Hilarious meltdown on Twitter as liberals shoot themselves in the foot

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If you had any doubt Trump Derangement Syndrome existed, wonder no more. Today a theme was posted on Twitter and liberals made it go viral, banging on Trump for these terrible images.






There’s just one little problem. The story is from 2014. You know, when obama was President.  The hatred and the lingering pain of the 2016 election not close to being healed has so infected the brains of liberals and adversely affected their logic centers that they are apparently beyond hope of recovery.

TDS. It’s real.

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Cognitive dissonance. Scott Adams spoke about this on Twitter / Periscope today. Very enlightening lesson from Scott. When you can’t accept that your tightly-held view of the world doesn’t match reality, insanity erupts. The left is thrashing in a self-induced madness, and we are witnessing the death of a flawed political philosophy, i.e., socialism. It is long, painful and messy, albeit necessary

Seems April Ryan got caught up in this, too.
Calling Pres Trump a child trafficker, as if that’s not exactly what Obama was doing when he dog whistled all those “unaccompanied minors” into the USA across an international border just to do God-knows-what to them.

CNN the Fake News Network Faking the News Squawk Squawk Skreet,Skree,krraaawwww

IF facts were significant to progressives they would not hate America. the fact that America is the most free and wealthy country in the history of the world is insignificant; hate America. That President Smidgen was responsible for this is insignificant; hate Americans!

@Nanny G:Remember, one way you can tell what liberals are involved in is to see what they are accusing others of.

This story is just as substantive as Trump’s Russian collusion, his racism, his misogyny or his incompetence. The left merely imagines something they would not like if a Republican did it, then begins believing Trump did it. And where do they get their ideas for their imaginative accusations? It’s what liberals have been doing, which has not raised an eyebrow.

Not only do we never want any of these people leading anything in our government, we don’t want anyone the WANT leading anything in our government, and until this malignancy is eliminated from the halls of government, our liberties and privileges won’t be safe.

@Nanny G:

agree, april ryan is one of the dumber rocks in the box.