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A Simple Piece of Common Sense Gun Legislation the Will Actually End Mass Shootings

OK, I know what you’re thinking – you’re obviously skeptical of a proposal like this coming from a Conservative who claims to respect the 2nd Amendment. Bear with me, though.

I could throw out stats like actual numbers trying to tie gun ownership to violent crime. I could trot out the CDC’s own study regarding the use of guns for crime versus self defense. How about the lies that the gun grabbers like to use? Or maybe the many areas where the government broke down prior to and during the Parkland shooting? Even the Santa Fe shooter, while not obvious at first, hit a few checkboxes.

We could look i another direction, such as a year in violence against Conservatives.  How about a hate map showing these crimes? You know, like what the SPLC uses, only this one is real! Or maybe Salon calling on a hunt for Christians?

No, I want to keep this as simple as possible. We want to stop mass shootings, so let’s keep the scope of my proposal narrow. Let’s start by looking at not what instrument is used, but who is initiating the violence? First, we know that members of a particular religion have a tendency toward violence. In fact, we can further not that this particular religion is responsible for the vast majority of domestic terror. Next, we can look at a commonality among mass shooters. Read the last three links before you go any further. Do you see something that these groups have in common? Most of these people come from a particular religion and tend to vote for a particular party. So if we want to end mass shootings, the solution is simple:

All Democrats shall be forbidden from owning firearms of any kind.

Sure, this is going to sound like a bad idea, and I’ll acknowledge that it has many flaws. For example, what about the many Democrats who serve honorably in our armed forces and in law enforcement? Of course they would be allowed to carry weaponry while on duty, but only if supervised by a ranking Conservative. And said arms would have to be turned in at the end of any shift. Remember, this is for the children.

What about existing gun owners? “Try to take ’em from me!” is a popular Conservative refrain. Since we know that Leftists love to lead by example to avoid charges of hypocrisy, I expect 100% compliance. And if we don’t want to try forcibly taking guns from noncompliants, we could simply take away their right to vote until they do. Sure this is tough, but what about the kids?

And then there are the cases where kids take their parents’ guns to commit crimes. This is another tough one – Perhaps we could mandate that any gun owners whose kids are in public schools would be required to take extra measures to secure their weapons. If anyone wants an exemption their kids could take a test to ensure that they haven’t been indoctrinated by their teachers. Nothing too tricky, just simple common sense questions such as “How many genders are there?” or “Che Guevara – Hero or racist, anti-gay murderous thug?” You get the idea.

Of corse, there’s the simple counter argument “What about Conservatives? Do they not commit crimes too?” Of course Conservatives do! But where you don’t see our side is in the mass murder category. Remember, we’re not pretending that we can eliminate crime altogether here, just mass shootings!

Sure there are other issues this post doesn’t address, such as those pesky things like due process and the 2nd Amendment, but given how much disdain The Radical Left has for those why would they object?

Let me know what you think in the comments!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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