Libya…Before and After Obama’s War

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Thanks to Obama and Hillary this kind of “remodeling” has happened to Libya:



The war that Obama and Hillary created has turned a once economically independent population into a failed state that now is entirely dependent on foreign aid and relief.

Way to go libs!

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I guess Hillary’s hopes of exploiting business opportunities there did not pan out.

This wasnt just Barry and Cankles, this was NWO Libya rejecting the world banking system, and wanting to begin a gold backed currency. Gold that vanished along with his personal wealth. The 1.8 billion Clinton cash deposited in a Rothschild bank Oct of 2016 in Qtar that they will not confirm, oh shock. Barry was living large supposedly as a non paying guest at the most exclusive private resort on the planet. 143 tons of gold poof.

A Nobel Peace Prize for Trump the Dove feels safer with a Eagle then with a Vulture

@Spurwing Plover: I guess that’s how Obama justified his Nobel.

The muslim traitor and the hildebeast wanted to turn it over to valerie jarretts muslim brotherhood friends and relatives. They tried it in Egypt but didn’t murder the President so Egypt overthrew the mb. Of course, obozo tried to punish them for their stubbornness.

And here I thought rightards claimed Obama ‘led from behind?’ Make up your minds. Wait, never mind…

@this one: He “led poorly”. Are you denying Obama and Hillary had a part in the collapse of Libya?