surprise because that was the whole point of the “investigation” all along. The goal was to have this continue right up until the midterm elections and try and hurt Republican chances. In case you haven’t noticed, the theatrical quality of the “investigation”, the grandstanding over big bags of nothing and the leaks has been turning voters toward Trump. There could be a surprise for some, but it might not be what you are dreaming about.

Meanwhile, Trump’s back to echoing Russian claims that there was election meddling,

Your propaganda should should have included the entire remark. The POINT was that the left is saying the Russians did it, the Russians are saying they didn’t and the email server the DNC had could have PROVED the point, but the Democrats didn’t want facts to come out. So, what’s up with THAT?

You can bet Trump won’t be whispering in Putin’s ear that he can be more “flexible” not.

Special counsel eyeing Russians granted unusual access to Trump inauguration parties

Is he going to indict the parties, to much fanfare and headlines? It is significant that he or no one else eyed Hillary’s support for the uranium sale right after Bill got a $500,000 payday from Russians. Oh, I forgot: this is totally aimed at Trump and Republicans. REAL crimes are not important.