Robert Mueller is not a nice man. He is not a good man. He is a pr*ck

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It’s hard to figure how many times I have heard people say what a great guy Robert Mueller is.  The BBC calls him “incorruptible.” Lindsay Graham thinks he’s the perfect guy for the job. He may be a good prosecutor, but the fact is he is a miserable pr*ck.

Mueller has populated his team almost uniformly with democrats:

  • None of the 16 lawyers known to work for special counsel Robert Mueller are registered Republicans
  • There are 13 registered Democrats on the investigation and three lawyers with no party affiliation
  • Campaign finance records reveal that 11 lawyers are Democratic donors

Mueller’s key team member has a dubious past:

Yet Mueller tapped a different sort of prosecutor to lead his investigation — his long-time friend and former counsel, Andrew Weissmann. He is not just a “tough” prosecutor. Time after time, courts have reversed Weissmann’s most touted “victories” for his tactics. This is hardly the stuff of a hero in the law.

Weissmann, as deputy and later director of the Enron Task Force, destroyed the venerable accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP and its 85,000 jobs worldwide — only to be reversed several years later by a unanimous Supreme Court.

Next, Weissmann creatively criminalized a business transaction between Merrill Lynch and Enron. Four Merrill executives went to prison for as long as a year. Weissmann’s team made sure they did not even get bail pending their appeals, even though the charges Weissmann concocted, like those against Andersen, were literally unprecedented.

Weissmann’s prosecution devastated the lives and families of the Merrill executives, causing enormous defense costs, unimaginable stress and torturous prison time. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the mass of the case.

Weissmann quietly resigned from the Enron Task Force just as the judge in the Enron Broadband prosecution began excoriating Weissmann’s team and the press began catching on to Weissmann’s modus operandi.

Mueller knows this history. Is this why he tapped Weissmann to target Paul Manafort?

Weissman wrongly destroyed a company. Oops! 85,000 jobs. Sorry! More on Weissman here.

Newsweek says Mueller is a “hothead” who can’t own up to his mistakes.

Mueller was also criticized for his time as head of the FBI. He led the investigation into the deadly anthrax attacks in the years after 9/11 for nearly seven years, ultimately leading in the prosecution of the wrong suspect, who later successfully sued the government for $5.8 million.

After agents successfully traced back the anthrax to an Army microbiologist who committed suicide once he was informed of the impending charges, Mueller “was reluctant to publicly address the missteps” in the case.

Comey and Mueller worked together to botch that case.

Comey and Mueller are best friends, which should have disqualified Mueller from the get go. Mueller almost certainly took the assignment in part to seek vindication for his pal and Rosenstein knows it. The population of Mueller’s team betrays his bias.

But worst of all, Mueller has no problem destroying innocent people in his Sherman’s March to the sea.

“God damn you to hell”

Michael Caputo was a Trump campaign aide. He was facing financial ruin for nothing:

Following the Senate meeting, Caputo passionately criticized the panel, charging that the probe has cost him $125,000 and is forcing him to move from the Buffalo area in order to pay off legal bills.
“Your investigation and others into the allegations of Trump campaign collusion with Russia are costing my family a great deal of money — more than $125,000 — and making a visceral impact on my children,” Caputo said in a prepared statement that he delivered at the end of the Senate interview, which was provided to CNN.
“Forget about all the death threats against my family. I want to know who cost us so much money, who crushed our kids, who forced us out of our home, all because you lost an election,” he added, concluding with, “I want to know because God Damn you to Hell.”
Caputo and other Trump associates have hired attorneys to deal with the various Russia investigations in Congress and by special counsel Mueller, often at a high price tag.

Caputo had the same answer for all the questions:

Caputo, who worked for the Trump campaign in late 2015 and early 2016, said the staffers questioned him about 20 or so people associated with the campaign. He said the investigators asked him if he aware if any of those people had any contacts with Russia during the campaign.

“My answer for each of them was the same,” Caputo said. “There was none.”

Then we have Michael Flynn. Flynn was interviewed in January 2017 by FBI agents who did not think he was lying.  The interview triggered by Sally Yates, using the Logan Act as the ruse to snare Flynn. Flynn was reportedly exonerated of any wrongdoing in an article from January 23, 2017:

An FBI review of communications between Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. and President Trump’s national security adviser did not produce any incriminating evidence, The Washington Post reported Monday night.

The revelation comes one day after the The Wall Street Journal reported that Michael Flynn’s communications with Russian officials had been investigated by U.S. counterintelligence agents. The FBI review focused on calls Flynn made to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on Dec. 29, the same day the Obama administration imposed fresh sanctions on Russia over what U.S. intelligence says was its hacking of Democratic organizations and individuals with the intention of helping Donald Trump win the presidential election.

The very next day Yates sicced the FBI on Flynn to entrap him and he would fall prey to Mueller, who would go on to do his best to bankrupt Flynn, who was forced to sell his house to meet lofty legal bills. Flynn is also said to have pleaded guilty to protect his son, whom Mueller threatened to indict.

A good man does not financially ruin innocent people. A good man does not team up with a lawyer who is the destroyer of innocent companies. A good man does not threaten to destroy families. A good man does not go back decades to dig up “crimes” that have absolutely nothing with the allegations at hand and use them to try to get witnesses to say what he wants.

Caputo said that Mueller has answers to all the questions he asking witnesses. That means Mueller is simply trying to lure more people into perjury traps, as he did Flynn and Papdopoulos. It means that his desired interview with Trump is also a perjury trap. It also suggests Mueller has squat vis-a-vis collusion. Remember- Mueller wasn’t appointed because of evidence of any crime. He was appointed to go out and find a crime.

It’s gotten so bad that now two judges are putting the brakes on Mueller’s steamroller.

Robert Mueller is not a good man. He is a damned pr*ck.





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Michael Caputo was a Trump campaign aide. He was facing financial ruin for nothing:

Perhaps this is plan B. If Trump can’t be impeached then the message can be sent that, as long as the liberal deep state is in place, anyone that assists in a Republican campaign runs the threat of persecution from the quasi-legal system controlled by liberals. Much the same as the left intimidating businesses into bowing to the far left agenda, people are threatened with ruin.

The interview triggered by Sally Yates, using the Logan Act as the ruse to snare Flynn.

Are they now hot on Kerry’s trail for trying to undermine Trump’s foreign policy? Uh…. no. Laws only apply to Republicans, even if no crime has been committed.

We have people who post here who pretend to support the military yet they are in the stands cheerleading Mueller to ruin people like General Flynn just to see him persecute Trump.

These people and those who approve their tactics are scum.

Agreed Mueller is a prick! But the real problem is the far left President who elevated Bob to FBI chief 9/01!
It was the same progressive President who elevated James Clapper to head NGA also 9/01. The liberal President responsible for Comey being Dept. A.G. , again 9/01.

If Americans really want decent, honest, competent men heading agencies that we have been told are there to protect us ( But these lefties were put in high position to protect the “one World Order” folk – NOT Americans!) we must stop electing left wingers! Which is what we did in ’00 and again in ’04!

Mueller to put out the impression he was really searching for Russian influence decides to charge Russian companies of forming a bunch of internet trolls to put out nasty memes of Hillary and thereby she lost the election. He believes the Russians will snort and ignore him…not so much fork over the evidence Prick they are ready for court. Mueller not so much so. A ruse that is failing. Going after Manafort but not the Podestas both involved with the Ukraine but only 1 candidate had big big bucks shoveled at her.
Friggin Rotton Rosenstein advised Trump to fire Comey then grabs Comeys best bud as a special prosecutor, didn’t he sign off on a FISA warrant, is he as deep into poo as the rest of the coup team?
Its enjoyment to see the coup crumble.

Perhaps the best leader of the FBI would be someone that dresses in women’s clothes and keeps dossiers on all the governmental leadership.

@Deplorable Me: Wishing Hoover back?

@kitt: At least he didn’t put any political affiliation above his love for the FBI and keeping it on its duty.

@Deplorable Me: Who was in charge of the Kennedy assassination investigation?

Trump can’t touch him. The converse is not true.
One has something to hide. The other does not.
This is the reason for the frantic defamation campaign.
It’s not going to work.

Giuliani Says Trump Would Not Have to Comply With Mueller Subpoena

Shall we test that theory?

He’ll take the Fifth. Like a mob boss. That would be his own characterization. They’ll pin it to his political lapel.

Or he’ll testify, and his own lies will bring him down.

It’s a dilemma of his own making.

@Greg: Are you so sure Mueller has nothing to hide ? When this dust settles and it will, Judicial Watch may want a few more of the Pricks records, get all up in his business. He best be keeping real good records of this fiasco financially. 😉


Nunes, in spat with Justice Department, threatens Sessions with contempt over Russia materials

Nunes has not described precisely what information he’s seeking, but he said Sunday on “Fox and Friends” that it’s “very important.”

“We’re just not going to take this nonsense of every time we peel something back, every time we need information, we get ignored, we get stalled or stonewalled,” Nunes said.

Nunes would cheerfully “peel something back” to serve the ends of his master in the White House, regardless of any collateral damage. His motives are as clear as his priorities are screwed up. He’s holding his own responsibilities to the nation as a Congressional Representative in contempt.

@Greg: These institutions are not without accountability, if congress requests information they should be compelled to provide it to those that actually represent the citizens. I think it is good they be reminded that they can be impeached from a cushy government appointment.
Would you have the unelected run amok? Would you want them to operate with no constraints? Congress actually has the power to hold them all in contempt and have them arrested by federal Marshalls. He has told them what he wants. They are ignoring or slow walking the committee.
Trump is their boss never forget that the intelligence community is under the executive branch.


@Deplorable Me: Who was in charge of the Kennedy assassination investigation?

Point being?


One has something to hide. The other does not.

Indeed. Why can’t Mueller admit he has not found and cannot find ANYTHING related any wrongdoing of Trump regarding the election… what he is SUPPOSED to be pursuing.

He’ll take the Fifth. Like a mob boss.

Well, he won’t destroy evidence, perjure himself before Congress and say “I don’t remember” 39 times, like a criminal former Secretary of State. It wouldn’t matter what he does or says; Manafort and Cohen have cooperated fully and completely and look how they were treated. No, Trump should NOT testify before Mueller’s witch hunt. It is illegitimate, biased and ideologically driven.

It’s a dilemma of his own making.

Yes, he had the unmitigated nerve to deny liberals their promised liberal utopia by legally and Constitutionally defeating the worst, most hypocritical and criminal candidate ever to run for the Presidency. Beyond that, investigations, leaks from Mueller’s team and ALL the evidence shows Trump has done NOTHING to deserve this persecution. It is all driven by liberal hatred of the Constitution.

Nunes would cheerfully “peel something back” to serve the ends of his master in the White House, regardless of any collateral damage.

Oh? Why is everyone but the deep state expected to be fully compliant? What is the DOJ hiding?


@Greg: These institutions are not without accountability,

Greg and other liberals believe that, as long as they are pursuing the socialist end, they should not be accountable. In their minds, the job of the federal government is to attack opponents of socialism and destroy them. This is why he and the others are cheering Mueller on so fervently.

@Mully: Those deals are not intended for Republicans. They are only for criminals. That’s why Hillary and her staff got it.

@Deplorable Me: #12 I think Hoover knew and to keep the warmongering dogs happy helped to bury it, seal it all away. I dont think we would have ever had a Bush dynasty had he blown the lid off it, but he had a “closet” full of things to hide too.

its called executive privilege. the President does not have to talk to this idiot

@Deplorable Me, #13:

Indeed. Why can’t Mueller admit he has not found and cannot find ANYTHING related any wrongdoing of Trump regarding the election… what he is SUPPOSED to be pursuing.

If Mueller has nothing, Trump’s legal team wouldn’t be so worried about the likelihood of perjury under oath. Trump could simply answer pertinent questions honestly. But that is not the situation.

Mueller knows something. Trump’s legal team realizes that, but doesn’t know what it is. There’s a laundry list of dangerous possibilities. They’ll do everything in their power to avoid sworn testimony for as long as possible, while a negative PR campaign goes on to discredit Mueller and derail the investigation. That’s what we’re presently seeing.


If Mueller has nothing, Trump’s legal team wouldn’t be so worried about the likelihood of perjury under oath.

Perjury for what? Questions about Russian collusion? Or questions about something he said or did 15 years ago, totally unrelated to Russia, collusion or the campaign? Mueller is out of control trying to find something… ANYTHING that will restore the left’s faith in him.

As it turns out, he had nothing on General Flynn, yet he persecuted him into bankruptcy and threatened to do the same to his son unless he confessed to SOMETHING. Mueller is slime. Gen. Flynn should get to sue Mueller for every nickel he has spent on his defense.

You and the rest of the bloodthirsty left don’t realize (or care) how your crybaby, butt-hurt, sore loser, groundless “investigation” is harming the nation. This is why you leftists should never be allowed to have power again. You (the left) don’t care about what hurts the country, what hurts the people, what hurts world peace; you just want POWER to transform the United States from what has made her great, powerful, brave, generous and sacrificial into the USSR/Communist China/Cuba/Venezuela/Nazi Germany.

@Deplorable Me, #19:

Michael Flynn knowingly made several false statements to the FBI regarding contacts with the Russians during the course of the investigation. He subsequently acknowledged that he had done so.

That would most definitely be something, not nothing—and it’s a small part of a larger picture.

@Greg: More moving pieces to this. The story has moved forward.

Outrageous Redactions to the Russia Report

@Greg: So, you are saying that the FBI agents that interviewed Flynn are liars. Nice.

Until Mueller came along, no one thought Gen. Flynn lied to the FBI. Mueller, needing scalps, attacks and persecutes a decorated war veteran. Pretty sick, scummy and weasel-like. But, those in the service of liberals are like that.


Though not mentioned in the unredacted passage, it has been reported that Flynn was paid more than $45,000 by Russia’s state-owned propaganda network, RT, for a speech he gave while in Moscow — an event at which he sat next to President Vladimir Putin.

Just think; if Gen. Flynn had access to US uranium, he could have gotten more than 10 times that amount!

It’s clear now that Obama initiated an illegal investigation of Gen. Flynn due to him being part of Trump’s team. Even though they found nothing, Mueller persecuted, intimidated and threatened him to confess to lying. This doesn’t sound like the actions of someone with solid evidence on his target.

@Deplorable Me, #22:

So, you are saying that the FBI agents that interviewed Flynn are liars.

No. They accurately stated what their impressions were at the time of the interview, which is what Comey reported.

According to two sources familiar with the meetings, Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional.

FBI agents who interviewed Flynn thought at the time that he was telling the truth. They thought he was not being intentionally inaccurate about anything. Which later turned out not to have been the case. Hence, his acknowledgement that he had not been telling the truth—formalized in a signed guilty plea to a charge that he had given false testimony.

This wouldn’t be at all difficult to understand, had the Washington Examiner, Congressional toady Devin Nunes, and FOX News not “clarified” the meaning.

House Intel report: Comey testified FBI agents saw no ‘physical indications of deception’ by Flynn

Intel committee chairman blasts ‘sloppy redactions’ in Russia report, amid Flynn mystery


No. They accurately stated what their impressions were at the time of the interview, which is what Comey reported.

Their impressions… based on the words spoken by Gen. Flynn that they heard. Or, to put it another way, it depends on what the definition of “is” is.

Hence, his acknowledgement that he had not been telling the truth—formalized in a signed guilty plea to a charge that he had given false testimony.

This was due to him going broke defending himself against the full weight of the DOJ and Mueller threatening his son with similar treatment. It is no indication of actual guilt whatsoever; it is an indication of a loyal American citizen who served faithfully in the military being persecuted for the purpose of unseating a duly elected President.

Their impressions…

Right. An FBI interviewer records not only what a witness says, but their observations about how it’s presented. Their impressions aren’t evidence allowable in a courtroom. Such notes are intended as aids to help guide any further investigation. That’s most likely why they were redacted. Nunes should know this. He’s exploiting the fact that much of his audience doesn’t.

Ask any criminal lawyer if “He looked to me like he was lying” would get past a judge in a courtroom. It would be objected to and properly stricken from the record.

@Greg: They interviewed Gen. Flynn with specific questions, to which they already knew the answers; after all, they had been illegally surveilling him. Their “impression”, based on the questions they asked and his answers, was that he didn’t lie. Mueller felt, however, that he could make no headlines with that and could not try and force people to lie for him in order to incriminate Trump, so he persecuted him.

General Flynn didn’t lie, but he was broke and didn’t want his son to suffer the same persecution he did, so he confessed. Note, however, how he hasn’t been prosecuted. Weird, huh?

It’s “prick”, not “pr*ck”, you fu*cking pus*y.

AJ’s probably right. After all, he regards it as a delicacy.