The Week in Radical Leftism, 6/15/2018

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Welcome back everyone! As always, Lefty lunacy never takes a vacation:

6/9 – Denver Church’s Sign Causes Controversy: ‘Jesus Would’ve Baked That Cake’

A very well thought-out counter argument via The Chicks on the Right



6/9 – Church Sued for Resisting LGBT Agenda

Stories like this don’t get a lot of press these days, but it’s important to remember that The Gaystapo are not slowing down their efforts to promote anti-Christian bigotry

6/9 – Ethics, in journalism? Don’t make me laugh!

Apparently ‘rarely’ means a three-year relationship, and ‘paying sources’ means, well, you know. And if Miss Watkins truly did disclose her relationship to the editors of the Times, then there is only one possible conclusion: the editors knew what was happening, and approved.

6/10 – Why Democrats Hear a Secret Racist Dog Whistle and Republicans Don’t

If you don’t follow Dilbert creator Scott Adams I highly recommend. This piece does a great job of addressing all of the various charges of racism, but stops short of the simplest explanation for why the Radical Left uses the word “racist” like a comma. Basically, when confronted with facts that they’re intellectually incapable of understanding or emotionally unwilling to accept, it’s easier to lash out at the bearer of bad news than to question one’s religious beliefs

6/11 – Bill Maher: I’m Hoping for a Recession Because That’s ‘One Way You Get Rid of Trump’

This week’s reminder that Democrats are horrible people who hate America

6/12 – Juanita Broaddrick’s Book about Alleged Clinton Rape Disappears from Amazon


6/13 – Oh really: Wonkblog claims minimum wage workers can’t afford a 2-bedroom apartment anywhere

Immediately dispelled by that racist, misogynistic, xenophobic phenomena known as “facts and reality”

6/13 – McDonald’s To Begin Equipping Stores with Self-Ordering Kiosks, 1000 Per Quarter, Until All Human Order-Takers Are Replaced by 2020


6/14 – The 5 Weirdest Things About Being a Conservative Who Doesn’t Love Trump

I agreed with four of them, but #2 did not surprise me in the least. Or to write it like a Buzzfeed contributor, “Reason #2 WILL SHOCK you!”


It would be nice if the media took the of year anniversary of the shooting to discuss the end results of the hateful rhetoric of The radical Left

No ICYMI with any new posts this week, as the one I wanted to post would have gone up on Thursday and it seemed pointless to put up a new post with all of the traffic from the IG report. You’ll be seeing my take on the new Han Solo movie and the death of Star Wars in the next day or two.

In the meantime, with the start of The World Cup I thought I’d share two links from the archives related to soccer. First, Why Soccer Will Never Be Truly Popular in the United States (Spoiler: It’s because we’re awesome – ‘Muraca baby!), and the other is An Easy Way to Secure Equal Pay for the US Womens’ Soccer Team.

Have a great weekend and Happy Fathers’ Day to all of the dads out there!

Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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6/9 – Church Sued for Resisting LGBT Agenda

Stories like this don’t get a lot of press these days, but it’s important to remember that The Gaystapo are not slowing down their efforts to promote anti-Christian bigotry

It might come down to who is willing to sink more money into this fight.
It is a frivolous lawsuit.
But, that aside, expensive.
Now, who folds 1st?
George Soros, or the Catholic Church?
Both are moneybags.

This song goes out to Justin Backstabber Turdeau (spelling mine)

Bill Maher is just another reason to boycott HBO and all of Robert DeNiro’s putrid movies these liberal show biz idiots cant seem to keep their big mouths shut for one minute without saying real’y stupid things about Trump

6/9 – Denver Church’s Sign Causes Controversy: ‘Jesus Would’ve Baked That Cake’

Jesus wouldn’t have shouted “F**K Trump or suggested assassinating him, though. Are the left going to be followers of Jesus or not?


Seems many athletes and sports promoters have forgotten why people watch sports.

6/9 – Church Sued for Resisting LGBT Agenda

“As a result, militants bullied Ambridge, driving off business with a media jihad. Ambridge responded by siding with its tormentors in an apparent attempt to deflect the hornet swarm of imperious perverts at the Holy Rosary Church.” There’s a reason why liberals always side with those who attack Christians; Christians don’t threaten or commit violence. This makes as much sense as liberals blaming Trump for THEM being divisive, because they wouldn’t BE divisive if Trump weren’t around.

6/9 – Ethics, in journalism? Don’t make me laugh!

There is a journalistic ethic today; this article describes it pretty thoroughly.

6/10 – Why Democrats Hear a Secret Racist Dog Whistle and Republicans Don’t

Since becoming a “Dilbert” fan, I’ve noticed that frequently a cartoon would be published that exactly described a current situation at work. That same uncanny capability is present in this blog, for on Facebook was an meme comparing Trump to Hitler and having Trump saying, in quotations, “Undocumented immigrants are not people; they’re animals.”, an obvious misquotation of his reference to MS-13 remark. Of course, many I am giving Adams too much credit for, at any given time, liberals are lying about a Trump statement to fill in a blank on one of their many false and misleading mischaracterizations of his character.

6/11 – Bill Maher: I’m Hoping for a Recession Because That’s ‘One Way You Get Rid of Trump’

Hmm… the last recession that Obama extended for 8 years is partly what brought Trump about.

6/12 – Juanita Broaddrick’s Book about Alleged Clinton Rape Disappears from Amazon

Because Clinton is one of them “good” rapists. It wasn’t rape; it was “assault with a friendly weapon”.

6/13 – Oh really: Wonkblog claims minimum wage workers can’t afford a 2-bedroom apartment anywhere

Oh, yeah? Well, they can’t afford than and an iPhone 10 and a convertible! Why did they ruin such a good social justice lie? Sad.

6/13 – McDonald’s To Begin Equipping Stores with Self-Ordering Kiosks, 1000 Per Quarter, Until All Human Order-Takers Are Replaced by 2020

Yet another in a long line of liberal successes.

6/14 – The 5 Weirdest Things About Being a Conservative Who Doesn’t Love Trump

I didn’t support Trump in the primaries, but I enthusiastically voted for him over Hillary. I have been pleasantly surprised by his performance.


It would be nice if the media took the of year anniversary of the shooting to discuss the end results of the hateful rhetoric of The radical Left

Well, they aren’t yet ready to admit they support violence against political opponents, so it’s best for them the subject doesn’t come up.

@Nanny G:

Now, who folds 1st?
George Soros, or the Catholic Church?
Both are moneybags.

And how dedicated is the Catholic church to defending their right to decide what they tacitly support?

@Brother Bob: Same skinny arms, just that poor thing trying desperately to crawl off his face.

This week found lefties united in calling Trump a monster who puts children in “concentration camps,” while their parents await their deportation hearings.
Turned out the horrid photos of children were all taken during Obama’s tenure.
Under Trump illegals’ children are housed in very nice places and fed very well, too.
A child is not a Visa
And a child is also not a “get out of jail free,” card.
American citizens who break laws & get sentenced to prison also get separated from their children.

Kinda had to tap the bottom of the screech can Twitter list didn’t ya? Kirk? Sowell? Unknowns?

I can’t help but wonder is Saddam was still alive and indulging in his mass murdering and rape rooms and he and Trump was French kissing and Trump was saluting him, would the FA crowd still be snorting Trump butt. The answer of course would be a resounding hell yes!

And you frauds well know it.

Anyone remember that time AJ made one iota of sense? Yeah… me neither. Just a little Hillary dingle-berry.

@Ajay42302: Go shopping today. Buy a clue.